Final protocol 100% pfs reversal with dht therapy - lastpost

So the post-Propecia baseline for me has been an AM erection that varies in strength (from about 50 to 90 percent) and that shrivels up instantly upon waking. It used to be, before all this, that I’d wake up every AM with a raging boner, have to go the bathroom and pee through it, and that it would take 10-15 mins to die down. Post-propecia, as I said, it’s a very different experience; it’s like my dick just can’t wait to shrivel up to nothing and stay that way all day.

I agree with you that it seems like I was pushing my estrogen too low. Unfortunately, though, cutting back on Arimidex (and presumably letting estrogen rise a bit) did nothing except restore those feeble AM erections.

hmm. What’s your baseline for boners, libido, night/morning wood?

That >Arimidex reduced morning wood suggests you’re in range, at a lower level.

I m sorry but the non response theory is still the most prevelant judging by numbers and testimonials so far. As of yet you are the only one who has been “reversed”.

Why would I need to respond given my test is very high? 700 +
The ai made me worse so it can t just be estrogen…neurosteroidal or not.

There is another mechanism at play or we would have seen more responders to t and/or ai therapy. Would we not?
You may be lucky to be responsive but not the norm, its a possibilty right?

Finbasteride, anything is possible, but it’s not probable, you did take too much arimidex at once for someone not on exogenlus testosterone, so your reaction was not unexplained. You felt good for about 12 hours which if I am not wrong you meant you felt better than normal right? So you lowered estrogen enoigh to get into your sweet spot, then lowered it too much. You prob only needed about 0.25mg.
My experiences aside, and those experiences of one other Pfs sufferer aside, the forum is filled with countless posts of guys responding to masteron. None of them used it properly, only JN knew partially how to use it properly. It must be used with testosterone or it simply does nothing or makes you feel good and starts shutting down dht and testosterone till you feel like shit.
Masteron must be used while on injectable test, we have all read post after post on this forum. I have lots of guys who research and send me stuff, no one has found an instance where a guy with Pfs used it properly. There are countless reports of guys responding positively till it shut down their own test, and it also must be used with test enanthate as that is the least estrogenic form of test.
Masteron is not the final answer as it is not actual dht, so while it blocks estrogen and acts as dht and makes us horny and allows us to build muscles and have oenile sensitivity etc. Masteron blocks estrogen but does not kill it like pure testosterone does. After it is proven that masteron reverses a non responder, then the next move will be to use actual dht (which is hard to come by fortunately) but i found it. It’s not just my experiences, JN years ago came to the same conclusion, only he didn’t know about the estrogen thing like I do.
Although I think he did as he noted that actual dht would solve this and it was sad. So while the one high dose of arimidex you took made you feel good, then bad, it’s nothing unexplainable. If you did not have an estrogen dominant syndrome, it would not have been 12 hours of feeling good. Actually you would have felt like shit in about 30 minutes to an hour. So if it turns out you are a non responder (which we don’t know yet,) you would go on dht and testosterone and rreverse this. Dht bypasses the 5ar system all together.
Curious finbasteride, what’s your bio available test? Do you know? As we all know it’s common for guys with Pfs to have good over all test but low bio available test. So the number can be deceptive, dr Jacobs brought that up once with me, I didn’t care as I was on exogenous. I have seen no evidence that masteron would not work on a non responder, Awor never even tried it. If you can show me one instance of a guy on test and also masteron and not responding I would change my view. Anyway, it will be settled pretty soon, Moonman has had this for 10 years and hasn’t responded to test ever, so this will be put to rest soon.
Can I be wrong? Yes of course, I just see no evidence of that currently, this experiment has never been done, the times it was used correctly it worked. It even acted as expected in Pfs guys who used it and had high enough test to respond before it crushed their testosterone. I have read lots of posts of guys on hormones who have reversed Pfs with the right protocol, praying to heal for example. The point here isn’t to debate it, it’s to conduct an experiment to prove or disprove it, such an experiment would benefit us all, don’t you agree?
Btw, im texting this on my iPhone in my car so nobody judge the typing please.

Ya, I was the same way pre-FIN. 3-5 times a day, kinda guy. Boners night/morning/day.

