I’ve been meaning to start this thread for a while now. I am on my second round of detox and both times I experienced a rapid recovery. The first one was unsustainable and at the time it happened, I had trouble figuring out what had helped by because I was taking so many different things at the same time. This time around, I’m just doing a detox and nothing else and I’m having amazing results. This one helps remove mercury, lead, cadmium and arsenic from the body.
I don’t have the expertise to really understand why this is working for me. Perhaps finasteride creates an environment where the body loses it’s ability to remove toxins from the body, perhaps the mechanism these cleanse programs use has some effect on making us feel better. I’ll leave the theorizing to others to try to figure out, all I know is I am doing a lot better and that’s what matters to me.
So far, at the 2.5 day mark I notice the following changes:
Sense of humor is returning. I’m not the wise-cracking person I was, but I find myself laughing a little more at jokes
Slightly improved energy/motivation levels. I feel like I need to do things, like there is more of a sense of urgency to get things done
Enthusiasm and excitement are returning. I feel a rush when I get anxious about something
Libido is no longer zero. It’s weak and faint but it is there, almost like it is in another room of the house, but I’m aware of its presence. I can respond now to visual stimuli, but the response is weaker than it should be
Cognitive abilities are better. I can find the words I want more easily, there is less of a struggle to express myself
Appetite is better, I feel more of a strong hunger when it is time to eat
My chronic blurry vision is getting better
I’ll try to post every single day and we’ll see if I continue to improve, and, more importantly, if the improvement is sustainable.