Final protocol 100% pfs reversal with dht therapy - lastpost

Justquitdut- well said!!! We should all be trying, I am starting with the new year. I want you to know, while you might be the father of neuro estrogen dominance, I am the grandfather. If you do a search of “profesterone, estrogrn, brain” I wrote excessively hundreds of posts of why this involves a shift of progesterone to estrogen in the brain. I don’t have the medical knowledge you to but I do have the logic. I even posted studies in Japan where they PURPOSEFULLY use Finasteride to destroy progesteone receptor, it’s called a PR knockout. We must keep exploring this!! Several months ago AN UNBELIEVABLY important journal article came out where dermatologists had noticed tons of men on finasteride had developed Melasma, Suns spots. They ALSO theorized that finasteride had shifted progesteone to estrogen in skin. Everything I was saying and you are saying WILL be found to be true. I am certain of it. Keep up the great work!!

The messiah has returned. If you just typed up what you do. How its affected you, positive or negative and left it at that without having to proclaim your greatness NOBODY would see fault or call you on it. Many other users have done so.

You also deride those who are non responsive such as rq. Who did exactly as you said, saw no gains, and reported impartially only for you to slate him.

You claimed months ago to be cured only to keep coming back with new cures, constantly back tracking, reinventing new concoctions to satisfy new theories.

Masteron was the cure then it was swiftly denounced as counter productive.
Propionate was great with aromasin.
Then aromasin was suppressive??? So letrazole was favoured, then massive doses of arimidex.
Then t suspension was the ultimate, then it wasn’t
Finally we re back to the start again. Masteron is the cure.

And the above is just a few weeks of reporting. There is a whole laundry list of hard pharma drugs prior to this.

By all means report sensibly when you are nice and stable for a few months. If you need to see how a protocol should be reported see legendary’s post or dmal. Concise accurate and no ridiculous egotistical rambling that makes the poster look like he is incacerated in a lunatic asylum.

Just tone down the egomaniac shite. And never write shite about preventing donations to the foundation again or you must deservedly be banned.

And finatruth if you are so much better why the need for hrt? If I was 70 80% i d be done with this place and off living…there a no fucking way I d be fucking with my endocrine system again. Truth is you are obviously still pretty fucked.

You need to stop kissing jqds ass and talking himself and yourself up like you have the faintest notion what ia going on with us all. Nobody does as of yet I m afriad.

I didn’t mean that, PVDL really pissed me off and many people here, if you were fighting him it would have been pretty bad he is a douche. That aside, my protocols have not been changing, just evolving, I am back where I started. I knew dht reversed pfs, but I wanted to find a way to restore my own, it failed. I cannot produce enough dht on a neurosteroidal level.
That being said, I have male body scent returning today, that is a significant point for me, as I have never ever been able to get this back, this is the first time. So im going to stick to the facts from now on and keep my posts short. If that dipshit posts again I’ll ignore him, I didn’t mean what I said about the foundation, it was in anger.
So finbasteride, just so you understand, this was my original protocol, I just found different drugs, I tried to get my own system to suffice, but it can’t. Clearly this is a dht deficiency that doesn’t show on blood tests, it is neurosteroidal. The Andractim is annihilating estrogen, I feel alive for the first time in a long time. I reversed all pfs symptoms except the emotional ones in the past, the gel gave it back to me. Too much gel it doesn’t work, too much test, it doesn’t work, it’s the balance between test and the gel, very impressed, I hope it continues.
I have never gone this long with stability like this and improvements like this with no AI.

Fina man, this is interesting because when I took nadrolones (which is a progestin base steroid) I had huge wood! In most people quite the opposite happens. I could not reconcile why a steroid (npp/deca) which is known to cause impotence “deca dick” caused nothing but huge wood all the time for me!

