Final protocol 100% pfs reversal with dht therapy - lastpost

And your explanation for the above post from Visionquest improving based on my theories? You seemed to ignore it?

Visionquest, I am so happy when I hear about all these improvements based on my theories, unfortunately they go ignored by people who seem to just hate me. If you could contact PVDL and Luckfax and let them know you have improved it might help the situation here a lot, PVDL posts to new users and basically tells them they are fucked and donā€™t listen to me and nothing works. I donā€™t get it, I am sure they believe what they are saying, but why? I am not going to respond anymore to the negative posts, it is my downfall for doing so, PVDL caught me at a very emotional time and triggered my response.
I am fighting to make known these theories that are helping people and filling in gaps that are unexplained about PFS, posts like this really help. I suggest you try testosterone, but my strategy is changing to testosterone with DHT. It all depends on how you respond to test, did you have a crash? That would basically tell me if you will respond to testosterone normally or if you will require DHT supplementation. Without DHT an AI can make it work, but I am starting to believe DHT may have more value than I originally thought. I believe it may get into the brain and break the neurosteroidal estrogen dominance, there are a few stories of recovery all including DHT use. I am so happy you are improving vision quest, again, thanks for the advice and support!

Internet bullies are a dime a dozen, and YOUā€™RE one. As for me, Iā€™ll post all my progress - success or fail. I have nothing to lose. Check the general forum. Iā€™ve got a long running thread detailing all the herbal protocols tried, mostly unsuccessful. For me, Iā€™m going on nine years here. Really think about that for a second. PFS has destroyed a huge chunk of my young life, I will never get back. Hormones are the last unexplored option, and I will experiment with it thoroughly until I reach another dead-end, or succeed. Haters like you (and thatā€™s all you areā€¦a hater) are worthless. You contribute nothing. Nobody here stands in your way of a recovery, or PFS researchers discovering a cure. Thatā€™s delusional talk and in most of your posts, you are hysterical.

JQD, you cant get caught up in proselytizing. There will always be skeptics. This isnt about you. Itā€™s about a group of men afflicted with a horrible condition and trying to help them get better in some way, big or small. The Foundation will do its thing, and the rest of us can wait or try stuff out ourselves. You are the leader in the latter category. I appreciate your efforts. Please dont get caught up in the cross talk. Your credibility will improve substantially by keeping your posts shorter and on point. Just my opinion.

Regarding my post above, I did a quick search on pub med and found recent studies which corroborate my experiences with Arimidex (aka anastrozole) for those who want a study to go with every pronouncement on this forum.

Study - Treatment with an aromatase inhibitor, anastrozole, led to normalization of the patientā€™s testosterone, luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone levels, suppression of serum estradiol levels, and to normalization of spermatogenesis and fertility.

Study - The use of aromatase inhibitors (either letrozole or anastrazole) in cases of infertile men with low T/E(2) ratios improved both hormonal and semen parameters.

Im sure there are other and better studies, but itā€™s 4am here. Bedtime.

ps this image came from one of the above studiesā€¦

I will take your advice, thank you Visionquest, I am on the verge of a GREAT discovery for PFS, injectable Androstanolone, this could change the lives of everyone here. Exogenous DHT use seems to be tied to recovery, I am noticing a trend and a failure in my theories to recognize it. DHT kills off estrogen, and it may be what is needed in a severely suppressed PFS sufferer to break the neurosteroidal estrogen dominance.
We are so close!

I think I have made my point very clear. If you want to continue with JQD home-brew protocols and invest money and time in them I cant stop you. Sadly this behaviour distracts from the real path forward.

Eventually this hormone thread will come to an end, when the realization sets in, that it really has been tried and failed before and that the same outcome has occured here.

As for me being hysterical about the lack of support extended by this community towards the foundation, pls reference AWORS post. I think he has a better grasp of the situation than tumbleweeds, who thinks that all of this home-brew quackery has no effect on the foundation:

Visionquest, i am so happy you are improving based on these theories, keep up the progress! Everyone please ignore the THING that keeps posting here, if we donā€™t respond to it, it will get tired and go away.

