Cured after 11 years

I had a 4 days FULL recovery with Dhea. I had normal thick semen after 15 years of watery semen. And crazy Libido (had to masturbate 3-4 times a day could not handle It). Unfortunately it only lasted 4 days. And I can not reproduce it by taking dhea. It looks like it’s fixable. But how.


How much dhea did u take? Did u try to increase the dose or anything? I wonder what would a cycle of Dhea + Proviron + Tribulus do.

U should try to cycle after some three days water fast if u see the benefits from the cycle fades away. Fasting may make a restart for the system from where u had the tolerance against the suppliment.

I only took 25mg in the morning under my tongue together with 10mg pregnenolone. It still helps me with fatigue and all. I think one of our problems is adrenal fatigue and DHEA and pregnenolone fix this. I stopped both for 4 weeks once and felt pretty bad and CFSish again. I also tried 50mg once or twice. But I am afraid its too much. I am not able to get hydrocortisone. That is the mother hormone of all others and should fix adrenal fatigue.

DHEA is also good if your cortisol levels are too high. I´ve read on a bodybuilding forum that if you have high cortisol, you can even gain muscles with DHEA. I had low DHEA-S (before I took DHEA) on my blood check and low progesterone as well. Testosterone and DHT were pretty high.

Little update: I did pals protocol for 36 days, now I m 18 days out. Things have been up and down over last 3 weeks. During down times I was still better than before the protocol, during the up times I would say I was 80% of my old self. If down times are 60% of my old self, I’d say, that at the moment I m feeling at around 70%. Will keep you guys updated.


Did you feel bad as Pal described during proviron intake? Did you first try out with 50mg for 3 days like he described? Or go full 200mg?

Congratulations for your progress.


I topk hydrocortisone and felt much much better by then.

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Why are you guys not simply doing what Pal did? Why screw around introducing all kinds of unknowns and low success rate items like herbs, fasting, cycling that muddy the waters?


If I knew for 100% sure it will not do some permanent damage like propecia did but only make me feel bad temporary (worst case) I would start with 200mg tomorrow.

I would say I am at 60-70% and I could not live with it if Proviron gives me full pfs. I can get erections, have morning wood etc.

fasting does not have low success rates lol.

Proviron is just DHT. Tribulus and other herbs are made up of all kinds of exogenous chemicals.

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Just found this post interesting


December 31, 2018

suffered something like that. I took Roacutan for 57 days only! And after 13 days I started to have sexual problems. Libido 0, weak orgasms, no tenderness in the glans, tiredness, pain in the joints. Only 14 months later I recovered. I think because I took very little time. It was 40 mg per day. Today I feel normal again. But does it have no solution for those who do not spontaneously recover? Injectable testosterone, DHT (proviron), any aromatase inhibitor, or anything of the kind, will not help? How are the exams? At the time, my testosterone was normal, a little lower than before Accutane. One interesting thing is that I took proviron in the 13th month it looks like it accelerated the recovery.


are there any accounts of people whose conditions were significantly worsened or even slightly worsened with the use of proviron?

Most people here are fasting incorrectly and don’t take carb backloading seriously.

Carb backloading is one of the few things that makes me feel 80-100% consistently and yet if you search it there’s no posts here. Lol. Regular fasting does little for me, although I do feel insane mental clarity during a fast.

Honestly I don’t see how someone could fast, carb backload, diet, and sprint regularly and not see SOME SORT OF positive improvement, even if it’s not a “cure”.

For me water fast was the key for my recovery. I´ve never did a carb backloading, I will read about it. thanks

Fasting is certainly more promising than herbs. Just look at Ozephs experience. But combining multiple different things is a sure way to lose time, money, and health for nothing in return. Even if you felt better, will you know what did it? No you won’t know whether it was Pal’s treatment or the fasting or what. This is home witch doctoring because you are too lazy to help the community by doing anything that advances the cause or promotes research 101.

I´m afraid to drop my testosterone. Before propecia I took testosterone for bodybuilding and I know how I feel with lower testo, it´s very bad. The main reason I´m keeping lower doses (25mg) it is for my job, i´m a software engineer. I really need my higher testosterone to work. I wish to have lots of money to take some months off to try these protocols. I know that 200mg will mess with the balls.

good idea, I will try soon. I bought 13 proviron boxes. I have enough to expose to a long term trial.

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I did the elemental diet for 13 days in August 2019, wich is pretty much fasting. Because the powder gets digested shortly after the stomach. On day 8 I was mentally clear for around 3 hours. That was it. The second time I felt absolutely great mentally was in December 2019 when I mistakenly injected 2000mcg BPC157 instead of 250mcg. I was able to feel emotions, was able to read books, was able to work and plan my day. Was able to feel joy and life made sense. It was like I was reborn. It lasted only a few days or weeks. But than “crashed” again mentally. Its said that BPC fixes some Dopamine and Gabba issues. Last week I injected 1000mcg of BPC157 but could not reproduce it. I am afraid to get cancer from that stuff so I dont want to use it that often.

I dont blame the mental sides fully on Fin but on a bad trip on cannabis in 2012 that ended up in the hospital in Spain. I dont know what pill they gave me. But research on the internet shows that it could have been Benzos. Wich I suspect damaged something in my brain. I had brain fog before due to fin. But not like it is now. I have no short time memory. Cant read anything because I can not remember what I readed 10 seconds ago. Can not make any plans. Can not work. Can not feel emotions besides sadness, anxiety, shame and depression.

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You did not fast. Either fast intermittently or do a long fast, and carb backload.