Deadballs - Clomid and letro restart!

I have come to the conclusion that drugs like Clomid just treat the symptoms of PFS and not the root cause.

All the benefits I got from Clomid and Letro fade away once I stop using them.

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hopefully you will be the last person to come to this conclusion after the fact mark

I haven’t had a single benefit yet. In fact I’m worse off atm. Count yourself lucky lol/cry/shout!

I’m on my just letro part of the cycle. Got about 10 days left to do on it. This is currently the lowest my libido has ever been other than actually whilst on finasteride. I’m hoping it’s due to too low estrogen and that I’ll bounce back when I come off!

No achy bones or other symptoms though. What do you guys reckon?

Still zero libido. Much less than before I started. Very worrying!

After doing more research I have realised that it is extremely common for letrozole to knock out sex drive due to it’s powerful anti estrogen effect. This is reassuring. I intend also now to taper my dose by half each week from tomorrow for the next 3 weeks before I stop it completely and hope this prevents estro rebound.

Forced myself to masterbate today. It was extremely difficult and unsatisfying. Ejaculate volume was good though, although it should be as it’s been over a week. Looked healthy also!

Still have even less libido than before the PCT. Really worrying.

What are you trying to do here?

I do not see the point of what you are trying to do.

My test is low so i’m trying to raise it. Whether it worked or not is moot really as I actually think now several weeks later I have less libido!

Conclusion for anyone reading. IT DIDN’T WORK

Now Spstricken, you can say “I told you so”

I had to try!

Next up, test propionate 17mgs daily and if it works, that’ll be for the rest of my life!

That is a lot of test prob. I was shooting 15mg every second day and it did not help or make me worse. It fixed up my body odor though. 15mg test e every second day gives me mid level free t any more and my free e goes over range and I feel like crap.

I think the only benefit of trying test is when you first inject and your ratios get better you will feel somewhat recovered. For me with every injection that effect diminshes as my e builds up.

But as you know. The problem is not that our body can not produce enough T if that was the case LH would be high which for pretty much all of us it is not. For me I believe free e2 is feeding back on my LH and keeping it kind of low despite very low free T.

I agree it is a lot. However, I’m lifting a lot so my weight is going up quite a bit. I’m pushing 13 stone now with no sign of deceleration of weight increase (put on 18lbs in 3 1/2 months of lifting) so I’m hoping that 17mg will hold me at high normal levels considering my weight. Also, I’ve read a lot of anecdotes from trt patients (not pfs sufferers) that have responded to propionate when they haven’t respond to normal test. I will be using anastrozole and crushing it up and mixing it with vodka so I can dose as precisely as I like. With me, though I have never had a “sensitive” assay done on estrogen, it always comes back well within normal range so I am hoping that small amounts of anastrazole will be sufficient to hold e2 down, especially as I will be using smaller more frequent doses of test, albeit quite a lot of test on the grand scale.

I don’t really know what else to try really. I can’t go on the rest of my life without a sex drive. Perhaps if I’d never had one I wouldn’t mind as much but it’s the contrast that makes it so disturbing.

I have used test prop. Same response.

Anyway what is the goal? WHy are you taking test - you body is unable to produce test any longer? What is your LH? If your LH is not high this is very likely to mean that your body is producing a low amount of test for a reason. That is - some other hormone is suppressing LH and injecting test is probably going to make you worse.

Anyway you should take the test prop alone at about 80mg per week and see what happens. See what symptoms you get on the test prop by itself. Then do some blood tests see what has happened. Then add arimidex and see what changes. Do not take them all at once you wont know what is doing what.

Can you test your free e2 via siliva?

That’s kind of what I thought when my doc wanted to put me on T shots. Could you take a look at my bloodwork?

Thanks for the feedback. My test is always bottom end of normal. I will be getting bloods done next week to see what it is now I have been lifting heavy for over 3 months. If it has increased to anywhere near mid level then I wont be experimenting with test as like you say, it probably isn’t the direct problem. It’s just that it is the only hormone that is at all abnormal within reason.

And you are right, I should take test alone so I can isolate symptoms to their potential trigger. This is all gonna happen next month if it happens at all as I am seeing Professor Bouloux in London on July the 8th. He apparently knows his shit and believes PFS is real so I’ll do as he says first!

If your test is low and you need test your LH and FSH will be too high. If they are not too high you will probably feel worse on TRT. But maybe in the first week you will feel better.ANyway keep testing and observing your symtoms and changed.

