Deadballs - Clomid and letro restart!

Just wanted to start my own thread so I don’t hijack Legendary’s too much.

These are my last labs prior to starting treatment. I have been tested about 6 or 7 times and they are always roughly the same as these last ones.

BMD (g/cm2) T Score Z Score Classification
AP Spine L1,L2 1.016 -0.3 -0.3 Normal
Femoral Neck (left) 0.691 -1.8 -1.4 Osteopenic
Femoral Neck (right) 0.664 -2.0 -1.6 Osteopenic

Seman analysis normal apart from the sample was viscous!

Bloods- 18/01/13 09:46AM

FSH - 2.6 iu/L 1.3-19.3

LH - 5.0 iu/L 1.2-8.6

Progesterone 0.9nmol/L

SHBG 29 nmol/L 10-50

Testosterone 13nmol/L 10-27.6

Free Test 0.275nmol/L

Oestradiol 83pmol/L range 73-172

TSH 1.4mu/L 0.34-5.6

FT4 12.3 pmol/L 7.5-21

Glucose 4.6mmol/L 4.0-6.0

I have currently been on clomid at 50mgs day and then 50mgs nightly for 8 days. This is day 8.

Also taking letrozole 2.5mgs nightly!

Currently feeling very very depressed and hopeless. I am hating this regimen. Did have some good indications of increased testosterone like morning erections and ejaculate force for a few days. However, today no morning erection and as I say I am feeling very low.

I freed up my work schedule so I have minimal things to do but even those minimal things feel like a mountain to climb. Today is my gym workout day. Currently don’t know how I am gonna motivate to get it done. I’ll just walk in and start I guess. That usually works!

I keep thinking that maybe I’m depressed cos I am thinking too much about this cos I am running a test. Perhaps it’s not the clomid but just the scenario. I definitely had a few suicidal thought these last 2 days. I wont do anything but the prospect of death doesn’t seem so undesirable so perhaps it is actually the clomid fucking with me!

I have been telling here clomid or Arimidex is useless. Countless people have tried without sucess maybe with more damage.

SP I appreciate you are saying that the majority of people have not had success with this protocol but there are a some ( a few ) who have claimed an inproveemtn in symptoms.

If it’s OK with you, I’d like to give it a shot as there is not a lot else as safe and affordable for me to try without any medical guidance.

Let me try it and fail if need be and then you can say I told you so!

I got my dates wrong. Very wrong. I’m 14 days into this clomid treatment. Just counted the popped blister packs. That means only another week till I’m off it!

done. Actually I should not have said none, yes not a single case got cured by using Clomid after having sides from FIN or SP.
I am not against meds or hormone therapy. I am against repeating the same thing. We will have to use some thing to treat/cure our selves but should try new meds or new steroids.

That guy Dury was cured by Clomid, but that’s the only time I’ve ever heard of that happening. Legendary seems to have improved somewhat from it.

Too early to say. you will have to wait 6 - 9 months after stopping Clomid to see if the effects last but I don’t know how will you get cured? if T level is the problem then Why Awor, Mr.Mojo, Grey_wolf and Whalen72 etc got sides from Fin? these boys were already on TRT for years and were doing fine on external Testosterone and their balls were shut down any way long before Fin/SP use but when they used Fin/SP their running Testosterone stopped working. you see here production is not the issue but how body uses it, is now an issue. Some thing is blocking the testosterone from working.

Well day 15 of treatment. Woke with an erection this morning. Still moderately depressed but I do feel slightly better than yesterday.

Determined to go to the gym today. Deadlifts day. I think I am gonna stop doing 20-22 sets of weights per workout and switch to 9-12 sets and finish off with 20-30 minutes hardcore cardio of some description with HIIT incorporated. Always get the most buzz with this method. I’ve noticed that I never get the same buzz that I used to get when I was younger and trained. The only time I’ve gotten close is on a fast jog with several sprints incorporated so I’m gonna mix it up!

Ejaculate volume has not increased at all! Will be taking bloods this Friday a.m

Just had the roughest workout of my life. Nearly threw up about 10 times. Felt like I was gonna collapse after my 3rd set of deadlifts. Did 10 sets in total instead of my usual 18-22 followed by 15 minutes HIIT cardio. I now feel a little nauseous, weak and tired.

Gonna cut letro down to EOD as I have no signs of high estrogen. I think I could be feeling this way from too low estrogen I’m guessing. Definitely something is not right!

Didn’t take letro or clomid last night. Intentionally for the letro, not for the clomid.

Feel a lot better today. A LOT better. Still not perfect! Did again wake with an erection though!

I’ve become tolerant to clomid I have being taking two tablets a day for the last week and I have hardly noticed any effect.

Not many people notice an effect whilst on clomid other than cognitive side effects usually.

Still feeling a lot better. Not so depressed or lethargic. Woke again today with an erection and have even had a spontaneous erection in the day. Still no libido though.

Woke again with an erection and actually had a little bit of libido today. Like 20% normal. Quite promising. Finish my cycle early next week so am praying I start getting a bit more libido.

Got lots of spots on my shoulders and chest lately too!

Please keep us updated on your situation.

Still waking up with erections. In fact today I’ve had about 5 already. This is very rare. I have the last 2 days dropped 50mg proviron though to work as an AI and hopefully send some extra dht surging around my body. I wanted to see if I get a libido increase from the proviron now that I’m fairly sure my testosterone is raised as in the past I have had a massive surge in libido from just 25mgs daily proviron for 3 days but it dropped away and could not be repeated. Libido is still low

I am going to recommence with letro @ 1.25mg daily along with 25mgs proviron and 100mg daily of clomid. I will continue with this cycle until next week when my 3 weeks are up. I’m then going to leave it a week see what happens or how I feel and most likely cycle the clomid for another 3 weeks @ 50mgs per day with 1.25mgs letro.

I’ve only got one blood test that I can use so I want to use it after I have stopped treatment for several months. This is all being done blind!

Getting an erection every morning now and multiple erections through the day. This is in total contrast to the last 5 years. Still very low libido though.

I may start hammering e2 down daily again. Even though it might kill the libido even more if it goes too low it is necessary to allow testosterone to continue to increase or at least stay the same. Just makes me feel like shit. I have absolutely no problem getting a solid, throbbing erections currently (not that this has been my biggest problem) it’s just the lack of libido that I now need. Energy and mood is pretty good!