Chi's Member Story & Progress

its fine to try some stuff out which doesnt cost much, but gelhead is right. Most of the money, if not all, shoud be donated to the PFS-foundation.

We can definetly not figue out the cure by ourseves, and its highly unlikly, that it sits on the supermaket shelf. just look at what science has lead us to. The world would be still stoneage if we try to solve our problems like you do.

think about it.

I’m supporting the foundation, it’s so important to raise awareness and research this condition. But on the other hand it should be allowed to discuss, “weird” theories. Maybe one of these theories helps the foundation to find something.

I think the best way of curing this is the studies.
At the same time it appears that all of us have trouble with digestion to differing levels.
I can eat anything and not feel sick but my stools arnt solid and haven’t been since I’m off the poison.
Therefore there is something wrong with my gut.
I believe Chi recovered through his protocol but it’s hard to say if everyone would recover this way.
So a cure is needed to be found through research but trying to cure this through Chi’s methods isn’t outlandish

I also have loose stools all the time, but I had an MRI that suggested I had “fecal loading” and am constipated. That makes no sense, so I do think something is going on with the digestive system. More and more research suggests the gut is important and can have implications on many different aspects of our health.

I agree 100% my stools are always loose since I got PFS

I am following the protocol. See my thread for more info:

Please be aware that detoxification can give fatigue and mood swings (i had them and still have).

I also have had loose stools for the 5 and a half years
I have had pfs. The loose stools are a result of
Too much estrogen. The only time my stools
Normalized was when I took progesterone and alpha hard.
These two supplements suppress estrogen.

Please, Mr. Scientist, post this research connecting the gut to our PFS problems. Can’t wait to see this!

Take your foul attitude out on someone who deserves it Adam, you’re not the only one who suffers and wants answers.

I might have a foul attitude, but at least I don’t post bullshit and falsely get these poor guys hopes up. Either post the research or STFU.

Who are you to post in Chi’s thread in the “theories” subforum and tell them to shut up?

You shut up.

No offence but dont trust everything what you find ncbi.
I can show you this weird study too :

Im neither defending nor attacking chis theory , just saying.

This is why this fool will be waiting years and years and still be stuck with this shit. He thinks this is a place exclusively for posting and discussing studies like some sort of scientific symposium. No, this place is also to share anectodal information and discuss heuristic methods that aid in recovery. The scientific community is far behind on this. That’s just a fact of life. Most of the recoveries I have read or heard about have used heuristics, along with studies that lend support to those heuristics. Fuck off already, gerbil, you’ve made enough of a stink with your immature ranting about me and other members.

The article you linked to has not been published. See the bottom:

“PMID: 23269538 [PubMed - in process]

Also the URL has “gov/m/pubmed”. I believe M stands for Moderation.

I’ve just read JN recovery thread and I think he is not cured by managed the symptoms. 3 recoveries that I think are the best protocol, Chi, Ihatepropecia, light at the end. And I think the mix of these 3 is the way to go.

1-Pathogens, yeast - both are imbalance of our gut. Chi did enemas and said he saw many toxins getting out. Ihp took chinese herbs and was shitting more than 5 times a day. Florindo took the chinese herbs and said he could see a mucus rope in his stool.

2-immune system is important and I think this is where the people still not eating carbs and sugar. This is where I think probiotics and other stuff are important. The adrenals need to help the body heal and keep balance. Light at the end recovered by using progesterone cream and I think now he eat carbs with no problem, one thing I’m sure is that he drinks alcohol without problems. Progesterone cream helps the adrenals I took it and felt much better but lost everything. One guy I know felt the same and he said them cream started working again when he cleaned his gut and used for one week the chinese herbs.

This may not be gut related whatsoever but if you look up the symptoms of c.andida overgrowth it’s the same as PFS, as is hypothyroidism. I’m not saying PFS is either one but the theory isn’t as ridiculous as you may think it is. Pharmaceuticals have also been known to cause can.dida overgrowth.

We should be encouraging harmless cheap experimentation, even if it doesn’t lead to a cure other peoples tests have led me to find things that make my life WAY better and stabilize me.

I am following Chi’s detox-protocol but i am very fatigued. I read some of this in IHP thread but now i experience the same thing. Is this the result of the detoxification?

I just ordered Nystatin. I am already doing a lot of things.

One thing that had disappeared is the anxiety/depression but this seems to be normal after 10 months off. So i don’t know if this is the result of the detoxification. The other symptoms have diminished a bit but are still there.

PS. i drink non-alcohol sometimes but maybe this is a interesting thing:when i drink radler (with sugar) the brain fog will kick in immediately but when i drink stender (no sugar and the ingredients are: water, barley and hop) with 0.5% alcohol nothing happens. Even drinking normal alcohol doesn’t give me brain fog but has a negative effect on me after a few days.

thanks for update, are you doing the mysterious chinese herbs? I’m curious to hear more feedback on those

Maybe i’ll start the Chinese herbs when the current protocol doesn’t work. But i will have to wait for six months because this protocol needs it’s time.

I am thinking about trying cordyceps.