Hunger Strike at Merck headquarters

Comment posted! I am loving this.
Kevin, take care dude!

Excellent article. I just posted a comment.

More media awareness:

Hot damn, that is really awesome!!!

I hope this ends with Kevin eating again but I’m truely in awe right now of this man’s stand and the exposure he has brought to PFS. Best thing of course is the uncomfortable unease he’s probably brought to some of those folks at Merck. I hope their stock dives after this hits national news.

this is awesome and great, without any doubt whatsoever. awesome work!

Congrats Kevin for all your hard work and efforts, you’ve done a lot to help raise awareness. The future can only get brighter from here.

There seems to be a deleted article in the Daily Bell.

I wonder if Merckie is responsible?

Is it a coincidence that this article also appears to be deleted???

The Truther Girls would like to spread the news about this. She has a youtube channel with over 30,000 subscribers. I will get her contact details.

is merck seriously having these articles covered up? is that their plan? a big cover up? they dont stand a chance. we will shove our anger up their asses and continue to show what they have done!!!

It is a little weird that the Propecia articles are not working - but if you do a google search you’ll find that at least some of them are accessible. The link below works for me. If Merck were in fact to go after any media outlet, I don’t think the Daily Bell would rank as a high priority.

that article was written april 15, so its not about the hunger strike… the hunger strike appears to be gone

Thanks Kevin for doing this I’m so happy that you give me and many other fellow sufferers some hope back !!!

unfortunately there is still no awareness campaign in germany about this horrible drug . Even though our neighbours from france put a focus on finasteride. Most of the doctors in germany are still not convienced of the (what they called )“phenomena” PFS or just ignore the facts I don’t know…

Check this out…

That’s you? At least most all the guys seem to be taking it seriously. Maybe you saved a few people.

so why don’t you become like Kevin in Germany? I mean do some thing like him.

New video mentioning this on youtube by the truthergirls.

This is awesome. 300 views and 115 likes within an hour its been up!

Is the hunger strike over?