Chi's Member Story & Progress

Check your pm guys.

Basically, it would be to have the comprehensive stool test done and then work out a diet with a nutritionist to correct the gut problems you have. I’m surprised there isn’t anyone who did the test. I know it’s not cheap, but you would have thought at least one person on the forum would do it. The problem is that without the test, you’re kind of going blindly, not knowing which food is good or bad for the pathogens you would have problems with.

Agreed, we need more people testing protocols. It will be at least four months before I can try this as I am in the middle of a progesterone type protocol (been on for a little over two months).

Is there anyone here that wants to do this and can create a log?

One thing that chi did and ihatepropecia did not was the enema. Ihp took medicines like nystatin, while chi did not. I have an account on curezone and people there are doing enemas and posting photos of what they had in their gut. It is incredible how many strange things come out. They also said that nystatin, baking soda enemas were more effective than water enema.

One thing I’d like to know is if the improvements come from the things people expelled through poo.
Florindo took chinese herbs did the yellow poo with mucous rope and said each time those things got out of his body he got better, now he is 90% better, but he also took glutamine and probiotics.

Let’s search about expeliing this things and improvements, some people in that forum said they are cured and now eat anything. But some say that they are cured but if they eat candies or carbs their symptoms returned.

Isnt that nystatin a antifungal drug? I didnt know its enema…

I have some nystatin here and have done several enemas before (a different protocol I was trying). So tomorrow I’ll ram it up my ass and see what happens.

I’m probably going to get the ball rolling on this soon and see someone local who can test my poop for parasites etc. We need people to stop talking about doing stuff and actually do it and follow through. How many people are doing this?? Let’s go people!!!

Did you buy an enema kit or its home made? I will try to make one.
One thing in common with improvements ihatepropecia, florindo and chi was expelling toxins by taking chinese herbs or enemas.

There is one guy that studied candida for a long time he was a sufferer and he said this: “It was only when I began to inject Nystatin solution in my colon, when the fungus began to get out… Since that, I was improving and improving until I reach a point where I left it.”

I really hope we all get through this and get our life back, I think Ihatepropecia now is even better sexually than before propecia as he said his libido is rocket high, but I really would like to know if him and chi can eat normally now with carbs and sugar without any side effect.

BFBoy I did a stool test yesterday, results should be here next week hopefully. I also did an allergy test yesterday and it showed that I have heavy allergy to mold fungus, 5 years ago when I did this test the last time, I didn’t have this. I also bought some nystatin and will start taking it soon. I read that if you start with an anti-fungal treatment and your symptoms worsen, it’s a good sign because shit is dying and causing these symptoms.

New allergies and food sensitivities are also an indication of candid.a. Your actions is really a breath of fresh air, someone doing something instead of just theorizing. I’m super interested to see how you feel and will probably be pm’ing you soon. Keep us updated man, we need more active people like you.

Ok so today I did three enemas. First I did one with three teaspoons of nystatin, second was with garlic, black walnut and wormwood and the third was another nystatin which I retained in me for about two hours. I also fasted yesterday and didn’t eat today until 7:30 and I can say right now my brainfog is pretty damn bad which is rare for me. I don’t feel better or worse physically and I didn’t have any discharges or strange things come out of me. I’ll probably keep doing this as it won’t interfere with my progesterone protocol I’m doing right now (which I believe is working by the way but it’s too late to say for sure, it will take several more months in order to really see). I took some high dose ginger today along with dichotomous earth (food grade) and some iodine. I’ll be eating very low carb and practically fasting for the next couple of weeks while I do this.

Part of the reason I have doubts that any of this will do a bit of good is because my first guess at what was wrong with me (before I realized I had pfs) was that I had yeast (candid.a) and so I have already been down this road. I did fasting, borax (anti fungal) enemas and a ketogenic (less than 30 carbs a day for over 6 months) diet along with a long list of things and I felt healthier better after I did it (which is why I don’t’ have a problem with doing it again) but I still believe I have libido issues. After I went back to high carb I didn’t feel any worse or better so I figured how can I have a candid.a if my symptoms don’t change when I add back in carbs? I might go see a doctor about all this but I don’t think I want to spend that kind of money on something like this when I could donate it to the PFS Foundation. The supplements I’m taking now I already had / got from a friend or are very low cost.

