Have you tried the CDnuts protocol?

Yup, the cdnuts protocol

how long have you been on it? didi you fast?

I have started his protocol. I just fasted for 72 hours and went into juicing - will be juicing for 2 weeks then going straight into paleo diet/exercise/testosterone herb cycling/cold showers. Will report here my progress

8 posts were split to a new topic: Collagen experiment

Taking L-Tyrosine 1000mg and 5-HTP 100mg, first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach may help with memory. A little exercise after breakfast to acivate all that helps (I jump on a trampoline until if feel my blood running). That’s what I’m doing and memory has improved but it’s just my opinion and I’m not a doctor.

Before anyone with PFS attempts naturopathic protocols it might be a good idea to understand how these protocols will affect your key hormones or receptors for example testosterone, DHT, estrogen, cortisol etc. You also need to know how sensitive you are to changes to these key hormones. That’s not a complete list but just a few examples.

Cold showers are great for depression but they can increase cortisol. If you already have high cortisol then it could leave you feeling wired or struggling to sleep especially if you shower a few hours before bed.

Fasting can lower androgen’s/testosterone which some here have found it made their symptoms temporarily/permanently worse. There are those who have already seem symptoms improve from fasting and some who gained nothing from it.

Juicing – high amounts of vegetables can influence your key hormones and have the potential to make symptoms drastically worse or better.

With so many hormones and receptors influenced by such an extensive range of naturopathic treatments you might need to proceed with caution and be prepared to document everything.

If you are new to PFS then trying to learn about all these protocols and how they will affect your body will be overwhelming at first and could lead to mistakes at the expense of your own health. Ask yourself if you are willing to go through everything and identify the benefits and the risks. If not it might be better to hire someone who can guide you through the process. If you make things permanently worse you will only look back with regret and wish you had.

Given the number of suicides on the forum lately is yet another reminder that PFS is such a dangerous condition. I would rather see someone use a service if it means they are safer than experimenting alone in the dark and don’t risk aggravating their condition to the point that they feel they have nothing left to live for. Yes a service costs money but that may seem very cheap compared to the alternative in which self experimentation costs you your life. The potential to make things much worse is frightening. As for the monetary cost of improving your health, you will need to decide what that’s worth. GL

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These are some great insights. This is where establishing a baseline come into play and by that I’m referring to getting a comprehensive bloodwork done before attempting any potential rememdies.

I often see PFS’ers follow certain radical approaches that could turn to be counterproductive to their specific case. Simply put, what worked for others might not work for you in a similar fashion. We are biochemically different after all.

That being said, there are always symptoms to look for and parameters to consider (based on bloodwork & other testings) that help connect the dots.

Who are you referring to hire to help through the process? I’ve been battling for 7 months and it is getting worse, my body is now very feminine, total muscle wastage, joint pain, and my endocrinologist appointment isn’t for another month.

Would a radical approach be a 3-5 day juice feast? Is this not a good idea?

Any decent naturopath would be worth speaking to first. This is in relation to the guys who are new to PFS and risk making things worse by panicking and trying things out. Cdnuts protocol contains many of the well established natural treatments however some of these are capable of making things worse for some guys. I’ve never been to cdnuts so I don’t know what he does for guys. However, if he is able to stop guys from making mistakes and messing up their bodies then I’d think that was a better option than playing Dr. Some of the young guys go off the boil and start trying various things without really understanding what they are doing. That’s a dangerous situation.

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I wish we’d stop talking about cdnuts. It’s all bullshit.

Idc what people here say about cd, and I wouldnt go for these overexpensive herbs unless you’ve tried out everything else. I personally think if you’re suffering for that long a juice fast wouldn’t do too much. Keep in mind I’m very new here, but I always was interested in bodyhealth and somehow I seem to recover relatively fast, is it just my body? Maybe yes, I just don’t belive that my body would heal lile this without good circumstances. I felt good 2 days ago and started eating what I want and am dying of exhaustion today(unable to do ANYTHING) altho I slept for 8(full)hours in the night and have done nothing else today. Most of the stuff he advises was my to-go stuff Ive done before even knowing about him. My body literally pushed me into fasting, cold showers and sprints(which I havent done for over 3 years or so). And I didnt cold shower before for like 8months.
Checkout “SlimLand” on youtube, he has a lot of videos and is highly advocating a 3day fast to boost autophagy, maybe you could try a day ketoeating and then go into a 3day fast and afterwards eat a day balanced and follow with IF and juice diet for another 2-3days. I do think doing stuff for 2weeks or so as he advises with a body thats already vulnerable is pretty freaking risky. Esp since it seems like our bodies especially need amino acids to some degree. And unless you were extremely healthy for last 6-12months the fatdepots wont be the best healthsource.
Edit: now that I feel slowly better my mind is tryhard stopping me from doing it, I started to hate cold showers, cant even think of sprints XD and just feel like eating 24/7 (which I am doing and feeling bad cuz of it…, but as it seems days after and not instantly) just shows how much our bodies like the comfortable state to stick to xd
Did a 3day fast 1st time a year ago and I looked awful doing it, as if the body shot out all the toxins and wasnt able to handle it. Thats why they say dont do a too long water fast unless your kidneys are in picture-perfect health because they take a big hit during such cleansing moments.
Juice fasts wont boost autophagy tho(stemcell activation) but just clean your body. I think the former is highly adviseable for anyone in this situation. Doing 3day fasts for a half year every month or 2nd month could maybe helpout a lot of people here.

I have tried CDnuts protocole for 6 months. I have fasting twice and herb cycling. No results.

I don’t think we can limit CDs stuff to just cycling herbs. He references many natural therapies in his protocol which guys here have used in their own protocols. Cold showers are great for guys with low cortisol and depression. I’d still be doing these now if I hadn’t crashed. I’m looking beyond the alleged CURE because there’s a lot there that helps people and also plenty of things that don’t. It’s as good as any place to start with your recovery.


There’s a guy on the law of attraction film who juices one day a week to give his liver a chance to process toxins. Smart guy!

cd nuts started cyclyng herbs AFTER he healed.

It’s all bullshit.

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the question, after 1 year (!) is still the same: “have you tried the cd nuts protocol?”
please answer in a coherent manner, don’t bother me, pfs is just too hard itself.

And despite your at times poor attitude, you got plenty of answers from people who have tried it.

You know CDNuts is an emotive issues on this forum, so if you can’t be bothered to skip past the people who feel strongly about him, then you shouldn’t bother posting about his protocol in the first place.

With newcomers to this forum turning up all the time, many people would not want to leave a thread floating about that only promotes this protocol when it has cost so many people so much money for so few results in the past.

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looks like people lost their ability to read and understand simple texts, like questions, and this coming from me, a guy who’s not that good in english.
i will only read answers from now on, not useless polemics.

gotta go fast :wink: