Hunger Strike at Merck headquarters

So you will die of hunger unless propecia is recalled by merk within the next few weeks?

That is my plan.

We must make this injustice visible.

I know, this is HUGE. The response has been a lot quieter than one would expect…especially on this thread considering we have thousands of members.

I rEally am starving. I can only sleep 4 hours a night. I m very grouchy. I had a meltdown earlier today when I learned I might not make it back home. My mom is worried sick. My phone bill will be hundreds of dollars because of all the data I use. If I do make it back I might not have a job. Let’s stay focused and keep our game face on. Let’s keep this network cohesive. If anyone else wants to take a leadership role please feel free. We have big plans for Monday.

As you saw with my first post today when I threw a tantrum I am losing my mind. I hope I can make it to Monday. Wanna stay in tomorrow but Randy’s mom wants to see me.

I’ve had a lot of people call and text me the past few days. Most say they are registered here but do not post.

you are a brave man second, but i hope u reconsider ur aim about starving to death.
yes, it will be very good for our cause, but how we can let u make this extreme sacrifice? i can’t stand in front of my coscience.

maybe it is possible for u get medical assistence (when situation will be critical) and avoid the sacrifice, u could still get a good media effect

I heard about the news article today. Thank you for doing this.

You won’t die, but you’ll probably be pretty close before you get all the attention you deserve.

I appreciate the initiative and the balls it took to do this.

Given our sickly states, though, and the need to be coherent and cogent for media – could we consider changing from a hunger strike to an “Occupy Merck” theme?

Just an idea, not looking to joust.

And for those able to commute to New Jersey to take part who might be afraid of revealing their identity, this might sound silly, but perhaps wearing similar agreed-upon masks, like the one in V for Vendetta would keep your anonymity and also create a striking visual for the story?

V for Vendetta Masks:,mod=17&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=v+for+vendetta+mask

Just ideas. Again, much respect for those partaking. I’m trying to spread the story myself.

very good questions. I think don’t agree on any compensation but demand a full research into how to fix the mess. what is the use of the money if you can not enjoy your life.

I just want to put this out there as my personal opinion, that I do not condone the act of you starving yourself to death for the post-finasteride-syndrome cause. I don’t think it would be worth it to spare your life and you would be devastating many of your friends and family. I think what you are doing so far has been successful, but I do not feel it will be necessary for you to sacrifice your life to achieve our goals. I could never ask or expect this of anybody and would be personally devastated if that was the eventual outcome. That being said - if you are in a bind when this is completed and you need some support - I am sure there are many members here that will be willing to lend a hand or some cash to get you back home.

On an aside - I would like to bring up the idea of driving out to NJ as a group. This proposition did not get any real response but I would definitely be willing to take a day off work to drive out for moral support and increase the numbers.

SA, do you have paypal? I think most of us here would have no problem contributing a few bucks to help you with expenses so you can pay your phone bill or whatever else you need.

PM broken pecker. He is delegating this part of the movement.

Yeah, I can certainly send money your way too man. I consider you a brother of mine… and I’ll always help a brother out. Please be careful.

SA great job man. Are you alone today or others are still there with you?

i hope giant media will pick this ASAP. just wanna say thank you. what a brave soul

Am with Randy’s parents. His whole family will be here Monday.

thank u for what you are doing SA. i have an idea to get this SERIOUS, SERIOUS media coverage. a website called REDDIT, a social media website, you submit stories and people either upvote them or downvote them. they have a section called, IAmA. here, take a look:

you HAVE to make a post on there saying, IamA 30 year old guy doing a hunger strike in front of merck because their drug ruined my life, or in your own words something like that. i can help set it up for you and show you how to do it. this website is on the alexa top 100 websites, it gets MILLIONS of hits, they will upvote this.

you need to take pictures, have clear explanation of what you are doing, why you are doing it, and the people with you and include a summary of what is going on. again, i can help you with this.

this WILL make it to the front page. we can make accounts and upvote it. i know people will read this and will UPVOTE it, they are all about helping people and opening up controversy from large companies. they are the reason SOPA blew up.

i all ready submitted the news article to the “news” subreddit, but it isn’t getting any upvotes. sometimes the reddits are too big and it’s hard for to gain exposure. the IamA section has fewer submissions, but has a MASSIVE audience.

tell me if you need help setting this up.

Limbo life called when u did Bryce that’s why I had to hang up. Limbo life is brave too he came all this way to show his support!

gotcha, yeah man no problem. give me a call back whenever and i can help you set this reddit thing up, im telling u this thing will get you serious media coverage its the reason i called u, to both thank u and let u know about this.

Agree on the Reddit recommendation.

Here are two IAMA’s on PFS, but having a hunger strike guy do it would be a lot more powerful…

edit: I just created an IAMA Request and it already has 3 up votes…