Truth be told, with this situation reversed, I could forget this forum forever, but I have become attached to the people here, I care about people here. I want to see how everyone will end up, and no my story is different than others, instead of working off the site for a solution, I decided to document my progress and share it. So you guys saw me going through 1 protocol after another, had I done this off the site, it would have looked more legitimate. The fact is, I inspired a lot of people, this place was dead when I got here, I brought it back to life.
MCI is a great guy, I convinced him to go on test, he and I have the same timeline of events, about the same suppression, he should respond to the gel just as I do. He is responding to test exactly as I would on that dose without enough AI’s, once he gets on the gel I think things will change. As for the other experiments, they may work for some, but I have concluded that life is too short, why struggle and tinker with AI’s trying to induce your own DHT when you can slap some gel on?
I took the easy way out, and I am breaking out pretty back too, I am about to take a very powerful anti-biotic, but my parents told me who cares. My parents have been very concerned about me since this started, I had thought I had this solved when I got suspension, but when it failed I was crushed. My problem was that I needed DHT and could not find it, I dismissed the gel, I had no idea a gel could be this potent. Guys like me and ihatepropecia laugh at gels, we like to inject, it was sitting in my drawer for months, I almost sold it off to a friend.
Maybe this protocol won’t help everyone here, but if 25% of the people here respond as I do, it is worth it, and it can lead to other protocols. As predicted the DHT is building up in my system (it has a 5 day half life) and becoming more potent each day. This is why I have such a problem with people who deny hormones work, how the fuck is it that I have no signs of PFS on this stuff? When it wears off it all comes crashing down on me, I bloat, my muscles get soft and shrink, my skin dries, I feel a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that you all know as a crash (estrogen dominance).
MCI can’t seem to find ANY stories besides mine of someone on testosterone (low dose) while on a low dose of this gel consistently, it would be interesting to see other experiences. Remember, if you use this off of testosterone, it will fail after a couple weeks as it shuts you down, too much test, it doesn’t work, too much gel, it doesn’t work.

Brilliant Finatruth, I don't care who gets credit for my theories, many here think I have a big ego, it may seem that way, truth be told, I expect to be banned soon. Hell, I have been pushing it, if I get banned I will go on with my life and stop constantly coming here. So, I know these theories will be picked up by someone else, I want researchers and doctors to read them, my name is secret, so I am not getting any credit. I may come across egotistical, but it is just how I write, I seem to write in a way that pisses people off, I am a very blunt person and cynical and I joke a lot, I think my humor doesn't translate well. 
 Finbasteride had me laughing once when he made fun of my patient X1 and X2 and called them "the Xmen," lol, I am laughing again, I haven't laughed in so long, this has been one long battle. It seems to have come to an end, in a couple weeks I think I will move on, but I plan to start stock piling this shit, I may have to be on it for life! It isn't legal here! this is why I didn't want to take this route, I am dependent on an illegal drug to live!

you fuckin show’em dude

after all the advice u have given us, please take some of mine seriously.
starve the trolls by ignoring them. You starve them, they die.

I mean shit, someone went all the way to another forum just to taunt u dude.

don’t acknowledge them seriously.
by doing that you are doing a disservice to yourself and the ppl that count on you because not only
is what they say nonsense, you giving them the time of day is ridiculous man.

me and the others will wait for your updates. I really think youre just around the corner on this thing.
and for all you haters, after JQD is done fixing us up
i’ll have a nice, big, fat hard on y’all can suck on :slight_smile:
Merry Fuckin Christmas

nice way to kick off the 100th page of this thread is say

Yea, I promised myself I wouldn’t respond, but something is wrong with me, I always have to respond, but now that my DHT is high again, fuck him!!!

