DYSPHAGIA I feel like I am going to die as well and a warning about NAD+ supplements

I’m really sorry to hear your story and bad effects from NAD+. I feel responsible for this so from this point on, I will put a warning when talking about NAD+. Many other products Dr. Sinclair is suggesting are making me feel worst: Metformin, Resveratrol, Trans-Pterostilbene: all bad for me.

Yes, I not only well tolerate NMN but it has made my burning eyes and dry lips symptoms almost disappear. I was thinking of taking an IV NAD+ treatment which is much more potent than NMN. I will consider carefully after reading your story.

Pfizer vaccine has been known to cause dysphagia. Not only we each don’t react the same to any drugs, supplement and even food, but we also may be more susceptible to drugs that are well tolerated by other. That may or may not include vaccines.

For now, I will take consider your symptoms are from the liposomal NMN. If that’s the case and it was me, I would do the natural tricks from Dr. Sinclair to repair the epigenome because I would consider the reaction to be epigenomic.
But again, if it was me, I would also consider that the spikes from the vaccine (the same ones as the ones on the virus) could be causing this and I would take an anti-spike therapy. (which I won’t discuss here.) But that’s only me and I don’t make any suggestion beside treating epigenetic damage with Dr. Sinclair natural suggestions.

I’m also Canadian but I live in Thailand so I have free access to drugs. Almost nothing is under prescription here.

I wish you the best of luck and don’t hesitate to PM me if I may be of assistance. (or maybe I’ve done enough already. I’m really sorry)

Hey, thanks for chiming in. You shouldn’t feel responsible. Sure, your experience was encouraging but I’ve been looking at NMN for a while well before you mentioned it. It’s my fault. I am a fucking idiot for experimenting. I was just so tired of being exhausted all the time. I got the liposomal one mainly for my parents, too, but I wanted to try it for myself. I really should have known better since you’re someone who doesn’t seem to react violently to a bad supplement from what I’ve read, unlike myself.

I am not finding anything about mRNA COVID vaccines causing neuromuscular dysphagia, but only through allergic reactions. I am almost afraid to ask, but what are some natural ways to repair the epigenome? All those supplements you listed I know would likely harm most people here, but I didn’t think much of NAD+.

I’ve gotten worse in the last 24 hours. I’ve been choking on my own saliva like mad, coughing my lungs out, and waking up everybody. Don’t know how to stop it. Not sure what to do aside from waiting to do a barium swallow test that an ENT had booked for me then following up with a neurologist whom I have not seen yet which in Canada means god knows how long it’ll probably take.

Also when I did a search for dysphagia or trouble swallowing so there doesn’t seem to be many people who’ve reported dysphagia from PFS, is there? But then again how many people here have tried liposomal NAD+ supplements.

I got a NAD+ infusion last summer . Huge bag of NAD+ via IV that took 4 hrs . No change in my condition for the better or worse


Glad to hear you’re alive because that sounded pretty scary. At least there are options for treating depression. Keep going!

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It’s all listed on Tricks to repair the Epigenome
Just don’t take NAD+ and, well, there’s melatonin 10mg. I guess you won’t want to test things anymore.

I would suggest pine tree needle herbal tea. You’re in Canada so I guess getting your hands on Pine tree needles should be easy. You dry’em up, maybe crush them a little and make tea… Start with small qty and see how you feel (probably nothing). Very soothing for the throat.

I guess you have tried sleeping on your belly so gravity pull the saliva away from your lungs. When I crashed, I had gastric reflux so bad the content of my stomach would pour down my throat and in my lungs whenever I would lie down. I had to sleep with an angle to have gravity keep it down. It went away after a week of being ketogenic. (I know it’s a crazy diet. I’ve been on it for 3 years now and aside from pfs I never had a fitter body. I think we can live like that for decades)

I’ll keep looking for ways to fix dysphagia. Hold on, there’s hope !

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I’m taking the same brand, but not NAD directly ,rather NMN sublingual pills. They boost my energy and cognitive capacities. No sides at all.

I am just wondering, if direct supplementing of NAD might cause you these sides, since I have no issues but only benefits of NMN


I think I also got dysphagia when I tried NMN. I used it for 3 days a few weeks ago and immediately quit as it reduced my libido, gave me gyno, and made my workouts much more difficult. In hindsight, I experienced a brief bout of dysphagia that has since gone away around that time, which makes me wonder if that’s what caused it.

