Hi! This is Damon's Story

The last time I heard him he was in pieces. Her osteoporosis is severely worsening, plus she has developed osteoarthritis. It was in very bad shape.

Anyone heard anything from Damon?

Not good news for you… :frowning:

What is the news @Rb26dett my friend, we haven’t lost him have we, only 29 i believe.

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Poor guy, I hope he is alive.

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Ive sent sibelio a mssge to find out

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I agree with you here …what’s with the sensational tabloid tease, why not just tell us if he’s ok ? :man_shrugging:

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Unfortunately Sibelio hasnt been in contact with him for a while

I never said that he is died
I chat with Damon almost every day, he is in a dramatic situation, his osteoporosis worsened a lot and his joints are totally gone.

@Rb26dett Thanks for letting us know that Damon is still out there.

It was, I think, fairly widely accepted that he had killed himself. I thought that he had.

If you speak to him soon, please send him my best wishes.

When you posted that there was no good news without saying clearly what you meant, people (including me) thought that you were saying he was dead. Which is upsetting. When it emerged that he wasn’t dead, I think it’s fairly natural to feel relief but also some frustration at feeling like you’d been misled.

So, with that in mind, please try to be kind when dealing with other people, please don’t call them fucking idiots. We’re all just going through this the best we can.

I have removed two insulting parts of your post and one post that existed only to insult.


I’m tried! In this community there are mostly people who no longer have an erection, but can safely work, play sports, listen to music, but keep complaining …
Here are people who have lost everything, money, jobs, friends, romantic relationships, have muscle wasting, dementia, bone problems, skin problems and you even have the courage to complain in front of them.

Honestly, I no longer recognize myself in this community, it seems a den of conspiracy theorists who believe that eating two plants and doing absurd diets can heal a devastating disease. Sometimes I wonder if 80% of you are not just suffering from paranoia …
Go ahead and inject hormones and throw money on supplements.

Ah, anyway, if someone heals with exogenous hormones, it is not PFS, but hypogonadism. If healing were that simple, this place would be empty.

Now I understand Demon that he has left this community for some time already, he was just tired of seeing people who are fine cry for his erections, while he is literally falling apart. I’m probably the only one who put his face on it, the others haven’t even done the survey and allow themselves to talk. Do yourself a favor, contact a good psychiatrist, probably the problem is only psychological for most of you.
I, honestly, I’m leaving, because I’m really tired of seeing people who are fine and can live quietly continue to complain in front of people like me, @Dknighten, @LazarusRy, @Papasmurf, @Demon, @Grey_baron, @robertino_totti… who are literally falling apart and dying in total shadows.

The icing on the cake are those who say that I make up people are dead, you are pathetic. If you are unable to understand a text, have the decency not to insult.


I get your suffering @Rb26dett i really do im consumed with hurt, anger, hatred the emotional works because of the damaged neurosteriods and subsequent fall out but i strive to channel it in other ways as not doing so only isolates mefurther and feeds the pfs devil. Compassion to one another no matter how extreme the suffering. God loves you/us . Brothers in arms mate.


I don’t wish to argue here anymore , I don’t want my priorities for being on this site misunderstood : to support and pray for the healing of all who have suffered from this disease and to wish for their recovery.
. @Rb26dett feel better and never give up hope. :100:


Hey, I know you’re having a terrible time. I am sorry to hear it. The only reason we’re having this interaction is because your response to a misunderstanding was to insult people. I understand you must feel frustrated, but taking it out on people here won’t help.

Everyone here benefits from solidarity, your experience may differ from someone else’s but we are all here because of the the same thing. We’ll get more done if we can welcome one another with compassion and respect, rather than divide ourselves into smaller and smaller groups.

We need to support one another and welcome everyone affected by this syndrome, the mild and and severe cases, men and women, young and old.

If we work together we will get more done. If we argue amongst ourselves, we lose.


Tell me where I said one of them is dead.

Rest doesen’t mean dead in my country, is “riposo” that mean stay calm and recover strenght.

“Is no longer with us” , because he left PH community (now I understand why).
“He is in a better place”, he found a new community in a forum that I can’t say.

You’re try to use my words for attack me, is pathetic.

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Anyone who read this comment understood that this guy had moved on to another realm. This was bad choice for the words.


Anyone who has misunderstood should take a text comprehension course. I have NEVER said anyone is dead. Never!

I’m guessing English isn’t your first language, but “no longer with us” and “they’re in a better place” are very common euphemisms meaning that someone died.

Anyone with English as their first language would have assumed he was dead and had committed suicide based upon your choice of words. Me included. I am not writing this to attack you, only to explain and help you understand our point of view. We can see now that this was not your original intent.

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I also assumed you were saying he was dead.

As @BibFortuna said, this:

Would not be interpreted by anyone I know as anything but you talking about someone who had died.

But that’s OK, some things get lost in translation, and we can move past this now.