Seems like JQD has produced some options to try for non-responders. I’ve tried the whole gammit of herbal stuff >5 years. Time for the steroid route…

Yes, and don't let me mislead people, masteron works, it will allow us to respond to testosterone, have muscles, libido, sensitivity, normal penis and penile activity. However, it's not actually dht, it's similar, so it blocks estrogen 24/7 and the estrogen recirculates and it shuts down our dht so we feel all I described but then there is no dht to kill the estrogen. That can be controlled with ai's but the problem can be solved with actual dht, real dht doesn't block estrogen, it kills it, so there would be no need for an AI. 
  JN came to the same conclusions years ago it seems, the point is if non responders get on this and respond. The full weight of the foundation can lobby for this drug's availability.

Hey JQD would you mind sharing what the exact protocol for feeling great with masteron is?

Thanks for your continued efforts, JQD.

Can we talk resources? Needle sizes for particular steroids? And how to inject steroids safely? I really have no idea about this stuff.

Tumble, there’s a lot of tutorials on youtube regarding injections, injection sites, lingo, etc. I’ve been boning up on it myself.

Haha boning up :wink:

I will soon explain the masteron protocol, masteron is not the final drug though


Those are two different names for dht (that were one commercially available), the reason Pfs has never been properly treated is not because it's difficult to treat, on the contrary. Pfs can be treated with dht replacement, but here is the problem, dht does not exist in the USA or anywhere I know of. All there is is this crappy gel called Andractim, and pills called Proviron, none are strong enough. To make matters worse, it doesn't exist on the black market on steroid sites either. I finally found it, it is in powder form and you can have a compound pharmacy mix it for you into an injectable. It used to be commercially available, but body builders had masteron and never realized the difference between dht and masteron. 
They often think it is dht, so the closest thing available is Masteron, and it must be injected with testosterone, in other words, masteron makes testosterone work. It does so by acting as an anti estrogen 24/7 release. Also, it's similarity to dht makes our body recognize it as dht, after a few weeks we get sickly horny and builds get huge from the test and masteron working.
 The problem is that real dht kills estrogen by binding to it and irreversibly inhibiting it, masteron blocks it from affecting our muscles, penis, libido. Estrogen recirculates and our dht is suppressed, so there is no dht to kill estrogen, it comes back and gives water retention and that estrogen mood. Ai's help fix this (as well as a food propionate protocol), but while masteron works, the long term solution is actual injectable dht. Injectable dht provides all the same benifits as masteron, only it kills off estrogen, so it solves all our problems.
  So while Moonman is going on masteron, the end goal is actual dht. So this is why Pfs has been untreated, not because we have some androgen resistant disorder, but quite simply because we don't produce adequate dht as our 5ar is suppressed and test is aromatized. Guys point to Proviron and Andractim gel, but both of those are extremely weak, it took me 20 Proviron pills spaced out 1 an hour to get test to work. In a normal guy who may show as having high test, with a suppressed 5ar, he really doesn't have high test. Most of the testosterone he produces is being aromatized, so even if you block the estrogen, he is only getting a small dose of his own test being reduced to dht.
  Dht levels show up normal to low, but neurosteroidal is where the problems occur (in the brain). If dht injections were readily available in the USA or any country, this condition would immediately be treated. Awor concluded he was androgen resistant and never even tried injectable dht, never even tried injectable masteron. All he tried was Andractim gel, which is so weak that my friend who doesn't have Pfs said he couldn't feel anything from it, I tried it and felt nothing from it. So with guys using their natural test and most if it being aromatized, it doesn't matter if they have good levels really.
   This condition usually will have to be treated exogenously, injecting test provides a steady stream of testosterone, but we cannot reduce it to dht and we aromatize it. The estrogen overwhelms our system and starts shutting things down. With one injection of dht, the dht would irreversibly deactivate estrogen and allow our body to reduce test to dht (enough to regulate neurosteroidal activity). The Dht would replace our dht that is low, and we would be normal, actually better than normal.
    Masteron is an excuse for dht, but it works, and after Moonman uses it and reverses Pfs after 10 years, it will disprove this theory of androgen resistence. If injectable dht (or even masteron) were prescribable, Dr Goldstein or Dr Jacobs, or any doctor with half a brain would write it, and that would be it. Instead you guys are all helpless as you need body builder knowledge to use it, so guys here have taken it alone incorrectly and shut their systems down. There is DHT powder that can be formulated by a compound pharmacy into dht, that would be it for us, so this is why Pfs has never been properly treated. I have known this for quite some time, but I believe we can recover, so I took the recovery option, as DHT is a lifetime commitment with Pfs I think.
