Deadballs - Clomid and letro restart!

What is the quality of your ere tions kb the morning with clomid? Are they full mass or lesser? I have been off fin for about 2 months half now and I get morning but they are not full mass. I would say they are 70 percent. Were you getting snuggled if morning erection prior to clomid?

I would say they are about 90% full mass. I wasn’t getting them at all before clomid. Once in a blue moon!

I’ve been of fin for 2 months and am getting mornin erections at 70% percent. Do you think that is a good sign? Hoping I cdma beat this thing naturally.

Yes I think it is a good sign. A morning erection is indicative of a good T/E ratio if nothing else.

Did you get side effects whilst on the drug and that’s why you stopped? Do you have loss of libido?

While taking fin I noticed it took additional stimulation to get me erect. Rather than just mental stimuli. I also noticed my semen becoming watery. After this I began to cut my 1mg pills in half. And took them every other day.

I decided to stop taking fin after having a bad sex episode with my gf. It took me 2-3 hours to get up! After that we had great sex albeit I could not use a condom due to lack of sensitivity.

Since then I noticed the following improvements…

  1. Increased libido.
  2. After a month off my semen was no longer watery. It has been whiter since.
  3. Originally I had an issue acheiving an orgasm. This is no longer the case.
  4. my ED has subsided quite a bit. It’s been about a month since I had an issue staying erect.
  5. Morning erections at 70%.
  6. It takes sometime for my Dick to become flaccid after orgasm. A few weeks back it would immediately become flaccid.
  7. I still feel like my mind and Dick connection is not there.
  8. Spontaneous erections don’t exist.
  9. It takes serious thought for me to become erect without manual stimuli.

sounds like you’re well on your way to a full recovery,ive had about 3 morning erections in the last six year since my crash,my dick is as dead as a dodo…

Yeah but my morning erections are not 100 % at all. I get nocturnals because a morning erection is technically your last nocturnal.

I am sorry to hear that man. I hope for your recovery. Someone will get thrown in jail for this.

I’ve got some worries, health issues etc so it’s quite normal for me to dwell upon them from time to time but that does not explain the kind of depression I’ve recently been experiencing. Fucking clomid. Honestly, I broke down in tears multiple times today and yesterday. I can’t wait until my 3 weeks is over. I may have another purge after a 2 week break but I don’t think I’m ever gonna take 100mgs daily again.

I hate clomid!

I feel the same lately deadballs,I swear every possible treatment ive read about on here and tried has fucked me up more in some way for a few weeks each time,the latest thing ive tried is progesterone cream after reading about it on here doing great things for some,the stuff has wrecked me,ive been fucked right up for about two and a half months now after quitting it,severe hair loss,really bad fatigue, mental problems went into overdrive and sexual problems got even worse,i tell you man best off just working out as much as you can and eating healthy etc,messing around with your hormones is no good,over the last 6 year since this began for me the only thing ive had any benefit from is when ive been getting loads of gym in and keeping myself fit and healthy etc,everybodies desperate looking for the cure,desperate to feel like a man again,to get back that primal urge to fuck women etc,everytime I try and masturbate I could cry,my cock is as numb as cocaine,i feel like that part of my life is over- the sex etc,I sound like a 70 year old and im only in my 30’s,hopefully the foundation will come up with something for us over the next few years,so keep donating all you lads…

Yeah it fucking sucks balls Robbo! What are the chances of being born with craniofacial deformity, losing your hair (accentuating the deformity), then taking a drug to stop that and getting hormonally fucked up the ass. Slim I’d say. I guess shit has to happen to someone, may as well be me!

Sorry to hear about your troubles too. At least here we can vent to people who know exactly what we’re going through and don’t label us as lunatics!

regarding your balls
did you get any size increase while on clomid?
have you tried hcg alone or in conjunction with some serm?

i couldn’t tolerate clomid
antibiotics give me spontaneous erections though and pretty good ones
so do other things (damiana etc- too strong of erections and libido over the normal range)
but still testicle size is not correcting
just decreases slower on antibiotics

still waiting on someone to improve testicle size on clomid/nolva
most reports i heard is that their testicles went downhill after fin use despite clomid and nolva efforts
how do we know that nolva/clomid increase 5-ar II expression in prostate ? i think its hard to be done irrespective of their lh/fsh boosting effect

libido is more of a brain issue for me, and i feel that those serms strip my brain from functioning normally, i feel depressed or have headaches/brain fog while using them, yet haven’t used them for that long due to sides, floaters or other reasons

Well my balls remained tucked up inside me for a year after dutasteride but then dropped again. They have looked normal for a while. Clomid hasn’t made them any bigger.

I have had really bad side effects on the clomid i.e depression etc but it seems to be stabilising more now.

I’ve got 4 days left of my first 3 week cycle. Can’t wait for it to end! Really hoping after the clomid is out of my system I feel a bit of libido.

Erections for me are not a problem. I can take cialis and I’ll have them all day long. Just no carnal desire to have sex with women anymore!

Oh and no I haven’t tried HCG!

Just ordered 4oz of cordyceps! Gonna give that a wirl!

Felt a tiny bit of libido today. Mood is pretty good too! Hmmmm!

Put 5 kilos on my bench press today. Still zero libido. 3 more days left of this cycle!

Spanked the monkey today. No desire to do so, just a test!

Very difficult to reach orgasm. Not particularly pleasurable and no force or quantity.

Libido is worse now than ever I would say. I’m at zero libido right now!

I have read along the lines that clomid being a week estrogen is in itself potentially suppressive. The letrozole would reduce aromatisation of natural testosterone that was being stimulated by the clomid but not combat the effects of the clomid itself. Not sure if my understanding of this is correct. Hoping that I start to feel better after PCT has ended.

would love some feedback on this!

Well I am at the end of my 3 weeks clomid use. Will continue to dose letrozole at 1.25mg daily. No libido whatsoever. Worse than before using clomid. I am hoping that after a week the clomiphene has dissipated from my system and I feel better but I’m not optimistic.

Went to the GP due to depression. Been put on sertraline 50mgs. Potential side effects. Decreased sex drive. Fantastic!

thanks for the status updates

No problem!

I’m getting blood tested tomorrow 8am. I have a sneaking suspicion that my testosterone is high because although I have had minimal acne throughout my life, when I get it I get it on my arms and back and chest and I have that right now much more than normal. Also, I’m pretty lean but I lift weights and I’ve noticed my traps are getting really quite big now and my lifts are all going up pretty quick. Dunno, shame I’ve got even less libido now that before I ran the cycle but we’ll see how things pan out.