Heavy metals detox thread

Hey Joetz - as mentioned I too am doing the renew life cleanse and have noticed improved erections and semen quality the past week.

I was thinking it might be worth trying one pill at a time (only the morning or night) to see if we can isolate what’s so helpful?

I’ve tried to figure it out but it’s all so random. Sometimes I would get my recovery periods in the morning and sometimes I would have an amazing night and sometimes I would go three days without feeling well and then have an incredible weekend. It’s the randomness of it all that made things so hard to figure out. When I did my first detox I kept a bottle of bottled water on my desk and would finish it and then go to the water cooler to refill in. I must have been drinking a dozen bottles a day

Anyway I am glad you gave this product a shot and I am also glad that your results are shaping up to be similar to mine. It was at the exact same stage (about two weeks in) that I really began making some huge gains. I also know if it worked with you and me it will probably help others too.

I made another discovery this evening. Whole foods carries this product, so if more people want to try it, there are whole foods supermarkets all over the country. I paid 40 dollars for my second box. I’m curious to see if the first 30 days helped me so much maybe another 30 days will cure me. Time will tell I guess

I noticed that a number of the minerals in Heavy Metal Cleanse 1 are citrates. I have benefitted from magnesium citrate. I dont know if there’s any connection there or not.

It may not be what’s in cleanse I that is doing it. I think something about forcing the body to expel its fluids, its hydration, etc greatly reduces the symptoms of PFS. Last night I got the new kit late at night so I started with the evening dose. The evening dose is missing a lot of the additives the morning dose has and within 30 minutes my brain fog lifted and immediately almost full sexual functioning returned.

I noticed the same thing happening to me when I tried aloe vera juice, which works like a laxative in higher doses. I got pretty dehydrated but PFS symptoms went away briefly.

hey joetz
are you taking vit d regularly or not?

No I’m not taking anything other than the detox. I think with trial and error we could find and isolate what ingredient is helping us feel better and potentially have our cure. Before I tried this off the shelf detox I tried something very similar that was prescribed by a doctor and also had astonishingly good results. The only real common ingredient between the two was the lipoic acid.

did you masturbate AT ALL before you had a downward cycle going down? also, you should consider keeping a log of food you eat everyday and how you feel everyday overall and see if you see any patterns.

Any updates from those trying the Heavy Metal Cleanse?

In honour of the late great Ronnie James Dio, I’m starting this Heavy Metal Detox.

Will report back. Until then, rock on…

Great! I can’t wait to hear how you do on it after a week or two

Just a quick report after two days of pt 2 and one day of pt 1:

  1. Morning erection. It was like a faint signal from Apollo 13, but there nonetheless.

  2. White tongue. Woke up with this. Not sure what brought this on: candida? bacteria? sulfur? acid imbalance?

I’m inclined to believe that something in part 2 of the detox is helping.

WHITE tongue? After this treatment? It’s interesting that you have this sympton NOW that you are on this detox treatment because it should mean that you have candida infection.

So tell me this, have you had morning erections prior to this regiment? Are you ABSOLUTELY sure you haven’t had white tongue before this regiment?

white tongue doesn’t always mean you have candida.

i like this heavy metal detox because one, it’s way healthy. i mean, if you look at everything that’s in it, it’s really good for you. plus if you are eating lots of veggies/meats/healthy food, etc it’s doing a lot of good. however, i really am not so sure that this is simply a metal toxicity problem. there’s an underlying reason for why everything is happening. high estrogen in your blood, i believe (someone can correct me if i’m wrong, but i don’t think i am), causes your copper to go up to compensate. it’s not your copper is high, so then your estrogen goes up. regardless, your healthy diet and these pills will help you a lot towards better health. i think its going to take this kind of diet over a period of time with other lifestyle adjustments to bring us to full health.

keep us updated!

Yeah white tongue. My first suspicion was candida caused by long term use of antibiotics (guilty!).

However, I now believe the white tongue is a result of a radical alteration of my PH balance. As I noticed before starting the detox, these capsules are HIGHLY ACIDIC. This can upset one’s PH balance.

So I think the manufacturers of this cleanse want you to believe that the detox has uncovered candida, but in reality, iti’s the PH balance that’s been altered, causing the white tongue.

Never had the white tongue before ever. And for me, morning erections were rare, even before FIN. The morning erection effect I can’t explain. Its still early days, will update.

Yeah, sure. Thanks for the reply. I’m not hell-bent on hearing sexual improvements but hearing physical changes with any treatment is always interesting/worth something.

It’s interesting that those pills are highly acidic since getting rid of something like candida or yeast would required alkaline pH balance in your body. Also, the longterm antibiotic treatment pretty much guarantees you candida so that’s definititely something worth to look properly into for you, visionquest. I have done two long-term antibiotic treatments and have noticed physical changes, too.

I agree on bryce’s post, though i know nothing about the copper-estrogen balance or copper being an indicator for estrogen levels (whichever way it is). You could also elaborate what else white tongue could indicate (i hope i don’t sound patronizing ofc).

Do tell us time to time how you progress with this protocol, joetz and visionquest!

I’m very interested in the zinc and copper doses here.

Zinc 50mg = reasonable for all men. Yes, I note a much improved semen quantity and quality with zinc.
Copper 1mg= reasonable dose for the concurrent reduction in copper, caused by zinc supplementation. However, what is one’s copper is high to start with. Or even low?

Heavy metal analysis is vital to recovery. I’m don’t believe that taking the above mixture is a specific enough way of rectifying heavy metal imbalances.

I currently steer clear of ‘combined’ supplements; too many variables.


hey joetz…hows the semen quality now?

While on the detox it flips the color from yellow/clumpy to white/clear

On an unrelated note, this product cures my colitis. I have no clue why. I took a 30 program of this and noticed vastly improved digestion. Then I came off and a few days later I started going downhill again. So I bought another box and started again but got frustrated when I didn’t see more improvement than I did the first time. It did flip the semen back to white though.

I set the pills aside and started taking oxytocin which damn near cured me. But the oxytocin tore my bowels to pieces and I started having full blown colitis symptoms. I set aside the oxytocin and popped a few of the metal detox pills and it fixed my colitis. All I seem to have learned from all of this is that the human body is enormously complicated.

hey joetz…tell me what do you think of my theory


I think it’s definitely possible that this is an autoimmune problem. I have a family history of autoimmune problems