JQD, countless members tried DHT replacement therapy. Its nothing new.

I will leave this thread now, and let the insanity carousel continue turning.

Just a last reminder before I leave, of JQD promises that have not been fullfilled:

That was 1.5 month ago. Where is that guy?

Instead we got RecentQuitters negative feedback (as would be expected, after all this hormone stuff has been tried over and over again).

I cant believe JQD can blantanly lie and distort and people still trust him.

Lol. Where are these countless positive reports of 100% reversal?

Delusional. Clearly.

got here a little lateā€¦ how many people actually had success with this?

0 people have had success. 0 people have had the reversal JQD is promoting. Its a scam.

This one cracks me up. Delusions of grandeur:

Hi Bryce, yes people have been improving based on my theories and protocols, someone just posted that they have been improving based on my theories using Arimidex. Also, there are about 10 people waiting on their testosterone to come in 2 have started my protocol, 1 has started a standard protocol. The first 2 may be non responders as they have been shutdown for years, they require DHT, we are exploring that path now with Masteron and DHT gel.

Justquit has still to explain how sexual dysfunction is not post finasteride syndrome. Pfs doesnā€™t even have a medical diagnosis and yet youā€™re dismissing people whoā€™ve been here for years. And no I donā€™t have low t.

[Size=4]Below JQD FIRST post on this forum. [/size]

So to summarize:

JQD was pumped with loads of stuff even before he started taking advocart. Then he had side effects after taking it for 1 week. Instead of waiting for them to resolve (Advocart has a longer half life than Finasteride), he IMMEDIATLEY starts CONSUMING LOADS OF DRUGS. A whole cocktail.

He calls his doctor who tells him that he should wait to see if the side effects resolve, after all he JUST stopped the damn medication and it is still in his system.

[Size=4]He also already KNOWS what the problem is: ESTROGEN DOMINANCE! After 1 weekend he knows this. [/size]
He should not have been allowed to register here. After all only after 3 month of side effects one should register.[/size] This is a fucking joke!!!

Jqd, since you like to study hormones, could you tell me what do you think is behind these recoveries?

Light at the end protocol: tongkat ali, maca, selegiline, progesterone cream.
What he felt until cured: ups and downs until he got 100% and I emailed him and he is still 100% even more than a year without any supplement, medication, hormone.

Beekay protocol: lots of test boosters, clomid 25mg, tamoxifen 20mg, progesterone cream, pregnenolone pills.
What he felt: i donā€™t know if it was ups and downs, he is 95% cured he just feels that he need a little more penis sensitivity. He also tried hcg before and felt nothing, then he tried with the protocol and felt incredible.

Elb protocol: 7 test boosters, progesterone cream, vitamin b12, DIM
What he felt: ups and downs, he would crash if he drinks and smoke weed (which one or do you think both would cause a crash?) cdnuts said that he would feel able to smoke weed and drink heavy just when he got cured. He tried progesterone alone and felt worse, then he tried with his protocol all together and got cured.

Apr1989: Triptorelin and tribulus
What he felt: triptorelin gave him excellent testosterone and estrogen levels, but felth nothing, then he used tribulus, felt ups and downs and now without tribulus he feels 90% cured.

Cdnuts: Androhard, pct, test boosters.
What he felt: ups and downs and now he doesnā€™t feel any estrogen problems, maybe tinnitus that comes and goes sometimes, I would say when he train hard or drink too much.

Hopingformore: Tried everything, hcg, tamoxifen, novedex xt, arimidex, tribulus.
What he felt: better just on tribulus but effects would disappear, then he took a high dosage and tappered off and got cured like he wouldā€™ve never touched propecia.

Letsconvenience: I donā€™t know exactly he tried many things, but to recover I think he did test boosters, ox bile, zinc, to remove excess copper thus estrogen.
What he felt: ups and downs until completely cured.