For the record, NOTHING has been able to induce 5AR activity this steady this predictable, I am not sure why this gel does VS proviron, but I can say when I used DHT before, I was on very high doses of testosterone. This gel is extremely potent, I have started breaking out so that I have to go on an anti-biotic I have here, thankfully I have a blue light, it is a piece of technology that kills acne with a spectrum of light, it works too, FDA approved. I picked up a few things in the cosmetic dermatology biz, haven’t had to use this thing since the day I crashed.
So the last time I used this blue light was the night I crashed, after that my skin cleared up, till now, have not had to take an AI since thursday, I quit letrozole cold turkey, I was taking 2.5mg 4X a day on some days. Yea I tried a lot of shit and my protocols changed a lot, but just think of it as covering 10 years in 6 months, I just went faster than most people. I really was suicidal, you guys could make it longer than me, had I not fixed this I would have done myself in.
Seems too good to be true, but DHT is not new to me, look at the title of the thread, I came to this conclusion months ago, my mistake originally was the dose of test, it was too high. I wonder if I would have been able to make this protocol work with proviron and keeping the doses of test low like this, well, I am not going to try. The gel is working fine, and much more economical and fuck it is potent, if you look at my progress, I haven’t jumped around to different protocols, I have been trying to find the right drugs to achieve the results I needed.
So I have to tell everyone to buy this Andractim gel, here is how it works, 10mg of testosterone propionate a day, 2 eminem sized drops of the gel, one on each side of your rib cage, and that is it. We will see how this plays out, normally I would not have my hopes up after all the many experiments, but this time it is a therapy that is being used already. This tells me, it is working for others long term, so I imagine it either works or it doesn’t. I know MCI has ordered the gel and RQ has ordered it, I am not sure I could handle more test than I am on (10mg of prop).
If I remain stable for a week or two, I may try to play around with the doses of test, but due to my breaking out, this is as much as I can handle anyway. I would like to try and switch to a long acting ester like Test enanthate, but I will not be trying that till this is stable. The next order is to see if I can handle HCG (it is very estrogenic), if not, I have Torem (which I have yet to research). I started getting really horny tonight, I had a date, but I blew the date off, I will give this another week before I start with dates again.

I still think it is rather ironic that I had been wanting to change the title of this thread, only for it to end up exactly where it started. I smell like a man again! Rather than like a prepubescent boy! The Andractim really stimulates 5ar, my skin is super oily (which is why I am breaking out), obviously body scent occurs from one of the 1 or 2 5ar enzymes, clarity of thought also (5ar type 3), I feel more alert, mood is great. If this is it, what a fucking nightmare this has been! How can people here say hormones don’t work?? If even 25% of the guys here respond to this, lives will be saved and changed! I said this before, and I am going to say it again, if 100 body builders got this condition, a cure/treatment would be found within 1 month (at the most).

One more thing, incase you guys do think I am some guy in a basement (as that fuck said), I have many friends who are doctors, they have been very concerned about me. They have been giving me whatever drugs I have wanted as they had faith in my knowledge, it is not unlike me to go to these lengths. You guys who call me crazy are right, I have gone crazy fixing this, but I believe I have reached the end, it ends where it began.
Regardless of what you think of me, I urge you all to order Andractim, and go on test propionate 10mg a day, and follow this protocol, if you can’t get propionate, you can try to make it work with 100mg of test enanthate (a week).

Update: Libido back full force!!! If this shit goes away it will be the biggest mind fuck ever!!!

Being completely honest here. Although the way you change up the protocol makes me super skeptical as lots of others here. I may just not know enough to judge I don’t know personally but I’ll say this…

You are trying to solve PFS and that’s the bottom line Thanks alot… Really appreciate it! I no longer read this thread but i remember one thing you said that holds true to your word. You said you are like a “Mad Scientist” and you wont quit till you figure a problem out till its solved… you said that and that Im not skeptical about there is truth there for sure.

100 threads DAMN… enough said… GREAT JOB SOLVE PFS YOU SON OF A BITCH :slight_smile: Show PFS who the mother fuckin Boss is!!!

YOU CAN DO IT ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!! Heart always beats talent… JDQ has the heart and that’s what matters here… encourage the guy even if you think he’s a jackass. … lets be constructive here! Please… wish everybody well. … THANKS JQD…I’m counting on you JQD don’t let me fuckin down!! Or this forum!! Nothing you can do about Trolls get fuckin over it!! Thank You Come Again

I have an idea. STFU with the cheerlead bullshit. Post what your doing and if/how its helping. Guys like you are part of the reason PLVD is talking trash. If noting works for you what are you going to say then? Can/will anyone trust you if you come back and say it did work. Your credibility will be lacking because of your over the top investment prior to treatment.

BY THE WAY, I DONT KNOW WHY MY POSTS COME OUT AS WALLS OF TEXTS, I am using a macbook air, or my iPhone, not sure why my posts come out like this.

