Update: still completely recovered, raging libido for the last four years

Be careful dexamethasone you need to know what you are going to do, you can develop a crushing syndrome and a diabetes too.
The best thing is Methylprednisolone using the same dosage and protcol of Anonymous

I’m too scared to try any radical treatments like this without a doctors supervision. Just relaying information I’ve read on here

Do you have any links please ?

Triptorelin is a gonadotropin releasing hormone ( GnRH )

gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) administration increased serum progesterone and ALLO concentrations.

and this is very important seem that maybe somehow Apr1989 with the used of Triptorelin restored the production of active neurosteroids

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I don’t avoid anythinf but junk food. Intermittent fast as well.

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Not suggesting anyone try this, just saying it seems similar to what moonchild was saying

I believe that some how Triptorelin change the AR expression

Identification of a regulatory loop for the synthesis of neurosteroids: a steroidogenic acute regulatory protein-dependent mechanism involving hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis receptors

Another implication of our results is that the change in expression of brain hormone receptors as a result of peripheral changes in sex steroids and gonadotropins may lead to altered signaling by those receptors involved in functions other than the regulation of NSS production. For example, the E2 and P4 induced decrease in GnRHR expression may modulate neuronal transmission, as GnRH1 and analogues can enhance synaptic transmission via iono-tropic glutamate receptors (Lu et al. 1999). Similarly, P4 induced suppression of ERα expression is consistent with previous findings in the rat uterus (Kraus and Katzenellenbogen 1993; Katzenellenbogen 2000), and indicate that crosstalk between these two sex steroids may play an important role in both the regulation of ERα signaling and progesterone receptor signaling in the brain.

At the end of the day tribulus can help to the recovery after Triptorelin but seem that what probably make the difference was GnRH


So just want to update some peeps.I have moved up to 3g a day of sportfood trib from amazon. Been waking up with consistent hard wood. This is a tremendous change. I’m basically sold at this point to continue cycling.
One important note is that its common to not have libido on these cycles as 5ar and DHT are surging which would oppose estrogen (which is needed for libido, passion). This was discussed at some length on a fellow forum which some members here may know of.

I dont know, or can’t compare rather, sportfood to mediherb.

Separately, It is very important to exercise whilst doing these cycles, on an off.


HPA Axis and Sleep

What’s the verdict on VemoHerb? I’ve been using it for a while but lately I feel like I plateau’d on the benefits, despite going up to 6 pills I don’t feel much more effect than from 3 pills, maybe even the opposite. I tend to lose my libido while on it though I’ve read that is normal.

I think it contains a lot of herbal estrogens which kind of counter the protodioscin and may not contain as much protodioscin as advertised.

I have bought the Tribesterone brand so will compare with that, though MediHerb is still probably the best, just price wise, it’s out of reach for me at the moment.

Just based on my reaction to it at the start, and having run both VemoHerb and Medi Herb I’d personally rank the Vemo Herb at half the strength of the Medi Herb.

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So given that the OP was using 8 and sometimes up to 12 pills we’d need to take 20+ pills of VemoHerb in a day which is asinine, I can’t imagine eating that many pills in a day, never mind all the filler which would be bad on your gut.

Pure protodioscin would probably be ideal, that IS assuming that it is ONLY the protodioscin in Tribulus that is helping.

I’m not an expert on tribulus, but I also plateau after a while, and I think that is normal.
I also lose my libido on tribulus, and it doesn’t return until I cycle off.

What I do gain though, while on cycle, is morning wood, which previously was non-existent.

Again, I theorize aromatization plays a part here but I don’t have any solid proof of that.

Have any of you trialing this experienced changes in penile sensation/anorgasmia?

Somewhat from Tribulus, but much more results on that front from Creatine. Unfortunately, Creatine is kinda risky if you use it before you’re ready.

Now that you mention it, I am now confused, I was using a ton of tribulus like two weeks before I used creatine, like 3 to 4 days of been on creatine a big surge of libido and then I crashed.
Tribulus, creatine or combination?

If you keep combining things you’ll never know unfortunately

If we are theorizing that the mechanism of action of tribulus is the increasing of androgen receptor density. Wouldn’t it make sense to take all supplements and do all activities that increase androgen receptor density? For example, the following are all proven to increase androgen receptor density:

  • Intermittent fasting
  • Resistance training
  • L-Carnitine Tartrate
  • Mucuna Pruriens
  • Caffeine
  • Forskolin
  • Tribulus
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You have just named a lot of things that have been used variously by many people who report improvements. The question is if any of these have also negative effects for (some) PFS sufferers that might make them less advisable, as in the case of caffeine, which releases cortisol.

Certainly fasting and heavy weights are already in extensive use among people reporting gains and many here (including myself) do advise them. They do not appear to carry any drawbacks, other than if you have a medical condition which precludes fasting, such as diabetes, or if your body responds horribly to exercise.

I would be interested to hear from others if l-carnitine or macuna pruriens have detrimental effects. They have also been recommended by users. Never seen Forskolin mentioned before.

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