Hunger Strike at Merck headquarters

Tim what is your point with all this? If Second wants to protest them in whatever way shape or form he wants then he can… I hope that it doesn’t come to him starving himself but at least he wants to do something to bring attention to our condition, which is better than what many people on here have done which is essentially nothing.

It’s sad that while some people like 2nd ammendment aport ideas to try to get media attention, and others try to focus on finding a cure or come here for help, there is still a person who only comes here to make jokes that aren’t even funny, with the only objective of harming others.

I hope Tim reconsiders the wisdom of those posts and asks an admin to delete them.

Boston’s correct Tim. Posting pictures of emaciated men on hunger strikes does not add to this thread in any beneficial way. If you are critical of SA’s approach please express it in a way that’s understandable and in good taste. Keep in mind that many have gone through periods of brain fog/adjustment/anger/awkwardness - including yourself.

Just because i dont post what i have done on the forum doesnt mean i am not doing anything.

Things i have done which i suggest everyone does even you boston332.

-Make a leaflet about finasteride and persistent side effects, photocopy it and drop it into clinics/surgeries in your city.
-Contact newspapers and television shows nation wide.
-Become known to the drug regulatory agency in your country, contact them atleast once a week. I have made them change the label once but i will not be happy until the drug is off the market.
-Have talked with my member to have it brought up with the minister of health, and hopefully it will get a mention in the parliament.
-Tell anyone that you have told your side effects about, for me its mother father, sisters to drop it into casual conversation with other people, “have you heard about this”. Hopefully this will snowball via word of mouth.

The sad thing here though is finasteride is not very popular in my country so it is hard to get people to listen and take action, but i still want it off the market.
I have also had set backs within my own city via earthquakes, it is hard to get people to focus on finasteride related problems when all attention goes towards this (lives, homes, business’es lost).

Hmm what will happen if a hunger strike happens at merck?

1 Do it on merck property, get taken away by security
2 Do it on public property, get taken away by police

Do you really think merck, a multi billion dollar, multi national organisation are going to let this happen.

I dont care if the jokes are funny or not, im not trying to be funny. Second ammendment posts harmful comments himself.

At the end of the day im doing my part, and i know there are other members who are also.
Just because we are not posting about every little knock back and ignorant response we get doesnt mean people are not doing anything.

Not everyone cares about getting praise and wants to be a moderater.

Not unless they can hit him with disorderly conduct somehow. In this country public protest is allowed.

Do it then. Its hot air until you do.

Tim, I didn’t say you’ve done nothing if you scroll back. You do tend to pick certain members out to troll from time to time, which isn’t helpful. Most people here know how active I’ve been in this community but thanks for your suggestions.

I think he is planning on it.

lol good one. Might take her for a walk, thanks for the suggestion friend.

I don’t think SA is intending to trespass on private property. Public protests (option 2) are still protected by the US Constitution. SA has already been advised to discuss this with his legal counsel before proceeding.

SA, is this still the plan from you? Haven’t heard anything about it in awhile.

Not too be morbid, but can you imagine if everyone who has or plans to commit suicide did it all at once on Merks property. The media attention…

/ ok i feel like a creep now

Anyways if u could get a few people to do a hunger strike i think its a good idea

Well I wasn’t implying that he do the strike until death but a solid 2-4 weeks might get us some attention. Even better if he had a tent setup right outside their gate on the sidewalk or something and stayed there 24/7.

BP, I hope to make it to Western New Jersey next week.

Moonman1, let’s put things into perspective here. With VIOXX, Merck killed more Americans than the Viet Cong did in the entire Vietnam war, and in less than half the time. Yet not even one person got jail time, and they paid out more than ten times less than what was projected. And the person who was in charge of handling the litigation became CEO of the company. In the U.S., judges are elected; they rely on donations to get them the position they want. All Merck has to do is donate to the right campaigns and they are virtually untouchable. Something stinks.

I plan to make it there next week or sometime in the upcoming months. I have their lies on record (see sig) and I hope to confront them with it.

Good luck my friend. If/when the media attention does come you should refer to this site, the study already conducted and the recent label changes and FDA review. If there is anything we can do to help you in anyway I think everyone here would be willing to do it.

Call Merck everyday and tell them to recall Propecia. Have friends and family to the same.


And the FDA


Starting today.

How many people has Vioxx killed confirmed?

Doesnt it make you want to puke that Merk has made millions and millions off this drug and is milking every last penny.

I’m at Merck headquarters

The guy I talked to was really nice . I showed him Mercks lie to the FDA. He said he would make sure it got into the proper hands. Plotting my next move.