Hunger Strike at Merck headquarters

Thank you for EVERYTHING you are doing! its inspiring
thank you


yeah, reddit can open the doors to this story. i just bought a few gigs on fiverr also tweeting the news story to a few hundred thousand followers on twitter… not sure how successful that will be, but we will see. i bought 4 gigs which said they will tweet the story. one was 150k, another was 70k ppl, and two more i forget what they were. SA, you gotta do the reddit thing!

we have to spread this out to the news outlets. how else can we spread the word? does anyone have the phone numbers to major news outlets?

if everyone goes to , you can buy little $5 things where people will do things for you. goto social media section and buy a thing that will help spread the word. i bought 4 of them that will tweet something to a bunch of followers and this was my message:

Can you believe this? BREAKING NEWS: 30 Year Old Man On Day 6 Of Hunger Strike In Front of Drug Company

That links to the news story. it has to be less than 140 words. look through that fiverr websites, there’s a bunch of ways to spread the word about things. EVERYONE, GO BUY ONE ON THERE AND TRY TO HELP GET THIS VIRAL.

I just checked out a post relating to the hunger strike at to see if the posters there were sympathetic and understanding and it seems a good majority of them are not. Many of them are cold and callous and believe that us just being on and involved with this site has given us psychosomatic symptoms which is the “likeliest” reason for us to be having persistent side effects. Yeah, because reading information off this site and seeking assistance here has shrunken my nuts to approximately half the size they used to be…the fucking cunts.

I wouldn’t wish anyone to have to go through what what any of us are going through, not even my worst enemy, but I can’t say a sliver of a grin wouldn’t cross my face if a couple of the users over there at least had a scare of what we’re going through. Maybe then they’d understand. Regardless, it’s a brave thing you’re doing, Second. I appreciate your effort and hope all is as well as can be. Stay strong man, your determination is inspiring.

Those guys over there must be some of the dumbest human beings on earth. Maybe propecia has lowered their capacity to reason and they just are not of aware of it. They truly are just drinking the cool-aid. Like you said, they don’t understand that many of us have real physical changes you can see, apart instead they just talk about the non-visual ones like loss of libido and depression. I was reading there one day about how they were saying poor Randy probably killed himself over his hairloss. Fucking morons, I don’t know anybody who is actually even close to that upset over hairloss, myself my hairloss was merely a minor annoyance and nothing more, something I decided I wanted to try to fix but a minor something, hardly ever did it dominate my daily life like this disease has.

I wouldn’t even bother going over there if I were you, those people have their heads way to far up their asses to see any sort of logic. Its sad thou that some people go there and get convinced to take finasteride and then end up here, I’m sure there are a few former members of that site somewhere among our ranks. They should be the ones to go back there and tell them hey this really does mess people up.

I have a couple of ideas. You should have a large picture of Randy, and a banner or something which asks how many more people will have to die. In addition to that, everyone who’s currently active on should write their story about how Propecia has ruined their lives, and all the statements should be printed out and hung up on a board for everyone to see.

Examiner again…

He mentions a study on some unfortunate rats who lost 25% of penis weight by being fed some finasteride for 4 weeks. No one is safe.

This is a very good idea, but one’s got to ask Randy’s parent if they agree with that.

I gotta email him, he is misquoting me again.

Actually he really didn’t quote me at all, he really just took what I said and made a bunch of extrapolations, it was kind of annoying the first time but constantly repeating incorrect information isn’t good for any of us.

How you doing out there Kevin?

Doing ok. Tomorrows gonna be a big day.

What is going on tomorrow?

Randy’s entire family will be out there. Really good chance media will be there. We got really good signs. Sent them to BP he should post them today. This is only getting bigger. We CAN get Merck to recall propecia. And we will. Or I wil be dead.

Better signs!

very good idea.


How are you feeling SA if that’s not too stupid a question?

New story posted on the Examiner:

Parents of Propecia sucide victim join in Kevin Malley’s Merck protest

Also updated on homepage .

SA, I just want you to know that I appreciate what you are doing, let’s hope something comes out of this!

Feel bad for Randy’s parents too… obviously…

Kevin, are you camping outside the office or do you have someplace you can stay and shower at least at night? Does anyone from Merck say anything to you at all lately? Has law enforcement approached you? As always, my thoughts are with you.