     If my doctor could prescribe it, I would just go on it, I would know I could always get more. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know dht replacement fixes non responders, or all of us if we wanted to take the easy way out. Yet no one has tried it correctly except JN who concluded the same things as I have. If you take Proviron it just shuts down your own dht and then you become even more estrogen dominant, it also lowers your testosterone as well. Andractim does the same thing, so dht replacement must be an extended water injection, that way a steady stream is released along side the testosterone injection.
     As for masteron doses, about 50mg of masteron propionate about 3 times a week, and then a low dose of testosterone, probably test propionate daily at 10mg to minimize estrogen. It took about 3 weeks for my body to recognize masteron as dht and make me super horny, and my shut down dick became extremely potent and big and active and super sensitive. So masteron must be steady state in your system and then you inject testosterone and you will feel great. However, with pure dht, you could inject it and use any form of testosterone and respond perfectly! 
     So guys who say they have high testosterone is rather meaningless, what good is high testosterone if you don't have the 5ar activity to reduce it to dht? So you are getting high doses of estrogen, and maybe only getting 1/5th of your actual testosterone (just making a guess as everyone is different). So in finbasteride's case, he took a huge dose of arimidex, too much, felt good for 12 hours and then his estrogen lowered too much. If he had taken a lower dose he would have had that same good feeling he had for 12 hours. The only problem is low 5ar activity means essentially most of his test is not being used.
     It can seem like nerve damage as when everything shuts down hormonally, nothing works. You go and inject testosterone and it mostly gets aromatized, makes you feel like shit and you "crash." So this condition has given the "illusion," of androgen non response, but it's simply not true. I'm about to substantiate my claims and theories with a real life experiment. While I believe 5ar can be recovered (as I am recovering mine), some guys may just be too suppressed, or not have the patience to recover it. I will use Moonman as the example and show that there is no nerve damage, can't you guys see how this can easily be mistaken? Then the 5ar enzymes perform actions, 5ar type 1, 2, and 3. If you read the actions of these enzymes they are consistent with the symptoms guys here have. Look at 5ar type 3, it is responsible for occular and neurological function. This would give the "illusion" if neurological damage, but that's all it is.
    I believe long term on my protocol (or one similar) guys will recover, but if they don't, or can't, dht replacement. Our neurosteroids are messed up because of the low 5ar activity in our brain, there is a chain of neurosteroids that are being affected by this. I prefer natural recovery, we should try to induce our system back, there are lots of guys who have recovered after 4 years or so. When I called Avodart, the pharmacist working their told me that the 1% of guys who had persistent symptoms recovered after 4 years. 
     I have noticed a 4 year trend in recovery stories. The problem here in this forum is that when something doesn't work right away, guys give up. This condition obviously takes a while to recover from, but making the conditions right (like I have) allows normal function and recovery. Any exogenous dht will shut down our own dht, so it's a long term option. It could take 6 months on this protocol to induce 5ar recovery for all I know. Doing nothing and hoping you naturally recover is a bad idea, estrogen causes cancer, it's a risky decision unfortunately. If you don't have strong enough testosterone levels to hammer away at your system and induce recovery, there is no way your system will recover on its own.
       As dr Jacobs once told me, many guys have high total test, but low bio available test, that is deceptive, as the total test isn't what matters. It's a complicated disorder, but certainly not one without a logical treatment. Soon we will see for ourselves, is there a chance I am wrong? Of course, but I doubt it, based on all my experiences, all the posts I read, and all that I know. Someone not understanding all factors as I have, just came up one day and said this is androgen non response. Then guys started saying we don't respond to testosterone. Gelhead posted it just yesterday, he states clearly we "don't respond to test." Yet I'm responding to a complex protocol, but my responses to normal test were the same as everyone here. It's not as if my observations are crazy, Dr Goldstein seems to follow a similar path, only yet again, he is using very crappy drugs. The only form of DHT he uses is telling guys to buy Andractim off the net. He doesn't even know about Masteron or injectable pure testosterone. 
    The DHT option should be used as a personal decision of the sufferer, to end it right there. Meanwhile you have guys blowing their brains out before ordering DHT off the net and injecting it and then injecting test. Why? It's complicated to get real DHT, only masteron is easier to acquire. People here think doctors will just prescribe DHT, doctors know nothing about DHT injections, they don't exist in modern medicine. Not understanding what this condition is results in the conclusion that this is non response to testosterone. That was my initial fear, but I disproved it after months of work.
     Soon I will demonstrate that either I am right or wrong with MoonMan, the nuclear option will be tested. I hope this clears things up for you guys.

