Chi's Member Story & Progress

He did 3 days fasting, thats all.

That’s correct. I did 3 days.

If you can do more I think it’s worth it - but I have to say fasting is kind of scary. I wouldn’t do it again, at any length, without supervision of some sort. Cdnuts is the best person to speak to about fasting, I don’t for a second claim to know much about it, other than believe it can help for a number of reasons.

Hi Chi,

It is inspiring to hear you have recovered… Did you also suffer from ‘facial fat loss’/‘facial wasting’ around the eyes, cheeks, forehead, skulp and nose?

If so, did you also recover from this?

thanks for answering, this is really important for me to know.

btw… did your gyno recover fully?

kind regards


Yes I suffered from all of that and recovered fully.

I used to completely avoid looking in the mirror because I didn’t recognise myself at all. Stopping looking in mirrors was a way of taking my mind off the problem and lowering stress, a key component of any recovery program. Don’t under-estimate un-subconscious stresses on the body like this. They contribute towards the overall block to recovering

Try this little experiment

Set your alarm for 5.30-6am in the morning and as soon as it goes off get up and stay up. Don’t lay down or rest /sleep until bed the following night. See if you feel better for the day.

This is the single most encouraging post I’ve seen on this.Goves a lot of hope Chi.Fair play to you managing to recover from all of this.ots a borderline miracle and something to aspire to.

Hi there Chi

Your confirmation that you recovered from facial subcutaneous fat loss brings with it a lot of hope. To be honest I believed that physical sides such as this and the premature ageing of my skin were for the most part irreversible and were just going to get worse.

Would you mind having a look at this thread where I’ve posted photos of my face to see whether you experienced anything similar, and if you had, whether it has improved/resolved?. I suspect if you had experienced prematurely aged skin then it wouldn’t have been to the extent to which my own has been damaged.


On another matter, and I apologise if you have answered this elsewhere: did propecia change your penis’s shape and size etc, and if so, how was it affected, and if it was, did you experience a return to your pre-propecia size etc.?

Thanks in advance.

Hi mate,

Yes I experienced ageing of the skin, fine lines under eyes formed. Fat loss too. The skin here now is full and pretty fine - I don’t claim to be wrinkle less! I’m going on 28 now, but when I look in the mirror I see ‘me’ as I was before. It’s like I never suffered and there are no permanent markers of what I went through in all aspects.

Even full health does not stop me from feeling miserable when visiting this website though. You have all underestimated the impact this forum has, un-subconsciously, on preventing your recovery. Don’t ignore that most (all?) recoveries came from people that went away for ages then came back, often years later, recovered. It’s no coincidence. Equally think of those actively involved in the website/research/foundation - like a constant reminder, constant stressor, constant PFS. And guess what pathogens thrive in this inflamed state.

Off topic a bit but hopefully useful to you. With that I’m off on hols this week, but doing this podcast later in the month I think.


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yes, i could join chi on that, especially visiting here makes my very good and stable mood a little harm lowers my libido it is real thing. last 6 months i can wake up with a boner , when i fired from my job and start reading again i lost my morning wood and libido time to time if i read this forum.

i have lost fat from my face and overall, but i get back after time. so as you as it is normal if you are not eating good and exercising. But keep in mind that you are a PFS victim exercise is the most imporant thing in your life.(to regenerate brain cells etc.)
but you have to forget the past to live and succedd

Yes. I am sure you are all aware that people with depression also have lower libido and sometimes sexual dysfunction - all from a mental cause. I’m not saying it’s the cause here, I’m saying it is a block that must be removed to make progress. Reading this forum, posting and having debates etc etc is not only wasted effort in terms of recovering - it’s preventing you from recovering! Like 100s of other things that you probably all do on a day to day basis.

You have to challenge yourself on these grounds in order to get on the right path. Otherwise you’ll wash around on this site for years. I don’t plan on being here much longer - it’s only to really get the point across which I only know is good for peoples long term recovery - despite probably upsetting some members in the process

Ok - need to get into holiday mode - catch you later!

Can I ask Chi,as I’m confused, I’ve read through a lot of your posts and I’m not sure whether you’ve totally recovered or you’re on a regime that is controlling your symptoms in a very effective way? Do you think if you deviated away from your healthy lifestyle for a long period would your symptoms return?

Hello Chi,

In an earlier post you state that you “2) Before bed do another potion as described at breakfast.”
Is that the swedish bitters, wormwood etc mixture?



I spoke to him recently and I think he returned to quite a normal lifestyle. That said, I think he said that when you don’t drink and eat well you tend to retain those good habits and stay away from less healthy things.

My above question is already answered: is see that i should take it in the morning upon waking and evening before going to bed.

hello chi,

can you provide fotographic evidene of your facial changes and recoveries?

would appreciate a lot.


Hello Chi, were your facial changes similar to ours (me and my brother)?

mine include:

  • much fat loss in whole face (scalp too)
  • thicker lips
  • reduced chin bone and cheekbones and jaw
  • lighter eyebrows
  • less color in hair / less contrasts - greyish hair
  • thin neck (muscle loss)

here are some before and after photos:


  • more facial fat, more prominent chin, darker eyebrows, thinner lips (upper and lower), thicker neck

this was 2 month ago (1,5 month after quitting finasterid)… my chin is still fine there (now it has los size… you will see in the next photo), note the thin skin and COLORLESS!/GREY!/DRY! hair,

this was today:
my chin is even smaller now:

note the fat loss and small chin here:


now, note he has very similar symptoms as me: greyish hair and subcutanous fat loss, bone density loss (reduction of jaw and cheekbones) NOTE THE THIN NECK and adamsapple!

[Size=4]Chi, can you say that your facial changes were as extreme as ours? This would be very encouraging and give us much hope…[/size]

Thanks for your honest answer


Hi All

It feels weird to have some other guys face posted all over the thread on my return from holidays! All i can say is you have to stop looking in the mirror and stressing about symptoms such as this to support your recovery. In short, remove all stressors. Your body ‘copes’ with millions of stressors every day, you need to remove as many of these as possible so that the body’s energy is focused on healing and not wasted on combating stress and releasing cortisol. Lower stress, lower inflammation, improve health - These are fundamentals of healing that are well known and proven - particularly among ‘alternative’ healing practitioners and literature. This forum is a stressor, certain people stress people out, work, poor sleep, looking in the mirror, taking photos of yourself, taking photos of yourself and then posting it all over the internet to show everyone how bad your situation is, taking photos of yourself and then posting it all over the internet to show everyone how bad your situation is and then asking people about it. Gosh man - it’s stressing me out, imagine what it is doing to you? If you want to recover you have to optimise every area of your life, no matter how insignificant, irrelevant or small it seems. Get off this forum, don’t look in the mirrors, spend 100% of your available time on healing methods or researching healing methods in BOOKS, nothing else.

Anyway, the podcast guy got in touch a few days back. I’m still waiting to hear back from him when i’ll be on the podcast, but i look forward to it nonetheless. I look forward to being given the opportunity to speak, in person, about some of the things i have tried, often unsuccessfully, to describe in words.


Would you pls tell us how severe your facial wasting was? It is important to us.

you can cycle T DHT and HGH to gain it again. But its because hormonal unbalance. As people age they lost sub. fat from their face, we just fasten the process. So if there is way to go it is body building to look manly with full chin and bones.

Hey Chi,

Would love to hear your story on the PFS podcast. I think you just typed everything down in your thread. I don’t really have questions (am following the protocol) for you on the PFS podcast, just wanna hear the story.