Well, look at it this way, I started out trying to get my system to respond to testosterone for months, I stayed on test, and used everything imaginable, I started improving and then had a major crash (didn’t know it was estrogen at the time). After the crash I said fuck it and went for DHT, I tried Androhard (wasn’t enough), then Proviron (wasn’t enough), then Masteron, and it worked. However, I explained why it was not the answer many times, so that experience gave me the knowledge that this was nothing cellular, but hormonal (at least at the end level). Keep in mind the whole time I was injecting 200mg of test enanthate, now I know that is way too much for someone with PFS.
Next I went into trying to restore my own DHT via induction, I used forms of testosterone with high androgenic profiles (to stimulate DHT), I started with propionate, and migrated to suspension. I was never able to control the estrogen in a reasonable way, I was living like a heroin addict. When Suspension failed I had become rather depressed, my theories had all been around restoring my own DHT, but I realized during the course if this journey and experimentation that my DHT just cannot cut it. My theories are reality, suppressed 5ar resulting in neuroestrogen dominance (and low neurosteroidal DHT).
i knew the next step had to be full DHT replacement, so I began searching for Androstanolone injection, it does not exist, so I had to get it made. In the meantime I had Andractim gel in my PHARMACY (in my house I have so many drugs from PFS, trying to solve it), I figured fuck it! I would give it another shot. It performed beyond expectations, granted, it could still fail, but I am optimistic as I have said, Dr Goldstein is using it, if it failed, surely he wouldn’t be telling guys to buy it.
Without detailing everything I did, I covered about 10 years worth of experimentation in about 6 months, people laugh when I say that, but it is absolutely true. Actually, if you look through my 2 threads, I probably covered more ground that most guys cover in 10 years. Some people say it hurts my credibility, but remember that I came into PFS well versed in hormones and with an extensive knowledge of the 5AR system. I had been studying the 5AR system before I got PFS, why? I was trying to lower 5AR type 1, I had no idea of the consequences. I was a mad scientist, I got myself with hormones to an amazing point, all I needed was 1 final tweak and I could alter my physiology to what I considered would be as perfect as I could get.
I had oily skin from testosterone, I was breaking out, I couldn’t deal with it, so I came across Avodart, and I had already been on finasteride for 13 years. So the moment I crashed, I had the benefit of what others here did not have, I knew EXACTLY what was happening. I mean, not as much as I know now obviously, but I knew what was going on, so I realized that I had to put myself on hormonal life support. I was already on HRT, but I knew that androgen deprivation would not help me, my HRT doctor told me to stay on hormones and I would recover in time.
I gave it months, during this time I started remodulating protocols, I waited, started improving, thought I was improving, and I began dating, sex drive was limited, sexual function was limited. In fact my dick didn’t work for quite some time, many here are obsessed with that one point. I had a huge muscular body, model looks, I lost so much all at once I had a lot to worry about, I got fat, bloated, lost muscle, felt like shit, got extremely effeminate, started stuttering, brain fog. I am a problem solver by nature, I am known in life to solve problems unlike anyone else, put me in a lawsuit, no lawyer wants to go up against me. I have been a witness in a few very high profile lawsuits, no lawyer has ever been able to impeach me.
Yes I have a big ego, so what, it’s been my strength through this, I knew I would get through this. When I stopped recovering and crashed hard, I shut down my life, cut off communications with everyone, and I began the journey of fixing this. There were many posts of me thinking I was recovered, for the simple reason that unlike other guys here, I was on high doses of test. I was non responsive, but if I used some hormone that induced response, I would feel normal again, and I would think I was recovering. It took a lot of times for me to start realizing things were more difficult than I thought. Unlike guys here who try a treatment and get better, I was remodulating protocols daily, I kept trying different approaches to induce DHT, when they failed, I moved to another. When I found something that triggered a response, I attempted to isolate and reproduce, but I was never able to do this.
Later I developed my theories of what PFS was based on my experiences, and around October I realized this was some form of neurosteroidal estrogen dominance syndrome. I began controlling these crashes with AI’s, finally, I had a weapon against these crashes induced by testosterone. Yes, people made comments about my changing protocols, but anyone who is intelligent and read what I am doing, could see I wasn’t just trying a bunch of random shit. I was attempting to induce DHT and control estrogen, this protocol today is not something I came up with on a whim. This is the result of 6 months of experimentation, theorizing, 57 PFS crashes, I was suicidal, I had nothing to lose. The truth be told, I don’t want to die, I have a lot to live for, so on one hand I have vast knowledge in hormones, and on the other, I have never found a doctor who knew half of what I know.