So in a nutshell Androstanolone AKA Stanolone (DHT) is not available anymore on the commercial market, and it simply does not exist on the black market. I have been looking for pure DHT in injectable form for a while, I finally found it, it would work like Masteron, but with no side effects and no need for an AI. I already know this as I conducted this experiment with high doses of proviron over the course of a day and night for 2 days at 1 pill an hour, 24 pills a day.
Here is my goal guys, use Masteron to conduct a reversal experiment on Moonman, all data shows us that this will work, my personal experiences as well. Once you see him reversed, others will follow, then we will move into acquiring Androstanolone in injectable form, I found one site that has it, but it is so obscure that there isn’t even much body builder data on it. I am sure there is, it will take further research, but I will just have to test it and find the perfect doses.
After we have a group that is reversed, (perhaps many of us will choose it), then we lobby to get this created for us legitimately, that is my goal. I am trying to start a movement here, once I can prove to you all that I am right, so that guys with PFS have a choice, to replace their DHT and to reverse the condition. My natural reversal works, but it is hard work and I am still perfecting it and working on it, the nuclear option is the easy way out. Many here are suicidal, I’ll not deny I think about it when my Estrogen gets high and DHT gets low. I know that all I have to do is inject masteron and I will reverse most of this, but it isn’t DHT, if I have pure DHT, that is it.
I am just responding to my protocol, it is inducing recovery, but if I cannot find perfection in the next 6 months, that is what this option is for. Rather than take a gun and blow your brains out, inject yourself with an illegal steroid, get your life back. It just so happens that EVERYTHING about PFS is complicated, there isn’t even a fucking DHT on the black market! It is on the black black market! I hope you all see my goal, we should all work on restoring our 5AR activity, I have reversed PFS with it, but the mood stabilization I have not been yet able to perfect.
Moonman is going to be it, a non responder for us to finally resolve the androgen non response theory, we will of course need more than 1 person, but that will occur. Then we can all somehow get this drug legitimized, but if we cannot, then we will all be dependent on an illegal steroid indefinitely. Since guys do recover from this, and my system is recovering, I believe I am on the right path, but if I get tired of recovering, and I can’t get things in perfect balance, I know this works, I already tried it. I want to point out that before I tried it I had a curved penis, all those symptoms, and it reversed them all. Interesting point is after I got off and went on propionate, my penis was normal. I never though about it, but Masteron may have reversed the curved penis thing.
So this is my goal guys, yes this is an experiment, and we are conducting it to confirm a theory that has already been tested before, not just by me, also by JN. I personally do not believe any guys will be non-responsive to the Nuclear Option. I am sorry my posts are so long, I end up doing this on my iPhone when I hangout downtown, it is hard to type on here on a phone (I don’t do it at home, it is depressing). So it is just a matter of time at this point, and then we go from there. I also drink a tea down there that wires me, so that is why my posts can sometimes be super long. I don’t want to give mixed messages, I have PFS mostly reversed, but the mood issue is a big deal to me, going in and out, as I lowered suspension, we will see how the next week or so plays out, it was a very high dose.
Over the course of the last 6 months I have developed many protocols that reversed PFS, but as my protocols became better and better at inducing DHT, I still have not been able to consistently keep estrogen under control (practically). So I am reversed, but I require AI’s dosed symptomatically (my mood goes from great to bad and back and forth), it is too complicated for most guys here to understand. So I am trying to make it easy, I am currently working to try and find a stable protocol with testosterone suspension that requires very little AI, or a set dose a day. I am close, but I have not got there yet, the problem is just estrogen control. I will say that as time goes by, my 5AR is recovering, so recovery does occur, Ihatepropecia has said that every time he runs a cycle, he comes off with more 5AR activity, so his experiences confirm my theories and experiences.
Sorry for these long posts, I just want everything I know to be out here, who knows who is reading this. If I had this thread after I crashed, it would have made the last 6 months so much easier. Yes it is a lot of reading, it is a book, but it is all in one thread, and when this thread ends, it will end with conclusions, and stable protocols (many of them). Imagine some of you guys having had this thread when you first crashed? I feel I would be recovered by now had I had this info 6 months ago.
I also want to add, I did come up with a few stable long term protocols that kept me very stable and allowed me to progress and get better and better on them. I abandoned them out of vanity, I wanted to have bigger muscles and a stronger libido, and the protocols caused water retention, thus I have reached this protocol.

