Dexamethasone Treatment Protocol

Hey guys,

After a lot of research in this forum, plenty of Emails and phone calls I really believe that we have a promising Treatment for our Problem regarding androgens. After we quit propecia, most of us had a Crash - just because dht came back too high. The body realized this and react to it with nö more Action to androgens. Cause of this (ar’s?, epigenitic’s? Or sth. Behind?) is not known by now - and for sure - this will take some time!

So if the body can downregulate androgen action, it can upregulate it, or Not? Hopefully it can! We can! We will try this with dexamethasone. It suppresses the adrenal and the produced hormones. The Level of Testosteron will sink. Giving the body the time to recalibrate his androgen action. Hopefully it will react after surpressing Testosteron production to it again.

This protocol is based on cytochromes recovery after One year on dexamethasone. I asked him days ago about his status - he told me that he dis a Second time!!! He had all of our
Symptoms and resolved them.

We are actually 3 members, That will take dexa for 3 months or so - after this The body is maybe in shape again. It will take some months to become adrenal levels back for normal! Cytochrome took 6-12 weeks. Then he recovered!

Talking to involved scientists commited the theory as a possible way to recover from this mess!

It is all about making the body sensitive to androgens again. Could explain recoveries with Autohemotherapy and nystatin and illnesses - cause this suppresses Testosteron.

Dexamethasone is not a easy drug, so the dose we will Take is 0,5 mg per day. Maybe starting with 0,25 mg, get on 0,5 mg and after some weeks taper off.

Cytochrome recovered by dexa - why? If he could do it (twice- he did take fin again), we can do it. It would be great, if we were just more then 3 people. If only one of us would make it, this could explain so much and give us all hope.

Again dexamethasone is not a drug without side effects. And there a lot worries about sideeffects I can absolutly understand, but it is not Finasterid.

Especially New members: please hop in - there is no guarente, but in my opinion this is the best treatment we have in the moment!

Try it a longer run and then Report your effects!

Wir packen das!

Grüße aus Deutschland

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I am taking 7 days dexamethasone now. My results are mixed:

First days I felt better, with sleep and mood and also sexually :slight_smile:
I started with 0,25 mg and noticed it working on my adrenals!.

It is a little burning feeling and Pain in my stomache.

I know that I will not feel good while on dexa! But I noticed that my gyno went away and that my body feels more muscolous and i am losing weight.

Psychological I am still in Bad shape, maybe dexa makes it worse, but i dont know.

So please come with me and give it a try, discuss nyastin and inflammation! It is about androgen’s!

Hi ogad,

did you improve your sexual side effects while on dexamethasone?

A Little Bit, seems that my penis is bigger and my Balls Get working again (they hurt a little Bit). Improvements on Libido recognized, Ed still persist!

But this is not medication that will cure your sexual sides right away.

You want to try?

Good news but how many members it has worked??? I would like to continue the updates. :smiley:


I am considering it. Even though I am reluctant to take any new medication due to possible side effects I am willing to give it a try since my situation is just miserable.

If it works, it will prove our body has reaction to DHT.
how you got DM?

The only recovery with dexa was Cytochrome in The past. He didnt Even notice it was dexa. This Protocol is only online because it is maybe sth you can repeat.

Everything that rises testosteron will do nothing. Dexa is just a strategy in the other direction.

There is no proof and no professional advice. If we do it like Cytochrome, than may some have succes.

Got dexa from my endo, try to ask your gp, uRo whatever.

Getting fin was so easy, didnt Even ASK for it!

At the end of this post, it’s implied that Cytochrome’s recovery did not last: viewtopic.php?p=58651#p58651

I would be scared to mess with dexamethasone, myself.

Cytochrome recovered and then took fin again.

Dexamethasone is not an drug without side effects. But why are you scarred? Screw your body? It is already! Screw your hormon system? It is absolutly done these days!

To be honest I dont feel good while on dexa, but this is maybe just pfs!

Trying dexa is a better option than trying to kill myself. There are so many of us that killed themselves - I am absolutly sure. Suicidal thoughts are so hard!

I don’t believe in taking anti-inflammatory drugs for reasons I’ve expressed many times over elsewhere in the forum. Just my opinion that it’s not a wise move to suppress the immune system, but everyone is free to do as they please. I just hope you make an informed decision, and I hope you choose to keep fighting. I know the despair you’re feeling, but I hope you find a reason to keep living. Every therapy is a risk/benefit analysis, so of course it’s always possible to make yourself worse. That’s a calculation that you’ll have to make, I just expressed my opinion, which may not mean anything to you or anyone, but it comes from a sincere place.

I think the dexamethasone treatment and cytochromes recovery with it, is the only sexual recovery which you can mask. Do Not think Anybody did this in all These years. The only other thing that seems to look this promising is ghb.

How many tried trt, clomid and other things? Nobody had any succes?!

You need to use dexa on the long run, and recover After stopping like Cytochrome did. It is just a try.

Perhaps worth a try… I ran dexa for a few weeks at a time and saw no major improvements.

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For how many weeks you tried it?

I have tried it on separate occasions for a couple of weeks and it had no effect on sexual side effects. I recall it helping my mood somewhat.

Anyone else anything to add?

So for now on, I am only taking dexamethasone 0,5 mg in the morning. I stopped nystatin, will take some vitamins from time to time. I will not use the chinese herbs i ordered, not now. Still need gabapentin to get to work at all.

Hope I can make it with dexa. I have 80 pills a 0,5mg. Maybe I will cycle a little bit with the dose and leave it sometimes for a week. Don´t know.

Had some sexual dreames last night, noctornal erection and morning erection. Still suffering badly, my sleep is a mess and yeah I am still an estrogen pushed asexual freak.

Is there anybody, that is interested in this?

ara you crazy. desamethasone turn off your imune system, and your imune system is already bad, this will help for few days and after you will fell worst than ever

How do you know? Are you really scarred of a flue? I just want to recover from this mess. I hope you want this too.

Dexamethasone does many things, it is the only thing I can imagine that is able to help me…

I can deal with feeling really bad for a year or sth. but I cannot imagine to deal with PFS the REST OF MY LIFE.

First time having a negative experience with dexamethasone.

Had to shit 2 days ago (alot). Didn´t stop dexa, and the flue (or whatever) went away. Now I started week four. Still have so much hope, that this treatment will help me to recover.

Want to add that I am feeling okay again - so I don´t even know, if dexa was the cause of the flue.

Anybody has experience with proviron?

FYI: Had contact with cytochrome again - he states that he is recovered completly - like before finasterid.

I have the question, if there is nobody interested in taking part in this experiment.