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Holy shit. So I am not the only one then. How are you doing now?

What dose are those? That’s great to hear. I don’t want to create FUD if things are working out for you and Ozeph, but I am just reporting how I react to it personally. Maybe it’s something to do with the specific product I took or the NAD in it but at least another person, LifeOnHardMode, is hurt by NMN in this thread.

Why might you think that?

Well I went onto an HCG/Clomiphene protocol right afterwards, but it sucked for those couple days if I remember correctly. Not as bad as you described, but it wasn’t fun.

Update: I am suffering. Getting days when I am almost fine, choking only a few times and days like today when I am tearing up, red in the face, almost passing out from constantly coughing as I keep choking on my saliva.

Some of my swallowing muscles feel tight. I hope it won’t end up like another part of my body that feels dead and unresponsive like a knot of dead tissue since getting PFS. I am not sure if I’ll have the strength for that.

How are you doing currently?

I’m good, about back to the usual baseline post-PFS. I’ve found that my cognition remains good so long as I take my soil-based probiotics with my fiber. I’m not sure if it’s against the rules to mention this, but I take Garden of Life Primal Defense Ultra probiotics and they keep my brain in tip-top shape through all of the bullshit. When things started to get weird, I incorporated some fiber for the little good bacteria to feast on, and I’ve been good ever since.

The depressive/anxiety lulls suck, but when I discontinue something, I usually just have to stop taking everything and wait a couple weeks to get back to the new post-PFS baseline.


Pure torture

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Am I the only one here choking on food, water, and saliva everyday because of dystrophy of the swallowing muscles?

This is hell. I don’t even know if COVID patients can cough this much.

This thread is a reminder that this forum is a double edged sword. All these suicide cases you read about on here? They mostly happened after unfathomable worsening following experimentation with supplements/drugs.

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Did you get to see a doctor yet? It sounds awful, a doctor should take this very serious and do tests to see if they can find anything.

If I had those issues you have I wouldn’t even leave the doctors office unless they order the whole catalogue of tests.

I really hope you’ll get better soon.

Also going to post a review of potential adverse effects of NAD+ precursors, maybe someone will read it and can make informed choices if they want to take it or not. I know many people listen to David Sinclair, but one should know he has commercial interests in selling these kind of supplements.

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Hey, thank you so much for replying. It’s a lonely thread. Yeah, I am literally drowning on my own saliva every day. If you were my neighbor, you’d think that someone was dying of lung cancer next door. I had a few days of respite then I was given the common antibiotic amoxicillin for a gum infection and guess what. My dysphagia got worse again as well as numbness in my hands, arms, and feet came back. Seriously, what a joke.

The ENT that the doctor at the ER referred me to kept screwing up and giving me the wrong study. What I need is called an videofluoroscopy and she booked me for the same wrong study called an upper GI for the second time now. The hospital she booked me for doesn’t even do the study I need. I only found out when I got there and talked to the radiologist. This is after dozens of calls from me to her office. And now after a letter from my family doctor requesting for the proper study to be requisitioned, she still booked me for another upper GI at the same fucking hospital, but double contrast this time. Total shitshow.

Yeah that sounds like a lot to handle for you.

Doctors are hit or miss really.

Did you go through with the upper GI? I’ve just read briefly about it. But sometimes it’s worth going through with what the doc wants first, and if it doesn’t pan out they might be more inclined to accept suggestions.

But if you live somewhere where you don’t have free healthcare I can see why someone wouldn’t want to do that.

Are you from the US?

I think most doctors are miss because they’re overworked and understaffed. But this simply just about a doctor not listening to or communicating effectively with their patient.

She thought my problem was that I couldn’t swallow at all. So long as food or liquid makes it down to the esophagus, it’s smooth sailing from there for me. So my problem lies above the upper GI. What I need is an upper upper GI, or a videofluoroscopy.

I am from Canada. No, even if it’s free, I don’t think it’s a good idea doing an unnecessary test that involves the risk of aspirating barium in a hospital during COVID.

Thanks for your thoughts and your time to respond to my thread though, it means a lot to me.