Brilliant theory, whether right or wrong. You deserve to be commended for your tireless work and research into PFS. Thank you.

Two questions - won’t exogenous DHT shutdown natural T production? Second. How do we go about trialing straight DHT injections? To prove this theory? If it’s true, then we should just skip the preamble. Inject DHT and pair it with a SERM to keep the HPTA going?

Edit: Topical DHT is available for Female-to-Male sex reassignment.

   I have already tried it with success with high doses of proviron, also obviously masteron works (but there is the estrogen that will cause bloating and estrogen mood as it recirculates), unfortunately there is no already made Androstanolone (DHT injection). I have found the raw steroid powder, but Androstanolone does not exist on the black market even. I will continue to search, I urge all of you to search as this would be the long term cure for non responders, and for any of us who just don't want to be on a special protocol. 
   Topical DHT (Andractim) is worthless, I mean it is better than nothing, but it is pretty worthless, we need an injection, that is why Masteron works. I am curious about Andractim gel with Masteron, Andractim kills estrogen, but I doubt it would be enough, but I will try it with Moonman as we work through Masteron. Yes DHT shuts down endogenous testosterone and endogenous dht, exogenous DHT will NOT work without being on exogenous testosterone as well. I know JN bought the Androstanolone raw powder and had it compounded by a compound pharmacy (probably somewhere outside the USA). 
    So there are problems with replacing DHT, the main one that there are no prepared injectables even on the black market! What this is, is this is an option for non responders, and for all of us frankly, if we just want to end this now, to just stop it all right now, it can be done with an injection of this stuff. As I conduct experiments with Moonman, I will be using some very innovative protocols attempting compensate for the estrogen rebound that occurs on Masteron, perhaps a PFS testosterone protocol on a lower dose Masteron, and then Andractim gel to help deal with the estrogen. 
     I did take Proviron while on Masteron to kill the estrogen (as my own DHT was shut down from the masteron), but I also was on 1CC of testosterone enanthate (200mg). What do you think I did when I got on Masteron? I immediately shot up a huge dose of test enanthate lol, I had huge muscles, libido, I jerked off so many times it wasn't even funny, it was SICKLY horny. I just didn't know about the estrogen problem then to the fullest extent that I know now. Having already been through all this and given it deep though, moonman is very lucky, when he goes on this Nuclear Option, it will be fine tuned to avoid the mistakes I made. Masteron will allow you to respond to ANY form of testosterone, any dose, but while the estrogen won't be able to affect you, you will feel it emotionally, and will bloat you, so perhaps a PFS testosterone protocol, small doses of test daily on Masteron, this might be manageable. 
    I have been curious if masteron could be enough if the protocol was tailored right. Just seems sad that it would all be solved with a simple injection of Androstanolone that we would have to go through a lot of trouble to get made. However, if I can prove this with moonman, I would get help here, I think it would be nice if we all had this protocol in our house along side a gun, so that if we decide we don't want to try to recover anymore, we can just end it all with an injection and all of PFS would be gone. Already with Masteron that can be done, there are just those kinks I described, but many here wouldn't care about water retention and some emotional stuff to have their life back. Also, in low doses of test, the masteron may be enough to make mood great. My mood was great on masteron at first, and I have found no posts here reflecting a bad mood, just that they felt great. So perhaps it was my high doses of testosterone. 
    This is why I am so positive, when you have taken a hormone that reversed all of this completely, you know you can always go back to it. I will note for the record, I am doing well on testosterone suspension 10mg so far, we will see how it plays out over the next couple weeks, but the lower dose is much better. For now, I am thinking with Moonman, a PFS test protocol with test propionate, Masteron Propionate, and Andractim gel to help with the estrogen, and we will see how things work out. It's just, this would be it, it would shut down DHT and probably inhibit recovery, but it is good to have an option to reverse all this in a matter of a week rather than nothing. 
     I am getting  very potent effects from suspension, so I will keep you guys up to date on that, and very excited about our nuclear option study coming.

what do you think about dht derivatives?

A fellow poster brought this to my attention but didn’t want to post it for fear of getting flamed for contradicting jqd.

Its a very good post by a member who has a lot of experience with pfs and works with the reaeach bodies currently investigating pfs.

