Hunger Strike at Merck headquarters

Because I don’t have the balls to do that !! I’m just honest , i have to admit that :frowning:

Why would you be embarassed?

dont try to act like this isnt a reason to be ashamed of…seriously!

I’d be more ashamed of not taking action.

I know this is a very important move…but if it was that simple everybody here would be doing it too.!! why isnt broken pecker on the news too?

LOL Don’t even try to call me out on that one bud.

Than…this is just silly

Just shut up bud, who the f are you? Is your name all over the internet when people google propecia lawsuits? And I am not talking about some fake name which a lot of people I do know use. Your some random guy sitting down in Brazil posting on here like 95% of everyone else. How many interviews have you done? Huh? zero I bet. My REAL name is out there all over the freakin place, I have people who find my name randomly on the internet and call me up from all over the country and talk to me about their propecia problems. Hell I just had someone call my parents house looking to talk to me. I have no doubt I have spoken to more doctors, scientists and media professionals in one month than you probably have in your entire post finasteride syndrome career. People on this same site PM using my real name because they know me.

Point is I’m NOT embarassed this didn’t happen to me naturally, its not my fault. It was because of a medically approved drug. I have lost far more then quite a few of the guys on this site and from your chipper attitude I would say thats you included. So yeah when/if this drug costs you your life maybe you will stop being a pansey about it and stand up for something.

I’m done arguing with you. Go make some use out of your time and shoot some emails to medical scientists/media in Brazil.

oh im sorry i didnt know you actually put yourself out there… i never even knew it…so sorry ! seriously i take it back , i did not know

How is Kevin? Is the strike over?

Hmm, I wonder how…?

What else did they tell the police?

Any updates?

Well if anyone ever gives up hope and wants to kill themself. Make sure you do it at MERK or the FDA with a lot of publicity. No point if offing yourself at home does not help any one and your friends and relatives will not understand the real cause of your death (Deception by MERK)

That reminds me of the guy who was prescribed accutane and then got screwed up and shot his doctor. Well his doctor was probably mislead as much as him. But, perhaps if he triggered this aggression towards the CEO of the drug company he would have got a better result. I am sure the CEOs would be more responsive to users complaints if they were in fear of their lives, as they should be. Just imagine if Randy had done something along the lines of this… I wonder if they would be still selling finasteride today.

How considerate of you to suggest a place for them to commit suicide.

Sorry to get off topic no need to discus this. We are all screwed up. Thanks for doing what you feel is right Kevin. I am not saying anyone should kill themselfs. I am still trying many things to work this out. Who knows what the next year will bring if we work hard to bring attention to this and get people to look into it and who knows. Some people recovery naturally, so hope is not totally lost for all of us. Thanks again Kevin. Keep us updated.


i m home

Welcome home. You had a successful mission. The word definitely got out!


Pat yourself on the back. That was very brave of you. I am very proud of you and cannot thank you enough.

you did a great job bro.