Guys, help me out please. (Brazil)

If you had a recovery for 21 days I’d say you’ll be out of the woods eventually. Keep up the diet and workout routine. That’s the best thing for your recovery.

And yeah, I used to want to be 100% again. I still do mentally, but sexually I could live with 75-80%. And my hairloss to slow back down. =/

Just blogging, you don’t have to pay attention. I’m feeling pre-fin again - what a mess, but I’m grateful.

Your record to beat this time is 21 days! You can do it!

Have you tried 7-Keto DHEA, I found it very helpful to relieve the post-orgasm feeling of weakness/bad mood

Almost zero libido by Finasteride 5 mg.

Ctrlv, hang in there, buddy. We all have been through this shit as well.

More blogging: today I realized that my vision improved almost 100% (maybe 90%). The white eye floaters are almost completely gone - it’s like I can see better.

How are your sexual and mental sides doing? Like libido and brain fog?

I’ll tell you about the sexual sides tomorrow… lol… Things seem pretty normal, at least I have desire, which is good.

Mentally still have little depression, but not even close to what it was a few months ago. I have lots of really good moments these days, I’m happy most of the time.

yeah the biggest change I have noticed is even with some decreased erection strength and sensitivity on certain days I have still maintained my desire. For the first time in 14 months, I actually left work and wanted to rush home and masturbate today. I can tell you no way has that happened in the previous 14 months.

Looks like we’re at the same point in terms of recovery.

Sexually: orgasm 110%, sensitivity 100%, libido 50%. Overall 85%. Libido is still the biggest problem but I do have desire and the sex is great when it happens.

Ctrl v,
Dude, send me a private message so that we can talk a little bit. I saw that you’re from Brazil and that your english is not as good as you wanted (according to what you said on your topic).

I’ve been using Man1 Health - it’s an oil that is supposed to nourish your penis (lol) for dermatological use only, never during the intercourse. I’m not sure if it’s helping or not, but my sensitivity is great these days.

Mild anxiety, mild depression, low sensitivity, low libido, watery ejaculate and blurry vision are back. All in all, I’m not suffering what I used to suffer before.

I realized that everytime I have a “partial recovery” for a few days I come back to PFS with less intense sides. If this continues, maybe I can have a normal life again, just like Chi. I’m not asking for a pre-fin life, just a normal life.

If your baseline is improving each time, you’ll be out of the woods eventually for sure. Just may take a while. If you ratchet up the excersize and diet I bet you could speed that up. Either way, be optimistic. I think you’re going to be one of the lucky ones. Life is going to be so sweet on the other side.

gmmoura- yes, it seems the cycles become less and less intense over time. Like yesterday I was down, low sensitivity, no ejaculate, but I still maintained desire which even a few months ago would disappear. I think time is the key.

I’m sorry to inform that today was the worst day in maybe 5 or 6 months. Terrible anxiety, very close to a panic attack.

Try L-Tyrosine for post-mb depression. Don’t use chronically tho!! That’s why I also suggest avoid PMO (porn masturbation orgams) for good but i think in sex O’s are fine. I don’t think MB’s are that helpful for us, if you think about penile health you could always just use cialis or equal regulary and have sex in moderation.
This is such a short blurt of a post/without anything to back me on but try them out anyways, both things helps me + I know some theory behind each point but I doubt it would help you in practise.

I don’t know about you guys, but when the anxiety comes with vengeance I feel like I’m literally going crazy, like it’s too much too handle, like I can’t take it anymore. I’m just wondering if some of you feel or have ever felt like this because of PFS.

These “dark” periods are diminishing as the time goes by. I thought they were gone for good, but looks like they’re still around.

gnmoura- same here, had a great month period…now had two days with no am, nighttime or random erections, no sexual thoughts, anxiety and unable to sleep, more pronounced dry skin on face, and bloating. Def darker periods aren’t as severe but they are still there

I made good experiences with zinc (20mg) everday and Arimidex if the anxiety is getting to strong. Without zinc I would have probably killed myself already as this anxiety can be really horrifying. You should also cut down intense workout sessions.

Thanks a lot for responding. Sometimes I really think I’m going insane due to the extreme anxiety. I’m not exaggerating. Lucky me I had 0.25mg Xanax (Alprazolam) in my pocket to pop in. It helps me to control anxiety a little bit.

My feeling is that I’m losing control because I’m actually losing hope. I don’t think we’re going to be out of PFS in a few years, unfortunately. What if I go crazy because of this shit? I really wasted my life and it all was because of my hair - I’m such a stupid son of a bitch.