Heavy metals detox thread

I also have an altered sense of hunger… Pre-fin I would wake up in the morning and be STARVING, even after I ate before bed, but now that does not happen… My overall feeling of hunger is just gone… I can still eat, and I do get hungry, but the that urge is just not there.

Have you thought about getting a spinal tap? Wont this be a better measurements of brain molecules?

any update on the metals detox? thanks

This last week was like a rollercoaster
On Saturday I felt like a god. Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, a libido that would rival a pornstar’s, and my wit and humor came back full force. My humor can be kind of sarcastic and cruel so I’m not sure people around me were having as much fun as I was. What a great day! Then Sunday came and I was starting to go downhill again. I lost 50 percent of what I had the previous day. Then on Monday I had a horrific crash. I got the anhedonia back and by some miracle was able to drag myself to work. Tuesday and Wednesday just as bad. I was thinking about just giving up and then all of a sudden I had another started having a steady upswing again. Thursday-Saturday I felt steady day by day improvements in sleep and mood and I feel great today. There is definitely something to this. I am in my home stretch. Only one week left in the program.

I’ll keep the updates coming

Joetz, not to get too personal, but did you do anything in particular between Saturday and Sunday? (e.g. frequent masturbation)

No I didn’t do anything that could explain the downward spiral.

Joey, thanks for the update.

I went back and looked at your member story. You were someone that took the pill for many years, which I also did. So I am feeling encouraged that you are not simply one of those guys that took it for a couple of weeks and recovered.

I’m getting a parasite stool test done this week. I’ll see that through and wait for your final results as well. I think the subsequent weeks after you finish up this treatment will be the most interesting. Since you never did the test for heavy metals, I wonder if this pill combination is killing off some other form of bacteria or microbe.

I also find it interesting that you listed stomach pains on your symptoms when you joined initially. Did you ever look into that and try to determine if you had an ulcer and is the pain gone now?

The “stomach pain” is a problem I have where I drink a sugary beverage. Right behind the sternum I get an intense feeling of pressure that is sometimes so painful I am incapacitated for 30 minutes. That problem seems to be gone now. There was something very seriously wrong with the way my body was handling sugar I guess. I am very interested in seeing how the parasite angle works out for you. I think it’s not outside the realm of possibility that the finasteride altered the environment in our bodies and something else (fungus, bacteria, ect) flourished in that altered state.

There is at least one other guy on the forum also having the stool parasite test done now. I’ll certainly update once I have the results.

I just finished the heavy metal detox so I figured it was time for an update

Let me start by saying that I am by no means cured or even close to being cured

That said, I still think we need to really thoroughly investigate how and why the detox was able to buy me so many good days. By good days, I mean the kinds of days that you never dreamed would ever be possible. During this process I had some days where I was getting full REM sleep with dreams, high energy, great libido, sharp humor, and an overall zest for life I have been missing for years. In the 30 days I was doing the detox at least 1/3 of the time I felt pretty amazing

There are also some symptoms that have been cured:

Chronic runny nose (especially when eating) is gone

Sore bleeding irritated gums has improved to an astonishing degree, so much so that my dentist even commented

Chest pains from sugary beverages are gone for good

I feel confident in saying at this point that I have absolutely no issues whatsoever with cognitive problems anymore. Just emotional blunting and sexual side effects. No more confusion, no more getting lost in familiar places, no more serious memory problems.

There are certain problems that go hand in hand with heavy metal poisoning and I am thinking that my next step, now that I have cleaned up my body, is to work on those other things. My tongue is completely white and that can’t be normal.

I guess I’ll conclude this thread by endorsing this product. It really did do what it was supposed to do and I do feel healthier after using it. It didn’t cure me but it did bring me a lot closer. I’ll be surprised if I am still sick in a year

All I can say is, that’s frikin fantastic!

What’s the plan now? Assuming you have discontinued the detox stuff, it’ll be interesting to see how you feel in the coming weeks; whether the improvements maintain.

Hopefully you can figure out why this stuff was effective for you.

I really can’t imagine anyone not getting a benefit from the product. When I would urinate, I would look down at the urine stream and I was just absolutely astonished at what my body was expelling. It smelled like melted plastic, so foul that people couldn’t even go in the bathroom after I peed. I think if you remove stuff like that, which obviously is toxic, you are inevitably going to feel better.

The plan now is to try to figure out how this helped me make these strides and try to maintain the momentum.

This morning it was high noon on my sundial when I woke up. We can add normal morning erections to the list of benefits I got from my detox

Hey joetz - i’ve been doing the heavy metal detox for about a week. I haven’t noticed an increase in libido, but my semen, which is always watery, has gotten very thick (thicker than I ever remember actually…).

Did you notice any difference during your detox? Any ideas on ingredients that could be contributing to this?


I’m glad you mentioned this because, come to think of it, yes, I did have this change too. It went from being yellow and watery to thick and white.

I don’t know why this happened or what ingredients did it. I do know that metals act as antibiotics and interfere with the balance of good and bad bacterias in your body so this is a good thing. Stay with it and you will start to feel a general feeling of well-being. For me, the good stuff came in the 2nd or 3rd week

Joetz, this may have already been covered, but did you actually test for heavy metal poisoning?

I did test for it

I mentioned in another thread the methodology the doctor used to determine I had mercury poisoning and it was not particularly well-received here, to put it mildly

Since stopping the detox I have been experiencing a steady slide back into oblivion. My vision is blurry, I am exhausted, I am not sleeping well anymore and I feel terrible. I called the 1-800 number from the website of this product and asked if I could take it again since the instructions said it wasn’t for long term use and the lady on the phone told me I could, just not for three months at a time. I don’t know what else to do because I’m desperate. Will try to pick up another box on the way home

Do you eat a lot of fish? Fish contains mercury.

A couple of times a week. But so does everyone. When I am online at subway, 1/4 of the people are ordering tuna sandwiches and they seem to be fine. I think part of the reason I feel so much better on this heavy metal cleanse is because it’s full of all kinds of vitamins. It will be interesting to see how I progress on another 30 days of detox. I bought another box this evening on my way home and will start on it tonight

I’ll continue to update this thread on my progress. This renew life company also makes a liver cleanse product and an anti-parasite product. Since I had such good luck with the heavy metal cleansing product, I might try the other ones later on down the road