Hunger Strike at Merck headquarters

UPDATE: To date we have

Me (hunger striker)
Randy’s family probably anywhere from 2-5 people
Unnamed propecia help member from NJ
Another NJ guy said he’d like to join

Frustrated and kazaam are both attempting to form teams. If we can get them over here that’d be awesome.

Man, i am so happy about this!
Randy’s family, all my respect to you. You rock!
And the other two guys, thank you!

IF you guys are still there in a few weeks…I could possibly make it out there. Keep up the good work!

A few more weeks on hunger strike and he will be dead…simple fact.

hahahahah that was funny…MANNN this guy is the bravest person ever!! woww good job!

SA - you’re an inspiration. Good luck, be strong.

Tell that to the guy who made the fasting post where he said it was safe to fast for 40 days. lol some of the stuff on here is so idiotic.

John should’ve mentioned I have people joining me. And he never should’ve called this a “lonely crusade”. That’s a falsehood and it makes me look like a lone nut. He should’ve said "a mOvement has started " or something to that effect.

Come on John. How this is communicated and presented is everuthing.

Day 5

I am very disappointed in this new article. John, you are discouraging others by calling this a “lonely crusade”. Goddamnit! So much effort has been going on behind the scenes this is anything but lonely.

You are a key communicator John please take the responsibility seriously.

I think he is giving you credit for being the “lone” person to take this to this extent. Pretty sure I speak for everyone here when I say we have all been encouraged by the stand you’re taking. Also, the author has done a huge amount of work in spreading awareness. Regardless, everyone’s thoughts are with you of course.

But are people going to join or not???

SA, a few questions.

  1. Do you have a clear list of demands?Ie, what will it take to get you off the hunger strike?

  2. Instead of demanding that they recall propecia (highly unlikely), shouldnt you demand that they share any knowledge they have that could help people with sides, or something to that effect?

  3. Are you willing to die?

Good luck.

Hey guys,

want to say thanks for all this. This is one of the best thinks I have read on this side in this really shitty days. I hope you have the power to go trough this strike as long as you can.

wish you luck and god bless you

(Merck seems to be the devil - watch out :smiling_imp: )

You could stage the same in Brazil at their hq there.

Longer term in regards to gathering money for the finasteride research effort, other avenues are currently being developed and nearly complete. But in the short term I did speak to SA again and although he has received some help he is going to need some money to cover incidental costs (travel costs mostly is what it seems). Some of you have already contacted me about sending money to help SA, I mentioned western union as a route, but 30 of us each sending small amounts via western union isn’t efficent money or time wise for SA so this is what I think the best idea is at the moment. I am going to send SA $100-150 via western union, if any of you would like to contribute by refunding me via check or I am not sure possibly I could setup my own pay pal this would be appreicated. I would say you could mail him directly but time is an issue and getting him a letter next week won’t help. PM if you can help contribute and I will send you my info, I will post a running tally of who has decided to contribute what amount and post it here for integrity purposes if this route is decided upon.

Edit: I’d like to send him the money by the lastest Sunday if possible.

I jobless atm or I would GLADLY contribute.Sorry guys, but I support this move 100%.

1)yes, recall propecia

  1. to me that sounds more unlikely than a recall. They recalled vioxx without ever publicly stating there was a problem.

  2. yes