Dexamethasone Treatment Protocol

yes it is steroid and also anti-natural steroid (DHT) at the same time. actually more powerful than testosterone so that attracts 5AR more than testosterone to make Di-hydro testosterone.
Look at the general formula of steroid and then finsasteride and then betasitosterol (saw palmetto)

Yes I know I was sort of kidding… just when most people think steroids they think masculine while… propecia is more like the ultimate de-masculinizing substance on earth.

Today, I am at the point, where I want to stop my dexa treatment. I don´t know if I do it today, but I have the feeling I have been taking it long enough. It was july when I started this treatment, so it is 4 month and I am tired of PFS so much.

I gained weight, I think it´s 30 pounds, because of dexa and my increased appetite, but also cause PFS makes me so unmotivated and fucked up.

I was really into sports. I did soccer, running, push ups (at least 100 hundred every evening). Nothing is left. I am tired of this - I want it all back.

2 days ago I had a feeling I almot forgot - 1 or 2 minutes I clicked back to my old self. It was wonderful. I stand up and was self confindent and my heart pain stopped for a while and the night I had a beautiful beautiful dream and slept very good. I was of dexa for some days and started taking it again. Maybe this is the possibility dexa gives you!

If the dexa treatment is able to grow my penis and my balls back to normal, give me normal erections, give me libido and lift my brainfog? I don´t fucking know. All I can say - it was no bad experience I don´t feel worse than in the days before taking dexa.

So “cytochrome” could be the man who saved me - or he is just a strange guy. Stating he has cured pfs and didn´t.

I don´t know, if I should start a diet before coming of dexa. I still have some medis left. What do you think?

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Could you explain it more I am confused. are you saying after starting DM your Penis and balls have returned to pre-fin normal state? and you feel normal again? please let us know very clearly.
some autoimmune not easily fixable. One of my friend has psoriasis and was on Methotraxate for two years. Every thing was under control and then MT stopped working. His psoriasis has come back.

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It won’t work i will tell you why.
The drug makes adrenal hormones, when you take it for a while your adrenals ‘forget’ to make hormones because these drugs provide the adrenal hormones in the blood.So when you stop taking the drug you will crash harder than before.

Sorry for confusion, the correct word must me wheter (instead of if) I think!
I do not feel cured atm.
I just wanted to post that I stop dexa now and I will try to recover from this mess like cytochrome did. He stopped dexa and then everything readjusted.


Adrenals forget to produce hormones? I do not think this is correct. But hey - I am fucked - don´t think it will get worse.

There is a lot of stuff going around about therories. I don´t know if it androgen receptor damage or gene silencing or autoimmun diseas. Only thing I know is that cytochrome recovered from PFS with dexamethasone… So I tried to copy this.

I never read that. Could you provied some source?

my quesiton is “The drug makes adrenal hormones,” how it makes adrenal hormones?

What i meant to say was the drug does not support the adrenal glands it starts shutting them down.Then when you stop the drug they may not recover.This is like finasteride no?

It looks like you are right. It is steroid.
why not try methotrexate. it is good immunosuppressant and not a steroid. one of my friend is on it for last 2 or 3 years for his psoriasis. and doesnot seems to have and sides.


wanted to give a short update about my situation. I had blood tested in October and it showed a low testosterone level - that is what dexamethasone did.

!That was a good thing, and for me the sign to stop taking dexamethasone!

I tappered it off, but I do not know, if I was to fast or to slow or anything. Regarding to cytochromes information it took 6-8 weeks or even 3 months after the last dose of dexa for him to recover. So now I am at week 4 and hopefully it is just a short road for me - but no really improvement for me to this point.

In 2 - 4 weeks I will do a blood test to see my testosterone raising back…

I am really disappointed about you other guys, cause nobody tried this method (that obviously helped cytochrome to recover) with me. So we have no clue, if it could help. For me it is clear that sinking testosterone levels could maybe repair the damage from fin, whatever it has done. Because high levels of DHT and T did the damage when we went of this awful, terrible, human killing medicine.

Side effects of dexa where:

increased appetite (my pizza guy, knows my favourite orders and my face and everything now , lol), I am really fat now, cause I cannot do sports anymore and I ate quite a lot.
better mood
better sleep

0,5mg (0-0-1) one week on one week off! that was my treatment. at least for minimum one year!!

I might give this a go next year if my current treatments don’t show improvements.

Cytochrome can I ask you if Dexamethasone did anything to increase your testicle size ?

Also do you have to inject the drug ?

Guys ive had a lot of success with dexamethasone.

0.125mg was enough but after 4 days my sleep is a mess.

What is the schedule cytochrome was doing? He wrote 0.5 (0-0-1), what does it mean…every 3 days?

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i think this treatment works only in people with impaired glucocorticoid receptor sensitivity, which is causing an increased HPA axis.

Dexamethasone brings it down, because it has a very strong affinity for GR, and very little for MR.

Anyone else tried this???

after repeated successful tries, i now tried again 2 more times at previos dosages and felt nothing at all.
it is possible i need bigger dosage nwo.

I have PM’d cytochrome to see if he is still recovered after treatment with Dexamethasone.

Dexamethasone is used to treat 17α-Hydroxylase deficiency and adrenal insufficiency …

So it seems that cytochrome has left the forum…

Is anyone else thinking of trying dexamethasone?

cytochrome also tried T3:
… ''slowly increasing T3 dosage until 100mcg/day until feeling a little bit hyperthyroid.
Then follow the RT3 Removement protocol".