Guys, help me out please. (Brazil)

gmmora- I know I get those feelings too, but you have to focus on the improvements. Its easy to forget when all goes to shit, but we are having some sustained improvements. I havent had leg or testicle pain in like 2 months, thats my longest stretch so I have to focus on the positive improvements. Like we said, you have more desire than you did a few months ago, thats a positive. Today it looks as though my 3 day bad period might be over, had arousal today and wanted to mastrubate again. We have to stay positive and keep fighting this shit.

It’s really hard to describe my mental symptoms. I still suffer a lot from anxiety and depression, and at the same time I know deep inside that they’re not as strong as they used to be. I have much more control now than before, but at the same time it looks like I’m on the edge, like I’m going to have a nervous breakdown.

Complex, isn’t it?? Do you feel the same??

Gnmoura- yes often times I feel the anxiety and hopelessness but I try to focus on the progress the. The lack thereof. I focus on the fact that just 6 months ago I would ejaculate often with NO feelings of pleasure, that just 6 months ago I had few sexual thoughts, and that every time I have an upswing it brings something new that I didn’t have, like a week ago I had an erection just thinking about a girl. I focus on people like Chi who stayed positive for 2 years and battled his way back last reporting feeling 95% better after 2 years. Focus on the fact that even years later your body is obviously trying to return to normal, and progress comes at the strangest times. You feel dormant, then boom!! Something changes for the better.

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Friend taking alprazolam and 5-HTP. Guaranteed I have 12 years in this hell.

I had the most amazing sex I’ve had in YEARS. It was all there where it should be: libido, sensitivity, orgasm… AMAZING!!!

The funny thing is that I was with moderate anxiety.

Seems like the bad periods are getting less and less! Congrats!!!

I think its important to note that gmmoura is on wellbutrin.

Dgreene is right, I’m on Wellbutrin, but my feeling is that my sex drive has got nothing to do with it. I’m on Wellbutrin for 2 months more or less and nothing really happened when I started using it.

Definitely my libido is coming back. I’m having more nocturnal and spontaneous erections now. I still fluctuate, but it’s not as intense as it used to be. I’ve got to say that I still have bouts of depression and anxiety, though. All in all, I have hope that I’m going to be way better within 6-12 months.

More ejaculate volume, but the semen is still watery sometimes (and sometimes it’s not). The baseline shows I’ll probably be better, but it’s difficult to be here and now. I hate when depression and anxiety come. I had such a wonderful weekend.

gmmoura- keep focusing on the improvements. Yes the cycles get less and less intense! There is no doubt that whatever it is there is hormonal cycle of ups and downs, and the downs are less intense. I can guarantee you that even 6 months ago you didnt see such progress. Hang in there!

Today I’m in a really dark place - it’s one those days where you think that all the progress you’ve made so far is worthless. I know this is not going to last forever, but depression is hitting me HARD. According to my calculations, september should be my “good” month - maybe in the end of september. Last time I stayed 21 days at this point. Lets hope this time it lasts much more than this. Lets hope my calculations are correct and that the clycling behavior repeats itself.

Sorry to hear your hitting a low patch again

Hope you start to pick up again.

I would urge you and anybody else suffering from deep dark depression to contact the PFS foundation research team here… … ide-cases/

I did… Although I never really attempted suicide, I can’t say I never thought about it several times. Lets see if the Foundation has any interest in my case.

You’ll be fine buddy!!!

But get treatment for your depression (regardless of whether it’s associated with PFS or not). Are you seeing someone?

Yes. I’m seeing a shrink and a psychiatrist. I’ll very soon start with Chinese medicine too. I’m doing my best to beat this bitch.

As for the Foundation study, see below the answer I just got from them.

Dear gmmoura.

Thank you for responding to our query on PFS-related suicide cases.

We’re pleased to hear that you never made a serious attempt on this front, and we’ll keep your case on file.

But if you come across any fellow PFS patients who have attempted to take their own lives, feel free to have them (or a family member) contact us at


The Post-Finasteride Syndrome Foundation

Today I’m feeling like shit. This will never end, god damn it. I don’t know if I’m going to make it through this hell.


Please try to stay focused.

As people keep telling me, time will heal us!!!

Keep up the fight!!!

You can beat this !!!

One thing is for sure: I’m strong!! Other guys would have committed suicide long time ago.
I’ve had so many ups and downs - I even thought I was out of this nightmare a few times before, maybe 3 or 4.

As the time goes on you kind of get used to living in a nightmare. My opinion is that maybe this represents 50% of the improvement, i.e., the simple fact that you get used to PFS. The other 50% represents the “real” improvement and it’s like a rollercoaster ride - some days you want to give up living some days you feel pre-fin…

I’ll keep fighting, of course. If I had to end my life I would’ve done this 2 years ago, when I stopped taking finasteride. That was the most terrible period of my entire life.

I know how you feel

I’m barely coping and maybe not be around much longer

My pain in my penis and shrinkage as well as feeling numb with anus / prostate pain añd driving me insane

Glad you are staying strong

Just thought I had to post my experience. Today I went to a Chinese doctor - basically one of those guys who treats you with crystals, herbs and acupuncture. Lets see how it goes, but I had a really good impression. I felt really relieved when I left. At least my mental symptoms don’t seem to bother.

He explained to me that there is a significant part of PFS related to fear. Obviously fear leads to depression. I’m really not suggesting that PFS is purely psychological, just saying that THERE IS a psychological component in PFS. I’m not feeling horny, so to speak, but at least I’m not feeling depressed or anxious. Just one session of acupuncture and a few crystals on both ears.

I’ll keep you posted. This is not gonna be a “cure”, but I’ll be forever grateful to the Chinese people if I can have my life back again.