Its well worth a read and highlights the fact that this 5ar deficiency theory resulting in estrogen dominance (at whatever level) is in fact anything but original.

Plead do read it. It was posted four years ago.


I dont care what this guys posts. Peolple have recovered in the past, so its possible, PERIOD.

Where did I say nobody has recovered? I m just pointing out that this theory is not new. And even though the theory has been around for years and years the droves of recoveries by tampering with t levels, e levels and dht are not apparent. And many people have done so.

Finbasteride, my theories encompass a lot of theories, they explain lots of missing gaps in previous theories, I came up with all my theories on my own and posted them one day, I never read through the forum. The fact that others have had come up with theories that included some of my theories just confirms what I am saying makes sense. Lots of people have come to many of my conclusions, I have just created a theory that outlined everything, but Awor never tried Masteron, he just tried Andractim and Proviron. I am astonished that Awor would never try Masteron and then give up and consider himself “androgen insensitive.” I don’t establish theories of the unknown after I give up trying. I have actually tried Masteron and it worked, many others have as well here, and soon we will be publicly trying it with moonman and settle a lot of questions.
He never tried DHT replacement, as I previously mentioned, it took me 24 proviron a day spaced out 1 every hour to work, and andractim did not work as it was too weak. Suppressed 5ar resulting in estrogen dominance is a logical conclusion, but no one has ever figured out we need frequent doses of AI’s or higher doses of AI (on HRT). My theories are pretty extensive at this point, I don’t care who gets credit or who had credit, it doesn’t matter to me. I am just trying to solve this, my theories are more of a collection of theories I have come up with over time tied together that include conclusions others have made long ago apparently.
P.S. Don’t you think before Awor decided he was Androgen insensitive that he should have at least TRIED Masteron before giving himself a death sentence and many others who read his posts? I find it irresponsible, it is a point I often get upset about when I think about it. Guys have killed themselves and I am sure reading that they were androgen insensitive did not help. So that is just a theory based on what? That Proviron and Andractim didn’t work? Andractim didn’t work in me and Proviron didn’t work except at very high doses spaced out. Masteron worked, JN concluded the same stuff. Anyway, what was your point so I can better understand what you were trying to convey to us? Thanks

             Finbasteride, Proviron didn't work for me either and neither did Andractim, it took me 24 Proviron, 1 an hour over 24 hours. NO ONE has tried Masteron on testosterone correctly with failure, JN I believe is the only other person to try it and he came to the same conclusions as me. You took 1mg of Arimidex at once and when you lowered your estrogen too much you then concluded estrogen was not the problem. Let me explain the difference between you and I, I experimented with AI's hundreds of times, if I had a bad reaction I tried again at a lower dose. It took me a lot of trial and error to come to my conclusion, Awor and others simply gave up when their failure was due to their lack of understanding hormones and how they work. 
              I plan to conduct an experiment on a person with this theory, and then we can all see the results, but I myself know Awor was completely wrong. How could he know when he never tried Masteron? I can't imagine giving up on my life and resigning to emptiness for the rest of my life without even trying Masteron. Worst of all to publicly declare myself "androgen non responsive," without even trying Masteron? I don't get it.. Don't you think if you are going to conclude you are androgen insensitive, you should at least TRY DHT correctly???

Finbasteride, would you like me to stop the experiment and conclude that everyone is androgen-insensitive and stop posting? If so let me know and I will take a vote, if most people decide that I will conduct the experiment off the forum and Moonman will go on with his life and never post the results. he has no problem with that, let me know. Finbasteride, all I have ever been is nice to you and trying to solve this, and DHT replacement was never correctly done, I would think that being a sufferer of PFS yourself, you would encourage these efforts and experiments.
I happen to know injectable DHT replacement works when done correctly, I am just attempting to prove that to the entire forum. So there are options for guys who want to recover their system, and options for guys who want to just reverse it all and be done with it. It’s no different than you taking 1mg of arimidex and deciding it didn’t work because you took too much and had a bad reaction. You did feel good for 12 hours, I am just trying to help you out here, one would think you and everyone would support my efforts till they reach the end.
Ihatepropecia agrees the same as I do, if this can be reversed with Masteron, he has seen it himself as well, but I outlined the problems, and the solutions. Also, pure DHT in injectable form was never tried, I think JN tried it after buying DHT raw powder and having a compound pharmacy make it into and injectable for him.