It was a shock, I expected doctors to know about hormones, it isn’t something I ever thought about, when I realized that I knew more than any doctor I was going to find, I was left with little choice. I decided to document my progress on this forum, I felt that one day if I solved this, my research could help others. I knew I had a very good chance at solving this, mainly because I have reversed PFS so many times (even if for hours, or a day, or a week). Masteron and DHT use was an eye opener, it gave me the emotional strength, I always knew I could reverse this with DHT if I had to.
Well, here we are, the truth is, nothing I have done is dangerous, no one has ever died from hormones, and the doses I have used are laughable to body builders. Body builders inject 1000MG of test 2 X a week, alone with 400mg of Masteron, and several other steroids all together. I was doing HRT, laughable HRT, you guys here think I was using serious stuff. Rich men and women who want to live healthy and longer and happier (in the US) go to anti-aging doctors, and they go on this stuff. I changed my dad’s life, he is 68, he was on medication, out of shape, health problems. I put him on HRT, forced him to get a personal trainer, he got his levels tested and they are that of a 21 yea old, he is off all his medications, he is probably better off than I am.
The point I have been trying to make all along is that what you all should worry about is excessive exposure to estrogen, estrogen causes cancer, DHT kills estrogen. Researchers are no finding out that Prostate cancer is caused by estrogen and not DHT. Let me tell you a story, I have 3 doctor friends (all prominent doctors, not just regular family practice), 2 went on HRT, the 3rd was afraid to for fear of getting cancer. Anyway, who do you think ended up with prostate cancer? The doctor who didn’t go on HRT, it’s that estrogen dominance, so you guys who say that you are going to wait 10 years for research look silly to me. Even if all I have done crashes apart in a week, I will have reversed PFS for this long, and it would only be a matter of finding better drugs, but I think I have reached the end here.
I wouldn’t worry about going on testosterone or DHT, I would worry about that estrogen pumping through your body, it causes all sorts of cancer. My theories, and my experiences about estrogen will save your lives, if you all get where I am, you will learn how dangerous estrogen is, and you just may end up never getting cancer. I am starting to wonder if estrogen is the cause of all cancer, if difficult to treat breast cancer is due to these neuroestrogen rebounds that occur in us (and in women they cannot detect them). Due to PFS, we can actually sense estrogen, I have something novel, you may hear about this sometime in the future. I think Andractim gel prevents cancer, it kills estrogen, and it does so FAR BETTER than Aromasin.
Think what you will, think what you want, call my writings the rantings of a mad scientist or a mad man, but I am just very eccentric. Do you really think that someone normal, some every day Joe, was going to solve this? This condition is the most complicated condition I have ever heard of, the worst part is that my uphill battle is even within the PFS community. Guys here who are against me should really reconsider what you think, there is no question that I am right. Not in my mind, yea protocols changed a lot, I work at very fast speeds. I chose to publicly do this, I felt that maybe it would be interesting, maybe it would help people here who were hopeless, and if I couldn’t solve it, maybe I could create some other scientists here to help me solve this.
You guys who call me or others “arm chair scientists,” you should rethink things, don’t under estimate the human condition, there is no magical spell that makes a doctor a doctor, or a researcher a researcher, it is knowledge. Right now, as it stands, many of the guys here have far more knowledge about PFS than any doctor or researcher out there. I know it is comforting to think that there are magical men with deep knowledge of PFS, mysteries that we cannot understand, that somewhere in a lab there are magicians working on things we simply cannot comprehend. Let me give you a rude awakening, it ends here, I have spoken to them, unfortunately they are clueless. My theory is the only theory that makes sense, it ties everything together, and most importantly, it is how I fucking managed to manage PFS!
I don’t need to post here, I don’t need to talk to any doctors, I followed through with Jacobs in an attempt to spread what I knew. Sometimes we as humans tend to overcomplicate things, and this condition has been overcomplicated, when the answer is the most logical and simplest and it is outlined in my theories. Neurosteroids are quite interesting, I wonder what makes me bisexual, I wonder if my neurosteroids are different than a straight man, and if a gay man’s neurosteroids are different than a straight man’s. Well, 6 months into PFS, on my protocol I am about 180lbs of muscle, 5’10, potent libido, full sexual function, and if I don’t rub on a gel on the sides of my body, it all comes undone. The thing that is the most important to me, I would say is my mood, the only way I can describe neuroestrogen dominance from testosterone being aromatized is pain, pure and utter pain that rages from within the soul. A pain that rips apart that which makes me me, nothing has ever been able to defeat me, this came close, but I don’t give up, ever. THAT is the problem here, if for some reason this fails (which I don’t see how), I will buy androstanolone and learn how to compound, and make my own.
I think we are good though, as for my long posts, I would stop them, but so many say that they read them and get hope from them. Lately my posts have been pretty sad until I started with Andractim, so you know that I am legit here, when things got bad, I let it be known here.