No lh and fsh are not high. Can’t remember exactly but lh is usually about 5 and FSH is normally low, like 2 or something! Maybe I should try HCG next. I knew a guy who was actually managing side effects with HCG, actually using it whilst on fin to keep sides at bay. Don’t know how that worked out for him!

Mate this condition is not as simple as taking synthetic LH. Your LH is what it is for a reason. Your body is reading the levels of all your hormones and responding as best it can in the current situation. It is keeping test low for a reason. If you push it higher the chances are you will just feel worse in the long run. In the short run who knows. Anyway when I took HCG I did not even get a recovery in the first week on TRT. I suspect this is because I HCG pushed my e2 too high so the test had no effect.

How are you feeling Deadballs? Have you done any follow up tests?

Hello everyone.

My name is Michael, and I am on the second day of treatment with Clomid. Like any PHARMACEUTICAL, I would merely caution sensible use of a product, after you can comprehend all the benefits and possible liabilities.

I want to be brief, as I’ll have more to say later.

At 53, I looked and felt 38. The women I dated , post divorce, were 20 years younger than me, and they had to keep up with me in the bedroom. Vanity, via Botox and other fillers took care of my face. Regular workouts kept my body lean. NYC was a fast-paced town, and I kept up a bachelor lifestyle.

My Propecia was part of my vanity. I had a FULL head of hair, i didn’t want to lose any. So, Jan 2, 09 I started, and stopped in March 2011. It was STOPPING Propecia that started my problems. The first indicator was a shrinking libido, totally against my nature. I had finally found my dream woman, a 27 year old Japanese girl whose father holds one of the largest positions in world economics, a fact I learned AFTER marriage, as it in no way influenced my marriage decision. If anything, I was the hotshot, and she the 6 day working young Japanese executive.

My T levels showed two months after reading 600 while on Propecia, a drop to 150!!! Once again, ahead of the doctors, I diagnosed a problem they first attributed to “thyroid”, all other tests being normal.

The smoking gun? Hypospermia. I was a 12 year old, with a drop of ejaculate. I did my online research, and it took me here, and MDL litigation.

My perfect sex life turned into a story of before and after. I tried everything, DHEA, all precursors, bi-weekly testerone injections. BUT, I realized this was like filling a car’s gas tank, but forgetting the engine.

THE ENDOCRINE system needed a jump start. I read and found Clomid. Today was my first day. I would welcome input on the time to a therapeutic blood level.

I had minor surgery. No more injections where I missed a week or was 10 days late, and the peaks and valleys of Testosterone Repacement Therapy, so I went into the 6 month implantation of “pellets”, that keep your levels at a level rate, this past Wednesday.

However, TRT, STOPS your body from producing semen and testosterone, but Clomid was a cheap alternative to HCG injections, and worked the same way, stop the blasted estrogen.

I don’t know where this will go. I have had suicidal ideation, but then again, not many here face a DOUBLE THREAT. While in NYC, if you know the geography of lower Manhattan, you would know in working at the Woolworth Building, in a law firm one block from WTC, I was subjected to FOUR months of toxic exposure. My belief in loyalty to my clients, and my 3 month pregnant ex-wife, led me back only 6 days later, to carnage and toxins no one dared mention, but led me to evacuate my wife THAT NIGHT, to her mother’s Hampton’s summer home.

It is a man-made polymer toxin stuck in my lungs. NO DRUG works, no inhalers, Spireva, Singulair, for lungs, Prilosec for GERD, sinusitis, rhinitis, and PTSD. I am hooked on benzo’s, taking them when prescribed because I DIDN’T ask questions.

It is not an easy life. WTC syndrome kills healthy lungs, is irreversible, and ultimately deadly. I want a male heir for my father-in-law in Japan. Now? I have the best natural equipment to please the wife, but the motor doesn’t start. I detest BIG PHARMA as much as the insurance companies I deal with in personal injury, and Big Pharma in Class Actions. They are both dirty.

Sorry for the rant, but there are very few who would understand this misery, yet alone World Trade syndrome. I remain … hopeful.

Interesting rant! Sorry to hear of your troubles!

Legendary - Unfortunately after my clomid letro experiment I am left with less libido than I initially had. Not sure why this is the case or if it is my imagination but certainly I feel no better for it at all! Real shame. I’m almost certainly gonna attempt TRT and HCG soon!

Hope you’re well!