Hunger Strike at Merck headquarters


What you have done takes tremendous courage and i hope your efforts pay off by drawing more media attention to the dangers of propecia.

You have my utmost respect for what you have done, but, i pray you will consider your health and future and that you will end your hunger strike before your health deteriorates any further.
You have suffered enough as it is and you don’t deserve to suffer any further. Ok bro?

You can leave Merck headquarters with your head held high and with a clear conscious.

Peige article number 6 about this.

Then we got the MyCentralJersey piece:

More pending. Check pharmalot tomorrow morning…

When you get chance SA can you please update us on how you’re feeling, your state of mind, sleep etc.


I’ve seen more people worried about SA not eating for a week and half then people worried about the guys who come on this site ready to eat a gun.

As I fall into the latter category I was simply asking after SA’s welfare.

I’m just saying, something to think about.

Anything new today, SA?

I will no longer be giving updates but I will post any new media responses.

Our next step in this war is to make sure is among the first 3 hits when “propecia” is googled. If anyone can get propeciahelp googlebombed, please let mew know as we are working on that. It’s still in the early stages and we need all the help we can get. My tech skills are non-existent, the only thing I can do to help is google “propeciahelp” hundred times a day.

ETA: and thanks MerryChristmas, we need all the negative propecia websites we can get, even if they don’t generate much traffic.

Ok. Are you still on the hunger strike?

That probably won’t do much, but links to posted on other high ranking sites will help boost this site’s rank by association.

Spread the word!

Their shareholders are reading about this. This is exactly where we needed to hit them!



Hell yeah dude. Good work man.

Please post a comment on the article.

You bet I posted. Good fuckin’ job, man. Keep up the good work, I’m impressed. You are a bad mother fucker.

Thanks for taking action. I do not think you should starve yourself to death as you can have a bigger impact by spending the rest of your life taking out revenge on MERK for what they have done to you and all of us here.

We need to get more people out there doing this. If this drug stays on the market more and more healthy peoples lives are going to be ruined.

Second Amendment : Please post a phone number here so the media can contact and interview you. Or if anyone else does and are able to post it please do. I do not think many places will run a story without talking to him.

Merck might have to stop the production of Propecia amid this rage

He’s had his phone number on the homepage here in red bold type and highlighted and also printed in one of the Baltimore Examiner pieces.

Kevin Malley
(702) 219-5632

Here it is.

Comment posted, thats seriously good!!!