Have known a few people die from the virus. Additionally, the effects of “long COVID” would compound a bad situation for anyone who already has PAS/ PFS/ PSSD. So - I will be taking it.
Meanwhile, here are a couple of ways to boost your natural immunity:
- Cold shower blasts as part of your normal shower: https://hbr.org/2018/03/cold-showers-lead-to-fewer-sick-days
- Sunlight exposure for improved vitamin D levels: https://www.cnet.com/health/the-surprising-role-vitamin-d-plays-in-your-immune-health/
You should also moderate your alcohol levels and eat a good diet, e.g. low carb/ paleo/ mediterranean. Pick whichever is practical for you - your tastes, time available, your daily life.
These are things which are general advice and not targeted at our particular problems. However, they will all improve your situation to some extent, excepting extreme cases which are present on the site.