Chi's Member Story & Progress

We also need to bear in mind that Chi took this shit in his early 20’s for about 7 weeks and yes I know of stories whereby people have become victims after only a few pills but I do believe the less of this poision you put into your body, the better chance of NATURAL recovery. I’m very sceptical over Chi’s claims and theories personally but thats not to say he’s not right with whats worked for him.

I think the problem here on this forum is that most users are sucked in by Chi’s positivity and optimism in his posts. I could post here that I drank cat piss for 2 months and was cured and people would bombard me with desperate questions.

I’m entitled to my own opinions but i’m fully behind what I post here and support Jorbie on Chi’s supposed recovery.

oh give me a break. of course he is telling the truth. why would he lie about it for so many years?

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What I don’t understand is if there is still no known cause of PFS why do people pretend to know what can help to recover and what can’t.

From my perspective inflammation and the immune system plays a big role, the measures Chi took addressed this issue.

If Chi gives people hope and keeps people alive I’m all for it, I on the other hand know PFS is it bit more complex than not eating for a few days etc, any way, good luck to you all if you still believe. You know my feelings. I think he’s more than likely had a natural recovery mainly due to luck and minimal time on drug.

Back to where you was… :laughing:

Hi Chi, For how long you continued the morning and evening enemas?

If I had I guess I would say he is doing very well and not lying at all. But yes it’s ridiculous to think he knows exactly what made him better. I’ve said this a million times, the common thread of people getting better has one common factor TIME, perhaps also a positive attitude.

I just passed my 2 year mark and I am making enormous strides and getting better. Libido all the time, nightime, am erections, better focus, better energy, body is less cold (better thyroid function)

I’m not gonna come on here and tell people I know the reason, but my recovery precisely mimics most others so therefore that is telling.

what about sponteanous erections and physical side effects (facial changes, collagen loss etc.) ? Can you get a hard on by just looking at a girl?

No not there yet but heading that way. Erections if I’m near a girl and intimate, some spontaneous ones, am erections etc


Could you please direct me to where you have posted your recovery protocol in the forums? I’m interested in seeing what the common threads appear to be in people’s recoveries or near recoveries. I have also started getting spontaneous erections throughout the day and morning erections but don’t recall getting nocturnal erections just yet.

You ready for this, write this down! There is no damn recovery protocol, stay calm, relax, things slowly return but it takes a lot of time, and chi is right, stress and high cortisol can be our enemy

what about dry fasting for destroying pathogens ?

The thing is that inflammation cannot exist without water. Any random inflamed area
will swell up. Microorganisms (bacteria and viruses) can, however, only multiply in an
environment with plenty of water. A lack of water is fatal to inflammation. Competition
appears between the cells of the body and the pathogenic microorganisms due to
dehydration – who gets the water. The cells of the body, as the “masters of the
house” take the water away from the microorganisms. However, the body is not only
capable of synthesising endogenous water but can also absorb water during fasting
through the skin from the outside air. Thus, showers may be lengthier during dry
fasting. However, saunas should be avoided, as they are intended for sweating,
i.e. EXCRETING fluids – we don’t need this. … ersal-cure

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What do you think of this Chi? Could it be a good substitute for digestive enzyme pills? Have you tried sauerkraut at all during your recovery? … kraut.html

wait for stabilization, my body is stable after 3 years, everything is stable no problem but %60 to %80 of my pre fin. this is because little bit quicker aging.

Has somebody done the comprehensive parasitlogy test chi did?

Because I’m a big believer in testing all theories and protocols until we find the solution, we definitely need some people doing whatever Chi suggested and report back frequently so we can monitor the progress (I would do it but I’m in the middle of another protocol), however…after reading through many of Chi’s posts I believe he thinks he’s cured but possibly isn’t. I believe what he’s experiencing is increased hormone production from the sun-tan booths he spoke about as well as the 30 min sun exposure he talks about getting. Test it out, if you want to feel better then get consistent sun for about a week (increases LH signaling), if you stop completely it will stay with you for about a week and then fade.

At this point this would be the second time he’s claimed to be cured and you can bet that if he regresses he most likely will not admit it due to pride/embarrassment of claiming two false cures.

I understand that I sound like a real big dick-head in this post, but I’m trying to keep myself and others aligned from a logical perspective. Is this a cure? Possibly, although it doesn’t look promising but for Pete’s sake someone please prove me wrong and I’ll rejoice.

So you are saying the sun cures pfs completely so that one thinks he is recovered. Do you have more amusing theories like this? You dont believe chi, still you want someone to try out his protocol to be sure. Nice thinking man

cat piss it´s amazing! :laughing:

That’s right, a part of being open minded is trying something even if you don’t believe it will work which is why I would still try this protocol, and why you should try sunbathing for 30 minutes on a sunny day around noon for a solid week and see how you feel.

Did Chi ever post a protocol or did he just say to see a traditionalist and get your dookey tested? I can’t find in the 22 pages what herbs / items he took in order to cure himself - can anyone find this information?

I second that. Is there a protocol Chi has posted, or someone has summarized, about what he did to get cured?
All I’ve really gathered so far is that I should buy a home enema kit.