Heavy metals detox thread

I’ve been meaning to start this thread for a while now. I am on my second round of detox and both times I experienced a rapid recovery. The first one was unsustainable and at the time it happened, I had trouble figuring out what had helped by because I was taking so many different things at the same time. This time around, I’m just doing a detox and nothing else and I’m having amazing results. This one helps remove mercury, lead, cadmium and arsenic from the body.

I don’t have the expertise to really understand why this is working for me. Perhaps finasteride creates an environment where the body loses it’s ability to remove toxins from the body, perhaps the mechanism these cleanse programs use has some effect on making us feel better. I’ll leave the theorizing to others to try to figure out, all I know is I am doing a lot better and that’s what matters to me.

So far, at the 2.5 day mark I notice the following changes:

Sense of humor is returning. I’m not the wise-cracking person I was, but I find myself laughing a little more at jokes

Slightly improved energy/motivation levels. I feel like I need to do things, like there is more of a sense of urgency to get things done

Enthusiasm and excitement are returning. I feel a rush when I get anxious about something

Libido is no longer zero. It’s weak and faint but it is there, almost like it is in another room of the house, but I’m aware of its presence. I can respond now to visual stimuli, but the response is weaker than it should be

Cognitive abilities are better. I can find the words I want more easily, there is less of a struggle to express myself

Appetite is better, I feel more of a strong hunger when it is time to eat

My chronic blurry vision is getting better

I’ll try to post every single day and we’ll see if I continue to improve, and, more importantly, if the improvement is sustainable.

Have you ever had liver tests? Bilirubin high?

MY bilirubin are fine. Never tested heavy metals tho.

Exactly in the center of the range

My Bilirubin has been high in the last few tests

glad to hear you have a slight improvement, can you give me/us an idea of what the detox entails? thanks :slight_smile:

This really interests me and I am currently seeking a functional medicine doc who has a lot of knowledge on this subject… It was also mentioned by JN’s doc as well as it might be a culprit in some of us.

I’m setting up an appointment with an MD/Naturopath who looks at detox as well as comprehensive hormone testing. While I do not believe at all this is the root cause of PFS it’s probably not a bad idea to check out. I think there are some naturopathic angles on PFS we can all benefit from. Not expecting any miracles but if I get improvement in some areas I’ll be happy.

So far I don’t have much to report other than a general sense of well-being that is hard to describe. I just feel “better” but have a long way to go. I have noticed my appetite is a lot stronger when I do get hungry and I have moments of astonishingly strong libido but they are very fleeting and only happen maybe once a day.

My body is still riddinig itself of all kinds of terrible stuff. My urine looks like maple syrup and smells like melted plastic. I think once it cleans up I’ll start seeing some more improvement.

I noticed something new today that I think is a sign that I am getting better. Normally around 3-4pm every single day I used to get so tired I could barely stay awake. Every single day was like that and somehow I would struggle through that period and then drive home from work. I noticed that I am no longer having that period of extreme fatigue. I believe this is because I am getting better sleep. Also my problems with blurry vision are getting better. My body is still ridding itself of all kinds of crap so I know the detox is doing it’s job. My urine still looks like aunt jemima pancake syrup, but the horrid smell is lessening.

Do you notice that your sweat smells Fermenty or anything like that?

Not yet but the last time I did the heavy metals detox I started getting stinky after the first week. I remember waking up after having full REM sleep feeling sweaty and well rested. I well see what happens tomorrow morning. I’m still not that far along in the process

Joetz, have you thought about testing for heavy metals?


Genova do testing

That sounds a lot like the lab letsconvenience used when he discovered he had very high levels of copper. He recovered from a detox of metals, it’s one of the things that first got me interested in pursuing this angle.

I would be interested in something like this had I not been detoxing for a full week already. A large percentage of anything that would have shown up has probably been pissed out by now so I’m not sure the results will be good for anything. If anyone else wants to try it, it might be worth looking into.

It’s something you can try if your improvements wane, if you are serious about heavy metals being a potential cause that is. You can get pretty much any testing at Genova. If i had had the cash i would of had a number of the panels they offer.


What sort of protocol are you utilizing for this detox?

He is using ‘Renew life heavy metal cleanse’


You can find it for a very reasonable price, just use google or amazon.

Thanks, I’ll consider trying this. I’ll have to read up on chelation therapy first. I vaguely recall reading some time back that chelation therapy has a small risk of being dangerous.

Staying in the horrible state that finasteride has left us in is ‘dangerous’. Real chelation is not as simple as taking a little detox kit, i can’t understand why this is helping Joetz so much. The ingredients are very simple things that many of us on the board have tried. Maybe the company really does know what it’s doing and has created the perfect blend.

I promised myself that i would not be buying anymore fancy supplements but obviously if Joetz sustains his improvements i will order it straight away.

Joetz, how has detoxing helped in terms of sexual sides? I know you said that you have a little more libido, but can you get a normal pre-fin erection and can you maintain it?