Hunger Strike at Merck headquarters

I’m not as nearly as charismatic of articulate as I used to be but I got my point across. The guy seemed to understand where I was coming from when I said I was worried about the publics safety. I did my best to explain male hormones to him and I gave him a copy of propecias FDA hearing where Merck lied a million times . He said he’d give it to the right people. They know I m here. It’s time to make some noise. I’m gonna need everyone’s help.

You just strolled into Merck headquarters and handed papers you described as “Mercks lie” and he is going to forward them to the “proper hands”? I’m sorry, but this sounds a bit incredulous. Even if you handed something off to a guard or a secretary do you honestly think Merck is going have an epiphany and decide to come clean about everything they knew about Finasteride because you provided them with somethign they’ve known all along?

He could prove this with photographic evidence… take a photo in front of Merck HQ with you in it, giving a thumbs down… blur out your face if you wish. :wink:

No it wasn’t a guard or a secretary and that wasn’t the point. It was to announce to them who I m and why I’m here. That was just the beginning.

Boston r u saying u don’t believe I’m in whitehousestation nj? I came all this way so my fellow sufferers can doubt that I m here? Wow

I’ll support any type of protest against Merck. I’d like to see that photo too though. I’d be happy with just the thumbs down next to the Merck logo. Please and thank you.

Give me your number and I’ll text it to u. I m on my phone and don’t have a computer

Thats just a postal address. No buildings there Im afraid.

Are you actually doing the hunger strike though?

Hey, remember take some pictures anyway. You can always upload them later.

I hope to start tomorrow. Prolly gonna do it just thinking where. Believe me this is the worst place to do a public protest. It’s in some backwater town and they got the building fortified. You can’t even see the building from public spots.


I looked up their HQ along time ago. Its a large area surrounded by woods if google maps is right. So SA’s description is pretty spot on in that regard.


More updates SA! LOL.

fantastic, i hope in some news

ask for a pc and document ur strike on a blog with video pics ecc, it could be the best for the cause

Maybe a sign and picket the end of their road? Could contact local media and see if they’ll cover it? However I’m sure Merck pretty much dicates what comes out of that area far as local media. Maybe contact the guy from the Baltimore Examiner who was posting all the Fina stories? Would be great if something got picked up nationally.

Nonsense. I grew up in Whitehouse. Merck’s HQ is most certainly there (but yes, set back quite a ways from the road).

A video blog posted on youtube would be great.

No shit. Set back from the road? Its invisible from the public highway. In fact he would have to travel up a secluded private road off the freeway to even get close. And even before he could see the building he would have to get access past the guard house which blocks the entrance. I would think employees, delivery drivers or people with a scheduled meeting have only ever seen the building.

I cant wait to see what rubbish SA comes up with next!

Here are some pics in the meantime;

(p.s. mlb, carry on using the topical spiro maybe it will help)