Hunger Strike at Merck headquarters

Thanks for repeating my description Oscar. Anyway pics were sent to BP hopefully hell post them soon. Time to start calling Merck headquarters and tell them to recall propecias. Come on guys I need all the help possible here.

I got the pics. Someone else can pm me his number so I can send them to him and he can post them.

I said phone number for a reason. If you’re uncomfortable giving out your number isn’t really a concern of mine right now. I’m in the belly of the beast trying to fight this monster no one seems interested in helping. Anyone call yet saying you support the protester? No word yet from BP hopefully he’s sleeping and will be up shortly.

Come on guys where r u? I fulfilled my end of the bargain by proving I m right here at Merck and i still get ignored? Once you see the pics you have to call Merck and the FDA and tell them to recall propecias. Deal.

Some of us don’t have mobile phone numbers. You can just as easily send it to an email address via mms.

I found a good spot to hold a public protest. It’s time to announce we re here and we demand propecia be taken off the market. I sent pics to two different people now. So far no response. No one confirming they ve called Merck, the FDA, of any news outlet. T

Second Amendment sent this picture along with another I’m not posting due to taste. Apparently he misunderstood Mew’s request for a thumb down with a finger up. :open_mouth: He is there.

“due to taste” wow. Anyway the balls in your court guys. This is going to take a collective effort. Time to start making those phone calls. Starting now.

These next pics I got are great. I sent them to BP he should post them shortly. Whatever happens from here on out this trip was worth it. I should be a fucking photographer.

I will post them all, in a few mins.

Merck 1

And the new ones. Guys please call news outlets in the NY/NJ area and tell them about what SA is doing… if we could get some media coverage on this at all it would help, regardless of whether or not you agree with the tactics, attention will help us. Seriously, bloggers, freelance writers or journalists contact them all, Whitehouse is not at all far from NY, and NY is full to the brim with writers who I am sure, would love to take a hit at big pharma. If we could get some people out there to talk to SA, SA could refer them to this site and I (and hopefully others as well) would be willing to give interviews or speak with any writers or journalists about the issue and what it has done to my life and others.

The pics dont look like Merck’s HQ. The signs there (on bing, yahoo and all stock photos) look like this:,-74.763722&spn=0.002007,0.005284&hnear=Whitehouse+Station,+Readington,+Hunterdon,+New+Jersey,+United+States&gl=uk&t=h&z=18&layer=c&cbll=40.637515,-74.763773&panoid=TOtyr6R2AbBj-OWZi7l01w&cbp=12,120.75,0,6.15


Also, this could quite possibly be the single most pathetic protest in human history.

I support SA protest, and i think we all have to do what we consider can help to get media attention. And obviously ignore people whose desires of trolling only harm our demands (oscar’s not only attacking this protest but also awor’s study). If we don’t work as a group, we are not going to get anywhere.

Oscar has undermined pretty much everyones efforts to try to help all of us. Working together? I don’t think he understands that any work to help us is good work… maybe this protest SA is doing isnt the million man march, but its more than Oscar is doing to help us. Oscar comes here and argues with all of us and mocks our efforts, argues with the people trying to research our problems and belittles our members constantly. Why is he a member on this site if his only purpose appears to be to move people away from presuing a actual solution to our problem? What is your fucking goal Oscar? To make everyone feel like there is no hope or just to settle with this state we are in? Why would SA go through the trouble of setting up a fake protest and photo shopping images? That makes no sense, granted it would be easy to do, but it makes absolutely no sense.

Instead of supporting others in their genuine efforts to realistically gather help for us, you insult them and discredit their efforts. If you don’t agree with what SA is doing go post on another thread or better yet just leave the site.

SA’s pictures dont look like they come from Merck’s HQ. Which I have evidence of. If you dont care about that then dont worry. He could just be outside another Merck building - they own lots of large facilities.

Planting a tiny american flag and a tiny sign… it is pathetic. It looks like a comedy routine. Maybe if he hadnt made fun of my penis (twice, unprompted) I wouldnt care so much.

Broken_Pecker, Im only interested in the TRUTH. A lot of moronic people lie on this forum and I dont mind confronting them. Yes, Awor has lied too. You will not find a single example of me belittling someone, you wont find me arguing for any other reason than to uncover the TRUTH. (However even I cant be bothered to point out to people things like rubbing iodine into your testicles wont help…)

Truth is we dont know much. I agree with you 100% there is a ton of moronic stuff on here, you can see me calling out people for the same thing. All the guys who think starving yourself is going to fix them, people got mad when I said sustain alpha isnt going to cure them, bone soup, bee sting therapy, royal jelly its a joke. I didn’t even bother reading the iodine thread because I pretty much try to stay away from all those types of threads these days, usually those threads consist of one or two more senior members who find something in some obscure study and try it, maybe they feel it helps them slightly then they post about it and a few new people (who really are clueless about the whole thing considering it just happened to them) go to the thread and try supporting the idea. The end result is always the same. All these special diets even if they do help for a week or even a month are not solutions. This site is full of trash ideas from basically kids willing to believe any peusdo science treatments they come upon.

But real scientific work needs to be supported even if it doesn’t lead to a cure, I don’t think Awors work will for sure cure us as some do, but at the least it will reveal things about the condition that we may not currently know. And any form of protest or anything to garner media attention is needed, no matter how small or pathetic it may seem to you.

BP if you look closely at the first pic I sent you , the one at night; you’ll see it’s the exact same spot the four protesters are at in the second photo Oscar posted. I was thinking of protesting there but found a better location. It is at a different facility a few miles down the road bit chose it because it has better access to public property.

Anyway I m doing what I can to get our message heard. And to show the world that Merck did in fact lie to the FDA. So far I’ve had one employee of Merck thank me for the information.

Great job, SA. Gotta hand it to you. You’re there and doing something.

Can you penetrate the Merck hexagon?

one man protest get real attention only by fear implication, like wearing a fake bomb and menacing to blow up in front (better inside) the building

me for sure i don’t have the balls for doing this, and i think that have a penal implications, so it’s not advisable, but jes., it will catch media attention for sure.

the SA effort is good and well motivated, but maybe something more effective could be done, something more “theatral” for the media