Hi! This is Damon's Story

Anyone who read this comment understood that this guy had moved on to another realm. This was bad choice for the words.


Anyone who has misunderstood should take a text comprehension course. I have NEVER said anyone is dead. Never!

I’m guessing English isn’t your first language, but “no longer with us” and “they’re in a better place” are very common euphemisms meaning that someone died.

Anyone with English as their first language would have assumed he was dead and had committed suicide based upon your choice of words. Me included. I am not writing this to attack you, only to explain and help you understand our point of view. We can see now that this was not your original intent.

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I also assumed you were saying he was dead.

As @BibFortuna said, this:

Would not be interpreted by anyone I know as anything but you talking about someone who had died.

But that’s OK, some things get lost in translation, and we can move past this now.


Yep…lol…let’s move past now. @Rb26dett my apologies to you brother if i hurt u. It’s just that whenever i read such death posts here i get anxiety for days, no one of us must be in any such posts, plz understand. I have deleted that post. Sorry.


Sorry. In the last days my conditions worsened a lot and i’m so frustrated.
Before this damned syndrome, I built engines for race cars, now I can’t mount a Lego car.
On 22th of march was my birthday, I’ve reached 28 years and my life is totally gone.
I would cut my penis with my hands, but I want my mind and my strenght back!

Sorry man, we are in same boat, we are the victims.

A big hug.


This disease has changed who we were @Rb26dett ive had many episodes my friend and when ive come out of the storm ive barely recognised the behaviours that pfs has thrust on me during ring these times. It takes a decent person to step up to the plate and admit it. Good man


Good man, @Rb26dett.