Hunger Strike at Merck headquarters

Who wants to volunteer to take the job of emailing all the pics BP is posting to dr dada and other FDA officials?

This is a team effort.

My deep respect for Randy’s family. I just read the examiners article and i saw Randy’s parents are both doctors and his mother is also a medical malpractice attorney. God! Think about the pain of these guys. Thank you all Randy’s relatives for doing this! Kevin, you re doing great! Hopefully this will gain media momentum from now on.

Frustrated, I appoint you the position. If anyone else wants to they can too.

What you’re doing is an inspiration Kevin, it really takes some courage. I really hope this works out for you I am following your progress. I also want to add my deepest respect to Randy’s parents, this must be really difficult for them too.

Still no mainstream media coverage? Thats shocking.

They are showing interest but no bites yet.

OK, I contacted CBS Philly because they did the story on Randy. No bites from them either.

Can I get some confirmation that the photos were sent to FDA officials?

Not shocking to me. We need the beginnings of a proper marketing/P.R. effort. Sending individually to stations isn’t going to do a thing. Check my other recent post.

If we wanted to go all out, the thing to do is create a website (something like or ? etc) & cataloging ALL merck pharmaceutical drugs which have been found (or reported) harmful and catalog them making Propecia slightly more prominent.
It would be an undertaking but the the site could be built such that it would rank on the 1st Page of Google when many Merck drugs names are searched.

Someone, anyone. Can I get some confirmation that the pics were sent to FDA officials??? I am on my smartphone I can’t do it. Come on!!!

The Gannett daily paper The Courier News ran the story a few hours ago:

Please go to the story and comment to show your support.


i will do it. where can i find their emails?

The ones John Peige puts in his propecia columns. Dr dada and the other lady. Tatianna or something

i just looked through his articles, i cant find them. i am going to email with the pics, it’s what i found on their website. if anyone can find the other emails i will send them.


thanks mew. i emailed those 2 plus as well and I will continue doing so everyday with updates from the pictures as well. if everyone did this, we could really get their attention. kevin is out there doing a god damn hunger strike on behalf of us… sa, if you need anything else don’t hesitate to send me a pm or post here.

I’ve snatched up a piece of URL real estate:

For what it’s worth I’ve sent links to the story to the BBC, ITN, 5 British newspapers and The Lancet. Maybe someone will pick this up.

Has anyone contacted any of the Las Vegas papers, Kevin’s hometown?


If this doesnt catch fire in the media within the next few day, I think you should seriously consider abandoning the Hunger Strike, to regroup and find a way of doing it in the future (with other sufferers) with proper media coverage from the word go. Seriously man, its not worth it if the story doesnt catch proper fire.

How do Randy’s parents feel about you starving?