One guy from Brazil that I talked: everything including proviron, deca, all kinds of testosterone, arimidex, letrozole, prolactin inhibitors, masteron, the list is extensive.
What he felt: ups and downs until cured he said the same thing Apr1989 said, tribulus restored the androgen receptors and he was feeling better after each cycle of tribulus.

Please Iā€™d like to read your opinion on each protocol.

I took progesterone first and felt worse, less sensitivity, depression, less powerful orgasm, then I increased a lot my tribulus and felt 70% cured, then I felt the down but with a better base line that I lost by using progesterone cream, drinking and smoking weed, just like Elb.

In all honesty brazilianguy these guys would most likely have gotten better doing nothing. Maybe the herbs gave them a ā€œbumpā€ in the right direction but more likely they just attribute their recoveries to whatever they were doing at the time.

Why would you ask jqd for answers you know he cannot possibly accurately answerā€¦thatā€™s the whole issueā€¦we donā€™t know why pfs happens and what the mechanism is. He is not some world class biomolecular scientist. Just a guy who is rehashing a theory that has been around for YEARS. compromised 5ar and estrogen dominance. Which it clearly is not that simple.

I must also add that it is very possible to make things worse by pumping endocrine disruptors into your system. I had a very bad reaction to 1 mg of arimidex. Don t believe you can t get worse by using DIY protocols. Jqd has failed to report on people feeling worse.

And jqd stop promising to leave when you know you have no intention of ever doing so unless you are actively banned by mods. It is

this is to anybody who keeps getting on jqdā€™s back,why dont you just leave him be and let him get on with what hes doing???,weā€™ll all know soon enough if hes ideas are good or bullshit,atleast hes trying loads of stuff out,even if it doesnt work atleast we can discount it and tick it off the list as bullshit,if people want to try different things out just let them,what harm is it doing you lot who are on hes back???,constantly attacking him like a bunch of arseholes,how can it be a scam???,the lads never tried to sell anything to anyone,or asked anyone for money etc,if its a choice between reading this thread where loads of different hormone protocols are being tried out or reading peoples suicide shite i know which one i would choose,if this thread drives you mental then dont read it simple as thatā€¦

Because he promotes dangerous ideas which have been tried repeatedly already.

Robbo, as you well know self experimentation can be dangerous. You were ruined by progesterone and arimidex had a pretty similar effect on me.

I m not discouraging people from trying things to help control symptoms just pointing out that things can get fucking worse by following some self appointed pfs professor who has no more idea wtf is going on than you or me.

His theory has been round since the dawn of pfs and people have been trying various combinations of hrt in an attempt to satisfy the theory. There have been no ā€œreversalsā€ as jqd proclaimed months ago. I m pretty sure that ll be the case in a few months too.

His protocol is changing yet again despite being 100 % reversed for months if you listen to him so something certainly doesnā€™t add up.

If you were 100% would you stick around here? I know I wouldnā€™t

Hi guys,

Largely a silent viewer on this forum but thought iā€™d post my two cents for any newbies that may be considering trying this, that or the otherā€¦

First off, not taking a side or having a go at anyone or the methods they do/dont champion, so nobody take this as a dig or me discrediting it or whatever, just one guys opinion.

I am from the ā€˜medievalā€™ UK where anti-aging docs arenā€™t common. Like everyone here, in a moment of desperation I found an anti-aging doc that claimed the answer to PFS (Dr Crisler of Lansing, Michigan of those that want to know). He stated he had success by taking peoples T level to 50% above the top of ā€˜normal range.ā€™

I flew out to the US and spend literally thousands of dollars, had tests and consultations, and did everything he said religiously, and it became very clear very quickly that this ā€˜world famousā€™ doc didnā€™t have the foggiest idea on how to treat me or deal with this condition. Maybe Jacobs and Goldstein do, but if I was a patient of theirs and saw improvement from them iā€™d be on here championing them all like crazy to the rest of you guys, much like I would have with Crisler. He proved to be a very shady guy, but thats another story and not relevant to this forum, what is relevant is that if anyone goes the anti-aging doc route, I would advise to avoid seeing him.