Hunger Strike at Merck headquarters

don’t lose hope

is better that u make some form of protest.


recovery is possible, i’m myself slowly recovering in some way but takes time patience and optimism

I know how you feel… I’ve wondered many times why I bother with everything. But it’s still early days… There’s more hope than ever for a cure. What you’re planning on doing is admirable, and I would join you if I lived in the States, but I’d hope that it wouldn’t require you going all the way (ie death) to “cause ACTION”. And it probably wouldn’t, but I’m just looking out for you man.

Like I’ve said, I’m thinking beyond myself at this point. I’m already dead, I’m just a body occupying space. I’m willing to go on a hunger strike and die of starvation in front of Merck headquarters.

I’ll do it for keepup, who’s been suffering for almost a decade.

I’ll do it for the 35 year old virgin who’s been impotent since 15 because he took accutane (not a Merck product but a big pharma nonetheless)

I’ll do it for paximperia

I’ll do it for cantsleep (probably killed himself).

I’ll do it for depressedkid (impotent at 17 for 5 months, not heard from since)

Like I said, I’m really not interested in recovering anymore. I’m interested in changing paradigms, paradigms like if a clincal study is peer-reviewed, it must be accurate. You can trust the drug company’s data. If the symptom’s are not in the literature, it must be all in your head.

I totally agree dying in front of Merck’s headquarters wouldn’t cause them to do anything other than hiring a cleaning crew to dispose my dead body. But if I plan, communicate, and execute everything properly I’m sure something positive will come of it.

You should wear a cape and play this song on a ghetto blaster

This forum has enough dumb jokes, go away tim.

There’s already been an “Occupy Merck” protest:

The whole point of a hunger strike is that you are willing to die.

I agree with you second Amend but I think you don’t need to go that extreme yet. Even don’t start a hunger strike yet. I have a different proposal.
why not at the same day at the same time we do some demonstration in front of Merk offices or in public places in big cities.
if you do anything alone it will be considered some depressed guy’s lonely action and will not get any attention whatsoever but if few people (even 3 - 4 are enough) stage a demonstration with play cards with detail of physical / psychological damage in them ,here few in USA, few in Canada, few in Germany, few in Brazil etc etc will draw a strong media attention and will force governments / pharmas to take some action. Please don’t put emphasis on sexual damage only. physicoological and physical damage must be mentioned, loss of job, breaking up of families, divorce, unable to work, unable to concentrate etc etc
I know how you feel and at the moment I myself am very depressed ( my arthritis, joint pain is killing me) but the problem is unless it is recognized medically people have no idea what you are talking about. First get it recognized by medically and then take these drastic steps like hunger strike.
Yesterday I visited the doctor and told how bad I am feeling have lost my job and now not able to go to work or find a work you know what she said?
she said you are better than people who have lost their limbs. yes of course we are better than those but does that mean we should not seek the treatment? I was so embarrassed I wanted to tell her then don’t treat people for flue or cough because they are better than others. just hang a sign in the clinic and go home. What a moron doctor.

just my 2 cents.

That is a good idea. I think it would be best if we could centralize our efforts if we planned it sometime in advance maybe we could all stage it at Merck hq, at least on the USA side.

one more thing.
I am sure if there is any serious study or notice by scientists , governments etc there will not be more than few guys ( I guess 15 to 20 maximum from this site) to show up. The reason? people come here post their stories get no answers or come here get depressed and leave this website for good.
[b][Size=4]I proposed Mew to request personal emails and phone numbers from every new member but God knows why he does not want to do that.
We have no record or knowledge of many members. We dont know whether they are alive, dead or healed or committed suicide.


I sent a PM to a senior member on this site about the same thing pretty much. There is a lot negativity on this site from some posters and I think it makes many guys lose hope. They come here post a couple times and are never seen again. If we could setup a mass email at least once a month or so to inform everyone about whats going on, progress or lack thereof it would help to keep a lot more guys pushing ahead on the issue.

It looks very weird on one hand we are dying to find the solution and on the other hand I feel like we are abandoned. I mean there is no serious effort towards joint action.
1-If you are serious then we will have to setup membership procedure in such a way that every member give his / here consent for his / her phone and email. Amins / mod should contact if some one disappears.
2- There should be an areal right at the front page to parents, partners, wives , girl friends to participate in the discussion if they know some one is suffering in their family.

Yes, I think its very important we become more organized. We can setup a organization and designate people to specific roles. That way we can keep track of sufferers, supply information, and organize our efforts much more efficently.

Agreed. Members who register, post their full background as requested, post a couple times or so…and disappear should be sent at least a couple follow up messages to see how they’re doing. Could be part of the T.O.S. of registering. I think it’s compassionate and we might learn something we wouldn’t otherwise. Possibly that’s being done already…

I would like to hear Mews input on this. We could set this up pretty quickly and a few others and myself would be willing to help with various roles.



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