Chi's Member Story & Progress

Hi Chi,

Can you or other guys post the podcast link here? I don’t know which podcast you guys are talking about.

Chi have you fixed the eye floaters? Did you have tinnitus too did you fix it?

Also I saw some guys getting cured by taking progesterone cream, maca root, light exercise, reducing prolactin increasing dopamine by taking selegiline very low dose, and they didn’t did a restrict diet, it was a clean diet but nothing comparing to yours, I’m not saying your protocol is wrong but do you think natural progesterone cream helps with the gut and colon?

What I saw in commom is that both of you guys who got cured passed through ups and downs until all the days were normal.
My personal experience with just progesterone cream is that when it is working very well I get a very lucid dream, hd resolution and I get calm right after the application, that leads me to morning wood and sometimes some libido increase then I lost everything but my base is better and I lost weight, got more masculine face, more energy and now I’m getting morning wood again not rock hard and sometimes in the middle of the night.

Maybe it is something related to gaba I think when my eye floaters and tinnitus are lighter I get more energy so I have a couple questions.

1 - The guys who got cured said there is a progressive line of recovery, first clear head, more energy, stamina, sleep, morning wood, body weight, better body composition then libido.
Do you think with you occured the same way?

2 - How the gaba improved you? Now can you eat like a normal person? Drink beer etc?

3 - The guys also took B complex, calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin d. Do you think they help the gut and the colon?

I regret to inform you that I cannot feature on the podcast. The owner has asked me to restrict what I would say, specifically around pathogens. On that basis I have declined.

In my view I should be allowed to speak openly and freely. I was not intending to criticise any other theory or research, only state my story and the reasons behind why I did what I did and the reasons for it, which would of course partly include some reference to the human gut and also pathogens. It was way more than that of course.

No more reason to be here, I’ve posted loads of what I wanted to say on my thread anyway. Loads to help people on the right path, should they choose to open their minds, get over the other stuff and get back to basics. I have full health, a wonderful girlfriend and a great life. I only came back to really try hard to get some points across that the problem is CFS and everything that encompasses (not PFS) as a result of gut problems (specifically in the lower intestine and colon, so hard to heal) and a prevalence of pathogens which have invaded the body from the damaged gut wall. That’s the root - the process of healing is wide and long and cannot be achieved with a single pill or solution in isolation. If that’s what you’re holding out for, instead of getting down to business, you will be waiting a long long time indeed. With a clear head and sharp mind, I can tell you now that avenue will be fruitless.

Bon voyage, transfer this thread into the recovery section when you’re ready.


You are delusional.

Thats a shame, maybe someone else could do the podcast ? someone cound interview you by phone and put a recording of it on youtube.

Even if there is only a 1% chance your method could work I still think its worth looking into. Its not like we have many other options.

I agree you should be allowed to speak openly. After what happened to us I cant believe anyone here still believes in mainstream medicine.

The fact that we listened to the medical establishment got us into to this situation in the first place.

We should not be afraid to challenge mainstream medical “science”.

Chi is free to make a Youtube videos detailing his “recovery”. Considering that media is now looking into our story, I have to be careful that the podcast does make us seem like “crazies” chasing cures by drinking goat urine and eating monkey brains. Good luck to you - though a pharmaceutical companies lies put me in this situation - I trust science and medicine to fix this. And they are - just read this: … ne.0100237


Good Luck to you all, regardless of individual beliefs etc!

Its not a belief. Its science. Don’t conflate the two. … ne.0100237

I agree with this sentiment.

We’ve just seen important information published from the skin biopsy pilot study. Hard evidence pointing towards a biological abnormality is now available for all to see. All while Paul’s story is generating a lot of media interest.

Potentially tainting the emergence of this empirical evidence with one person’s ‘out there’ hypothesis is probably not the best course of action at this moment in time.


However we need studies with more participants, otherwise it wont hold up in a court of law.

I do not agree with this point. It’s like saying that you car broke down and now you do not believe in mainstream engineering anymore. Mainstream medicine is not flawless, but it discovers, develops and markets solutions for health problems that work. We have a lot stuff under control that used to kill scores of people, and that’s thanks to mainstream medicine. And mainstream medicine’s institution and processes will (albeit slowly) wake up to our problem and address it. We are already experiencing it. Mainstream medicine caused our problem, and only mainstream medicine can solve it, not some snake oil medicine.

Certainly not, but that does not mean we should jump on every bandwagon outside of mainstream medicine. The same scepticism and more needs to be applied to “medical” theories that do not even measure up to basic scientific principles.

I am happy that Chi feels recovered. I used to follow his thread when he made reasonable experiments, e.g. with GHB. But now he is making definite statements on things that are speculation at best, uses questionable concepts and does a lot of backward rationalizing. He simply cannot not know what cured him.

You mean like cancer and AIDS treatments? Or were you talking about Alzheimer? Maybe you meant Multiple sclerosis? No, you meant Parkinson right?

And that list is by no means complete… Just 2 words: wake up!

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I’d like to see your advice.

Thats right AIDS drugs like AZT actually caused AIDS.

The reason you dont see people with blown AIDS anymore is because they dont give out AZT in high doses any more.

If “HIV” really does cauae AIDS then people should be dropping dead in the streets who dont know they “have it”.

Thats just Self-congratulatory BS that is put out by the medical establishment and vaccine pushers.

Thanks to them autism is at record rates.

People are now sicker than they have ever been yet they call that “progress”.

So you dont believe the scientific method is the answer? OK :smiley:.

My advice is fasting. And a low carb / paleo diet. But that has been said million times on this forum.

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No I just dont blindly believe what the medical “profession” tell us.

I’m not saying Chi’s method works but we shouldnt rule anything out.

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