Cured after 11 years

What herbs are safe? Almost all the ones I read about have some people saying they had negative effects for them

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thanks for the tips, I will watch closer my side effects from proviron. Before propecia I already took some testosterone shots for bodybuilding, I know how I feel with those side effects.

You are completely right and correct about this Enzimes inhibitors like arimidex. The danger from this drugs are the same as propecia. I will never take a single pill of aromatase inhibitor like arimidex any more, too much risk.
Well. I know Proviron drops aromatase, but it is completely different history than arimidex. In my experience and opinion, Tamoxifen and Proviron itĀ“s a safer drugs. Even testosterone. DoesnĀ“t have the same risk that propecia.

A few years ago, 2012 I took arimidex and felt my bonnes very week by lowering estradiol. As IĀ“m powerlifting 405lb deadlift for reps, 8 reps. and doing squats, I know how it is to have a week/dry joint. I will stop the same minute if I feel some weekness.

Today iĀ“m feeling very strong doing powerlifting.

Thanks for the advice!


ItĀ“s good to have a blood work test check each 6 months. Most Doctors will not prescribe any drugs for PFS suffers, so everybody here itĀ“s by your own. Like an animal in the wild.

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Got the same reaction to arimidex as well it also gave me shooting pain in my spine and ribs, worst feeling ever, good thing proviron is benefiting you though hopefully you make a recovery.

My back is full of acne. Does that mean my DHT is working? My beard is good, muscles good, have morning wood. On the other hand I have dry skin (since accutane for 24 years now), pretty low libido and watery less semen. And big problems with my brain. Very weak memory, brain fog, cant follow conversations and dont know what to talk. My brain feels like in sleep mode all the time. Especially my frontal lobe. When I sit with somebody and he talks I can not listen to him properly and have to yawn all the time.

Not sure yet if I should try proviron or stick with how it is. Feeling like 50 man 50 woman for 15 years now.

I tried Ashwaghanda. It took away my anxiety a lot I guess and is good for adrenals. Together with DHEA and Pregnenolone it did wonders. Because I think adrenal fatigue is one of our main issues. I also gained muscles without training. But it made my histamine intolerance flare up so I stopped ashwaghanda. And my anxiety started again.

It definitively has the potential for prostate issues, especially if used in high doses for long periods and you are prone to it. As far as liver cancer, it doesnā€™t carry any hepatoxicity like other steroids, meds (Rx & OTC), and even some herbsā€¦so that would be extremely unlikely. That said, the human body can be unpredictable and if youā€™re using UGL ā€œgearā€ you never really know what cheap fillers they use to make the pills.

How many guys are trying pals protocol here right now? How long are they on? And how is it going?

Honestly, if I would be pal and would have recovered after such long time I would at least once a while come back here and support people. But he got attacked here so that might be a reason he dont give a fuck.

My libido is good at the moment. Of course without fapping. I would guess pre 50mg zinc daily for 6 weeks. Took me 5-6 weeks to recover from that. But my (mental) cfs is on itā€™s very low. I simply cant listen to people and have proper conversations. Feeling tired often and have pretty bad sleep at night. Anxiety is up at the moment.

Not sure if itā€™s worth to try proviron at this state. Afraid of losing the sexual state. Mentally I never really recovered from fin.

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Doctors do not er on the side of caution for treatments, they do not know of any treatments. They read a drug brochure and call it good, they also RARELY believe you!

IĀ“ll implement this protocol for myself. IĀ“m on my second cycle for 25mg (the first chart). I will try the second too after this.

The reason for this number is the half-life of 12 hours. I donĀ“t want to bring the estradiol too much down. Using the tribulus between cycles of Proviron itĀ“s doing well for me. The tribulus it self does not give me any effect.

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Very interesting protocol! Keep us updated.

People have been trying every herb on the face of earth here for 15 years and theyā€™ve never done shit except make people worse. All Proviron is is DHT in pill form. Herbs are basically chemicals that research showed are not beneficial therefore having no commercial value to pharma.


People have been trying every herb on the face of earth here for 15 years and theyā€™ve never done shit except make people worse.

Stop lying, a lot of people with PFS got better thanks to herbs, only a small part got worse.


So if herbs are not benefical (I guess you mean have no effect), how people get pfs from saw palmetto?

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I said not beneficial, not no effect.

After those 12 years off propecia I have been trying some herbs/drugs and I realise that the effect changes after time. I mean, tamoxifen might not be as good in the beginning of PFS, but could be very effective after some years.

My last shot of tamoxifen 10mg/day (could not remember), but I think was 2012, and since then my testosterone has been recovered. I stopped propecia in 2008.

Since 2012 I donĀ“t use andractim. May be today my body reacts different. IĀ“m giving another chance for DHT drugs like Proviron and using with Tribulus. For me Tribulus itself doesnĀ“t give me effects more then 4 days.

We need another chance after all those years. I have started to believe PFS itĀ“s reversible after one recovered 100% for short time in the past, so what i mean is: Nothing is broken, the heal is inside us. LetĀ“s get hope here!


Have u considerably improved in these 12 years? U must be a warrior to go through this since a very long time. How is proviron+tribulus going?

I agree with you, but in addition to personal efforts, true sciency is necessary to act in the right direction. The fĆ³rum research is a good way to organize data. We need this.

Yes, IĀ“m 100% recovered from testosterone, sleep , brain fog, muscle grown, mood, digestion. IĀ“m feeling very happy in general. IĀ“m Working a lot and have a lot fun in life. The last great recovered was the sleep. After that recover I start to have much more joy for life.
Erection has got better too. The first date days I need some cialis to get that boost.

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Proviron and tribulus has been very surprise to me. IĀ“m only on my second cicle, but i feel hard erection with Proviron after 4 days and the effect fades away at day 9, but after introducing the tribulus, feel that libido. Boths have some effects at begining, but fades aways. My goal here is to balance cycles.

Some surprise to me is the oil on scalp. I will keep patience and see for some results.

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