I have also ordered some of this which is good for energy and brain anyway: … octane-oil

It is 18x stronger than coconut oil which is very good for anti-fungals I’ll probably be shoving that up my ass soon too so everyone stay tuned for the h0t detailz.

I think you forgot probiotics. Get some fresh sauerkraut (not the pasteurized dead stuff from the supermarket) it has tons of probiotics.

Homemade Milk kefir could also be a good source of probiotics but I’m unsure because if it is beneficial because it’s made with yeast.

thanks for the reminder I need to get some good sauerkraut, the kind I have I think is the dead stuff. I’ve been downing around 100 billion probiotics in pills as well.

DOES ANYONE FOLLOW EXACTLY CHIS PROTOCOL ? if it so can you tell us improvoments etc. Thanks.

Only a few, most people are waiting around for other people to do things first.

One thing I’m not sure yet. Does it needs to be eliminated by poop?

I don’t know if Chi, ihp and others who took digestive enzimes helped them to poop more often.
If the answer of our problems is the need to eliminate toxins by poop then we need to try to get the toxins out. Florindo said in one of his replies about the chinese prostate herbs that he started pooping more than 5 times a day and sometimes he saw a mucus and the more mucus got out the better he got. But we need to ask him more about it if he is sure that the mucus getting out was that important.

In curezone some guys say that nystatin enemas are helping them, sodium bicarbonate enemas too. One guy even took photo of a worm that came out of him.

Other important thing. Chi did a comprehensive parasitology test and it showed his pathogens and eh was treating it and getting better. One thing I would like to know is if he started the treatment with nutritionist in the beggining of his thread or it was in the middle. Other thing is if these guys can eat bread, milk, cheese, sugars, alcohol again.

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There is a detox protocol that works in the following sequence.

These protocols are in the following order:
1 - Kidneys
2 - intestines
3 - Liver and Gallbladder
4 - Parasites
5 - Heavy Metals

Kidneys: detoxing the home of Vital Energy
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the kidneys are home to vital energy ‖, the abode of the Chi ‖.
The kidneys remove toxins that have been dissolved and released by the liver. If overloaded with toxins, are slow and lose energy. This creates a feeling of tiredness.

Resumo do Protocolo de Rins:
Prepare um litro e meio de chá de ervas medicinais de acordo com as recomendações e beba 200 ml do mesmo de duas em duas horas, na temperatura que preferir. Acompanhe este período com pelo menos 500 ml de sucos diuréticos (tais como os de melancia, de salsinha, pepino, limão, etc.).
Mantenha o protocolo por sete dias. Caso sinta necessidade, prolongue o mesmo por mais uma semana

Short update: did a nystatin enema on Friday afternoon, and felt soo tired yesterday, nearly no hunger, like being sick. That feeling disappeared in the evening. Probably that is the so called die-off effect. Today I have a slightly oilier skin and eyes, but that may just be coincidence.

I’m doing a low-carb diet since two weeks and eat fresh sauerkraut daily since four days.

What the shit?

People are still slotting things up their arsehole in hope of a cure?

And still spending money on gut parasite treatments?


Gelhead, 80% of the immune system is in the gut, our normal gut bacteria protect us from pathogen bacteria and funguses. If there is a dysbalance in the gut flora, our immune system is overstressed and is not functioning normal leading to tons of other problems. I’m still having digestion problems and healing the source of this makes very much sense to me. If I’m lucky it helps with my other symptoms too, if not it just helps with my digestion problems.

Please let’s not start another debate of principles here, this has been done a million times. This thread is btw. in the theories section, so theorizing and experimenting should be allowed.