Dexamethasone Treatment Protocol

apart from flue how are you feeling?
how is your fatigue
your sex drive?


I think you will see change once you stop DM.

Oh sp, thank you very much!

I really hope that this will happen to me. Atm I am only trying to keep me alive. I really really wish every morning, it is really possible to copy cytochrome´s recovery. It is unbelievable that only 38 days of taking 1mg finasterid, could harm my body so much.

How can a steroid be prescribed against hairloss? And why my doc didn´t even mention the sideeffects? I never had any clue about the med, and in my research in the internet I only found natural things that never worked. I had really minor hairloss, that was never a big problem for me, but only one day I decided to go to a dermatologist - never had an idea this medication is available at all and didn´t know anything about the mechanism it works.

If I will recover, my revanche will be brutal and crual. If there is a hell, I am in it. So I paid enough. I will kill my dermatologist, kill the people that sell me finasterid, kill the people that produce finasterid, kill that asshole that writes about how wonderful finasterid works in the internet. I just need a fucking gun.

I want to run, want to play soccer, want to drink. Want to kiss and fuck and masturbate and love and have kids. I was so close to have such a happy life. I finished my studys, got a brilliant job, a wonderfull beautiful amazing loving girlfriend.

Just lost a little bit of hair and just wanted to stop it… Then my dermatologist told me there is something with that you can regrow your hair. BIGGEST mistake ever: “Okay, I will take this”…

ogadwolverine and hair?

no doubt we are suffering because of steroidal effect of fin. It is a steroid.

what is with hair? it is just normal, how it used to be! If anybody ask me again how my hair looks - I will kill this person first!

same here. We should be thankful what we have. I wish I had not paid attention to these small things. The media, the general behaviour of people bad. we start getting worried for things which are normal. I wish I could go back in time and stop all SP.

SSRI should be also killed.

ogadwolverine updates with your DM experiment?

So is dexa a bust?

I also want revenge from my dermatologist. The way he laughed and told me i need counseling after i let him know propecia ruined my life. Or if i could just slice his nuts off. I will want him to pay for the years he stole from me.

the best revenge is to trick him take finasteride himself.

Finasteride isn’t a steroid it’s a anti-steroid.

yes it is steroid and also anti-natural steroid (DHT) at the same time. actually more powerful than testosterone so that attracts 5AR more than testosterone to make Di-hydro testosterone.
Look at the general formula of steroid and then finsasteride and then betasitosterol (saw palmetto)

Yes I know I was sort of kidding… just when most people think steroids they think masculine while… propecia is more like the ultimate de-masculinizing substance on earth.

Today, I am at the point, where I want to stop my dexa treatment. I don´t know if I do it today, but I have the feeling I have been taking it long enough. It was july when I started this treatment, so it is 4 month and I am tired of PFS so much.

I gained weight, I think it´s 30 pounds, because of dexa and my increased appetite, but also cause PFS makes me so unmotivated and fucked up.

I was really into sports. I did soccer, running, push ups (at least 100 hundred every evening). Nothing is left. I am tired of this - I want it all back.

2 days ago I had a feeling I almot forgot - 1 or 2 minutes I clicked back to my old self. It was wonderful. I stand up and was self confindent and my heart pain stopped for a while and the night I had a beautiful beautiful dream and slept very good. I was of dexa for some days and started taking it again. Maybe this is the possibility dexa gives you!

If the dexa treatment is able to grow my penis and my balls back to normal, give me normal erections, give me libido and lift my brainfog? I don´t fucking know. All I can say - it was no bad experience I don´t feel worse than in the days before taking dexa.

So “cytochrome” could be the man who saved me - or he is just a strange guy. Stating he has cured pfs and didn´t.

I don´t know, if I should start a diet before coming of dexa. I still have some medis left. What do you think?

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Could you explain it more I am confused. are you saying after starting DM your Penis and balls have returned to pre-fin normal state? and you feel normal again? please let us know very clearly.
some autoimmune not easily fixable. One of my friend has psoriasis and was on Methotraxate for two years. Every thing was under control and then MT stopped working. His psoriasis has come back.

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It won’t work i will tell you why.
The drug makes adrenal hormones, when you take it for a while your adrenals ‘forget’ to make hormones because these drugs provide the adrenal hormones in the blood.So when you stop taking the drug you will crash harder than before.

Sorry for confusion, the correct word must me wheter (instead of if) I think!
I do not feel cured atm.
I just wanted to post that I stop dexa now and I will try to recover from this mess like cytochrome did. He stopped dexa and then everything readjusted.


Adrenals forget to produce hormones? I do not think this is correct. But hey - I am fucked - don´t think it will get worse.

There is a lot of stuff going around about therories. I don´t know if it androgen receptor damage or gene silencing or autoimmun diseas. Only thing I know is that cytochrome recovered from PFS with dexamethasone… So I tried to copy this.