Guys, help me out please. (Brazil)

Poorvictim, hang in there. I am telling you I didnt really feel any different until 8 months in.

It’s like your body is a car engine and the workouts are you trying to start it. Your progress shows it’s revving, but you need to keep turning the key consistently to get it going full blast. At the very least it seems to be giving you some relief, which is good.

Feeling a huge testicular pain today… WTF!?! I’ve always had a little discomfort every now and then, but today was a REAL pain (difficult to walk). What a hell… This never ends.

It’s amazing how my body changes in only a few days without jogging. A considerable amount of fat in my chest and back. It’s ridiculous!! Nobody can go jogging every single day of his life only to prevent suicidal thoughts and deep anxiety.

It’s been really hard… Some days I feel great, like everything was going to end, some others I lose hope…

The pain has faded 2 days ago…

Today was a terrible day. I felt like I crashed again. The day began normally with a manageable anxiety and I tried a multivitamin (Centrum) before going out for lunch. I had raw fish (japanese food). Anxiety went through the roof, baby penis, really tight testicle, felt feminized… WTF!! I have to stay away from this shit…

Let’s try to go jogging to see if I get better.

My gf even asked what was going on due to my extreme anxiety.

after finasteride I had allergy to japanese food , polyester, polycarbonate, soaps, shampoos, gluten, pepper, deodorants, and some foods etc. …

lost my consciousness, memory, I had insomnia, depression, decreased libido, decreased body temperature, Fear, lack of confidence, anxiety, erectile dysfunction, dry skin, decreased ejaculatory volume, sweating.

after cutting all of these items, I feel much better. I also run training and bodybuilding.

Thanks for sharing your story, buddy.

I’ve been through shit these days. Extreme anxiety came back with vengeance. I couldn’t sleep last night.

I’m trying to keep a safe distance from here to avoid more damages, but it’s been really hard. Insomnia really sucks.

Ah!! I forgot to mention shrinkage and baby penis.

I’m fucked up…

I know the Foundation is dealing with research, but I’d be thankful if they were able to find some kind of treatment ASAP. It doesn’t have to be a cure for now.

I feel the same gmmoura.

If there is any treatment if not cure, its a big relief.

There are some member stories from Mark.r.d and Legendary who have had some success so far. If PFSFoundation takes a look at them and prepares a workable to protocol for all the victims, it would be great.

I think this is the third time that I go through a crash. I feel like shit. It’s like I’m going crazy.

I’ll take a break from this site for a while. It’s not doing any good to me now.

Time for a short update. I’m trying to avoid this web site since it does no good coming here every day.

I’m seeing a therapist twice a week and is helping me to fight the depression. Got back to SSRI since my depression was driving me nuts. I’ll give buproprion (Wellbutrin) a shot in a few weeks.

Depression and brain fog are still with me, but I’m having better days now. I think bearable days is the right way to put it.

Libido sometimes comes and goes. Numbness is here to mess up the whole thing. So even when I have libido I get extremely frustrated from not feeling anything.

ED went away.

Still making donations to the Foundation (US$75, monthly).

GF is helping a LOT, but I’m feeling hopeless.

what’s your diet?

how are your stools? has diarrhea?

Your digestion is normal?

I try to eat as healthy as possible, taking fish oil supplements. However, I still have soft drinks every now and then. My therapist told me sugar is good against anxiety - sugar in moderation, of course - so I eat a pudding for dessert every other day as well.

Yes, I do have diarrhea very often.

My digestion is doing pretty well, aside from the fact that it’s common to have heartburns.

Well, guys, I finally have some good news for you.

My sexual functions seem to be returning. Orgasms are great, libido is coming back (maybe 85% - 90%) and no ED. Still facing mild depression and anxiety, but it’s probably due to the fact I’m still very insecure. I get horny when I see porn, nocturnal erections are back, sex dreams happen very often (I had two wet dreams last week).

Orgasms are really really intense. I get hot when I look at women, my body and brain are now responding to females as they used to do. I have the urge for sex every day or every couple of days.

This all started on June 1, around 18 months off finasteride. It’s been almost 2 weeks that I’m feeling like this.

I’m not going to come back to this forum until the 4 months mark. Just wanted to let you know that looks like there’s hope for all of us.

18 months? It says u stopped November 2012 that would be 6 months

Oh I think u meant November 2011, congrats on the recovery!


did you feel any improvement after starting or related the use of buproprion (bupropiona)?

Congrats. Hope it sticks. Don’t be bummed if it doesn’t. It’s still a good sign.

Ahoy, folks, here I am again.

I’m sorry to inform that it was not this time again. After 21 days, I came back to where I was, but not exactly. I mean: I feel I’m closer to the end every time I have a small recovery - because I never return to the exact same point where I was before. I’d say it’s 2 steps forward 1 step behind.

Here’s what I noticed this time.

  1. Sensitivity was completely back. It’s partially gone now.
  2. No more watery ejaculate, which is back now. This is so awk - I can’t explain it.
  3. Libido is low again.

As for the use of bupropion, I’d say NO, I don’t think this recovery was because of it. But bupropion is helping with the fatigue. I’m not sleepy during the day as I used to be.

So, yeah, here I am again. I pretty sure I’ll get there, I just don’t know when. It may take 1 month or 1 decade. Just think I’m closer. All in all, I’m optimistic.

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What gains have you kept from these short recoveries? It is like, you go numb again but not as numb as before?

Not as numb as before, although it’s hard to tell how much exactly. I’d say the best thing I keep from the short recoveries is being attracted to women again. Maybe five or six months ago I didn’t feel attracted to women at all (libido ZERO). Nowadays, even when I’m feeling terrible, I feel this sensation that she’s really hot and I’d love to have sex with her.

Besides, I felt really pre-fin during this last recovery as far as sex goes - and for 21 days. I’m optimistic, lets see… I’m trying to talk to Chi to see how things went with him.

I don’t want to be 100%, just wanna be able to continue with my life in peace.