Update: I am developing a protocol for non responders, can someone ask DannyFC if he is interested still, it involves Andractim and Masteron as well as testosterone propionate.

This forum has gone full retard.

You are all trusting and investing in a madman, that is stuck in the basement of a psych ward.

Despite overwhelming evidence that this guy is off his rocker and doesnt know what he is talking about, you rather invest time and money in his homebrew protocols than getting your ass to the Baylor study or donating (US guys, mciboth, etc.).

Very disheartening.

When you wake up from your collective madness, I hope you will see JQD for who he is: A egomanical madman, who suffers from delusions of grandeur.

I will leave now, because I cant read his trite anymore. I know many of you guys will like that, because now you can worship at JQD altar uninterupted. Nobody will remind you that the emperor has no cloth or that Baylor is still looking for participants.

Screw science, long live JQD. Amen.

I really feel this thread is ending with the final protocol (at least for me), and I would like it to be confirmed by at least 1 or 2 people. I feel this thread is almost a book, and if I had it after I crashed, I would have saved myself 6 months of hell. There is a lot in this 1 thread, vs having to comb through thread after thread, this thread is not going to have a dead end, it is going to end with success. So far, I am stable and reversed the longest I have been thus far. Think about it guys, how many threads have you combed through on here? Everything is here, in this one thread, multiple approaches, we even have Bizbee’s protocol. If everyone here could get Andractim, we could really end this thread with a BANG, please everyone order it. If this works for 25% of the people here, it is a big deal, but I think the number will be much higher. On another note, what do you guys think about changing the name of the thread to “JQD’s Manifesto,” LOL! Come on guys, nothing wrong with a little laughter. I have been made out to be a mad man, don’t mad men get Manifesto’s? I want a Manifesto! :stuck_out_tongue:

A side note, I know some people here have other agendas, let me just make this clear, for those who are out just to sue, just because we find a way to reverse this, doesn’t mean we still can’t sue. Who knows how long we will have to be on protocols, and we have all been fucked. My mother has always asked why I don’t sue, well, I was waiting to find a good protocol, then I will sue next.


Ok, I know Xmas just ended, but how about everyone here donates a minimum of $5, that is a number everyone can afford, and it can always be more if you want. What do you guys say? Maybe if we show Mew, we can support the foundation while we treat this condition, he will be more understanding to our cause.

Let’s make a goal this week to everyone donate something, at least $5, that isn’t too much to ask for, and if you can afford more, great. It is better to donate $5 than nothing, it adds up in numbers, I plan on donating this week.

I am an accutane sufferer but I will donate more than 5$

$5 is a pathetic amount of money, especially as you seem to be using it merely to ingratiate you were way back into the forum. Good luck with that.

Everyone who can donate should be aiming for at least $1000, easily done via installments. Much more if you can comfortably afford as some will be able to.

You can’t read? I am under the care of a doctor. Because of fin I have a hormonal issue among many others. I am not encouraging anyone to do anything strange. It’s Mews fuck up for not changing the site to say blood tests are useless. He started the fucking merry go round and never reworded the site.