How long must we wait?

its a constant proccess, it seems to work, i don’t have time to sit and play with my fucking cock all day, as much as i’d like to

Gotcha - I figured maybe getting the blood flowing down there once a day would prevent some of the atrophy

I don’t know how long it’s been going on @trav, but if you can spend 15 minutes a day in the morning, my experience is that it helps a lot.

Generally, things are much better for me there now, I had a big setback a week or so ago (lots of stress at the time) but I feel like I’m almost back on track again.

I don’t take anything at all, no supplements, just avoid 5ar foods.

sorry, wasn’t trying to lash out. having a particularly tough time right now. It does help, but it’s a constant upkeep just to keep things mediocre at best. even when I was taking cialis daily, working out, eating healthy, constantly trying to keep blood in my dick, it only takes a few days of neglect to watch it continue to atrophy like a limb that is no receiving signals to keep it alive

I am absolutely heartbroken. If nothing else, I need to know why I have these cyclical symptoms, some days, I wake up with my dick looking relatively normal and hard, other days I wake up in sweating with anxiety, and my dick is completely numb and dead. It seems absolutely arbitrary and cruel.


A post was split to a new topic: Magnesium for Anxiety

My only question is: When will Baylor publish if at all? Why wont the foundation issue an update on the situation, after all it funded the study? Does the foundation understand that a credibility issue arrises if it does not issue an official update (i.e. private email conversations dont count)?


Just let me have a brain. Anything else is tolerable.
I’d rather die now than live my whole life like this.


Please send a link of the study. Also, i don’t think we have pudental neuropathy, check out the symptoms of it yourself. It’s not credible. I never read any relation between hormonal imbalance and possible pudental nerve damage.

Some guys reversed themselves 100%.

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here it is:

“We also reported abnormal somatosensory evoked potentials of the pudendal nerve in PFS patients with severe ED, the first objective evidence of a neuropathy involving peripheral neurogenic control of erection.”

Well, i’m sure it’s not nerve damage. They name it like this because by medical therm it looks like nerve damage. Absence of reaction to stimuli, pain sensation and other sensations is described. There is no other illness in this world that cause skin numbness, it’s only nerve degeneration. But the point is that we have a lot of examples when numbness comes and goes day by day. I have numbness on entire skin of my body, what kind of nerve damage is this? There is just something inhibited. On PSSD forum we have some theories about GABA/Dopamine implication. I myself had minutes or hours of skin anesthesia remission. In the same time i felt dopamine in my brain, i felt again smells, i felt the sun. It was only couple of minutes. each time.

I absolutely do not agree about nerve damage. If someone have nerve damage that his place is not on PSSD forum.

i think exactly the same ;( no problems with sexual sides but i want my brain back


It is nerve damage. I have penile / testical / low abdomen pain that comes and goes, more so when I use pde5i. This doesn’t mean we all have it but some certainly do.

Still do not proove nerve damage. Girls during PMS have lower abdominal, ovarian and vaginal pain/spasm, does it mean nerve damage? No, there are endocrine changes.Think about.


Indeed, I have no idea on waiting anything like the mentioned one here. So if you are looking for the time, it is better to ask

Yeah it seems sexual hormones interact with nerves.

True, I saw an article that says the Testosterone suppress the immune system, that makes total sense to me now as I am not getting sick anymore, like the other guys in here. Low T=no flu, seems that the whole whole endocrine system is super complicated and it plays bigger role in our bodies that we thought.

Girls have cramps because their bodies need to cough out dead tissues every month

we are talking about hormonal/endocrine changes and symtpoms, not about body’s reason to do this.

This is one of my most favorite posts on PropeciaHelp. I feel exactly the way you describe. Every single word is right on target.

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