Cured after 11 years

I did the elemental diet for 13 days in August 2019, wich is pretty much fasting. Because the powder gets digested shortly after the stomach. On day 8 I was mentally clear for around 3 hours. That was it. The second time I felt absolutely great mentally was in December 2019 when I mistakenly injected 2000mcg BPC157 instead of 250mcg. I was able to feel emotions, was able to read books, was able to work and plan my day. Was able to feel joy and life made sense. It was like I was reborn. It lasted only a few days or weeks. But than “crashed” again mentally. Its said that BPC fixes some Dopamine and Gabba issues. Last week I injected 1000mcg of BPC157 but could not reproduce it. I am afraid to get cancer from that stuff so I dont want to use it that often.

I dont blame the mental sides fully on Fin but on a bad trip on cannabis in 2012 that ended up in the hospital in Spain. I dont know what pill they gave me. But research on the internet shows that it could have been Benzos. Wich I suspect damaged something in my brain. I had brain fog before due to fin. But not like it is now. I have no short time memory. Cant read anything because I can not remember what I readed 10 seconds ago. Can not make any plans. Can not work. Can not feel emotions besides sadness, anxiety, shame and depression.

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You did not fast. Either fast intermittently or do a long fast, and carb backload.

I went full 200mg from the start. Felt really tired for first 2 weeks. More the first week than the second. Also I had periods before this whole proviron thing where my pfs got better at times, so it may be just one of those times. Does not mean that the improvements I m feeling at the moment will be permanent.


This is my first week at 200mg (I’m on week 7)…and wow, what a difference from 150mg and under. I feel like turd! Tired like maarkus94 described and zero libido (opposite effect from lower doses). Now I wonder if the last 6 weeks of lower doses was a waste in terms of long term reset potential. I’ve got 1.5 weeks to go to make it to 8 weeks, but only these last 2 @ the full 200mg. I’m thinking of stretching it out a little further…


Did your balls shrink? how is your joints? any side effects of low estrogen?

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Wich one you took? I just found 4mg methyprednisolon in the pharmacy.

Here it’s also said that people with pfs have low cortisol levels. Wich is adrenal fatigue.

Balls have not shrunk any further than my normal PFS state. I am also on a low dose of Test+Hcg, so who knows if it would have shrunk them otherwise. I haven’t noticed any sure signs of low E either. Definitely not the type of dread that an AI inflicts.

It´s more safe to go to 200mg proviron/day with testosterone injection . I´m not using testosterone. Only Proviron, this is why i´m doing lower dosages.


Has anybody tried Tribulus + Proviron + Dhea?

It would most likely hinder any progress or improvements with proviron I’m personally only going to use proviron on its own.

I’m going to start similar to what your talking about 12.5mg then if I manage to feel okay on it I’ll up the dose to 25-50mg for a few weeks before I mega dose in the 200mgs like Pals protocol.

From my knowledge it doesn’t bind to the estrogen receptor the same as an AI but in a different way. But since we have PFS even regular doses can cause issues so I’ll be starting a very low dose to acclimate myself to the proviron.

But this 200 mg proviron only protocol may supress us. Have u planned anything to tackle that? I read here that high dose of proviron more than 50 mg may supress individuals.

Are u willing to risk what pal did? A very high dose of proviron?

What exactly is carb backloading? Is it doing a water fast for whole day and then eating too many carbs at night?

I already have very low T so at this point even if it supresses me I’m not sure if I would even feel any difference. I already feel horrible as is.

So I guess proviron should be used by people having low T, high E, low dht? I have normal T (600) but I don’t think I have any sensitivity to androgens. What should I do for this? I haven’t checked my dht and estrogen but I don’t have any symptoms of high or low estrogen but have all the symptoms of low dht. Zero hairloss since quitting.

While I don’t want be prescriptive in my statements, let me chime on the recent dosing ideas FWIW. I think it depends on your baseline hormone levels, sensitivity, and long-term goals. I’m currently on low-dose TRT+HCG (60mg+800iu/wk) so that I wouldn’t have to deal with a crash that felt any worse than PFS already did. My DHT sensitivities seem to be normal in many respects (e.g. hair loss continued + increased body hair) but abnormal in other areas (slower beard growth, no body odor, etc.).

I started Proviron conservatively @ 50mg and tapered up due to supply. This may have been a mistake for me. I felt modest improvements, rather than what Pal experienced. It wasn’t until the recent bump to 200mg that I started to feel anything that resembled what Pal described in the beginning (basically the opposite effect from the lower doses). Also, someone here brought up the possibility of how tapering up like that could enable our bodies to more easily adjust to the increased DHT…in a bad, stubborn sort of way, where PFS is able to maintain its stronghold in us. And that “nuking it” with a high dose from the beginning might be more effective for long term benefits. Of course this is just a theory, and I won’t be able to make any final judgements until I’ve finished and (hopefully) recovered from these final 2-3 weeks @ 200mg.

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Of course it will suppress. Anything that increases any HPTA axis hormone will cause negative feedback. So what? Then when you come off it there’s positive feedback until it’s back to normal. There’s nothing unusual here. If some herb actually worked at doing what people wanted to do here, increasing T or any other hormone, then it would cause suppression. TRT of course completely suppresses endogenous production to zero, for the rest of your life if never come off.


One very good thing about Proviron it is the short Half-Life. It ´s 12 hours. After the supression we can use tamoxifen 10mg do bring testo up.
For 25mg and normal testosterone, I don´t feel any supression. But the effect fades away after some days.