Hi Livingdead
What you need to focus on is cleaning out of the colon while sending the right things down the other way in order to kill off pathogens in the body and heal the gut, while also supporting the adrenals and liver. It would also be my underlying assumption that you are also doing 100’s of other healthy things in the background not too dissimilar to the list I wrote around 1 year ago. The list of things you can do is endless. So, that’s the short hand version of what is required. In relation to the pathogens, without the test you won’t know however which pathogens to target and therefore which substances to use. It would be very interesting for someone to do the test to see if the same pathogens are picked up. It could be different ones given the variation in peoples conditions, some may only spread locally (i.e. to the penis), others can go around the entire body. The Comprehensive Parasitology makes recommendations for each pathogen found and splits it into 2 categories : Pharma Agents and Natural Agents and how powerful they would be in tackling the pathogen on a scale. It is quite interesting to see how some common antifungals would have been ineffective for 2 of my 3 pathogens picked up. My nutritionist gave me the option and of course I went natural. There was a base supplementary program using brands and things I had not heard of. I will need to speak to my nutritionist to see if I can openly list them here, furthermore as Second Amendment notes I don’t want to look like plugging a brand. I am (was) a genuine sufferer. A herbalist that worked closely with my nutritionist also sent me a potion that was made specifically to tackle these bacteria (£40).
While waiting to do the test I would recommend as follows:
Empty Stomach on waking
Baseline support: Vitamin C only + maybe a clean multivit - best you can find and without stearic acid and magnesium stearate
Small glass spring water in a blender with swedish bitters, wormwood, liquorice, black walnut, clove, adrenal support drops (Dr Wilson’s website sells them). You can alternate days with day 2 being simply spring water with celtic sea salt + lemon juice (from organic lemons). Day 2 will replenish your body with salts because you are using up salt like crazy with PFS, that’s where the cravings come from. The cravings for salt or sugar if you have noticed are a sure sign that you have pathogenic overload - can’t stop eating? That’s pathogens.
Perform a warm distilled or spring water enema (you would not believe the toxic stuff that comes out - this alone will prove to you how bad what is sitting in your body on a daily basis).
Excellent diet (Meat + Veg only, try stick mostly with soup), plenty of Celtic Sea salt - you need a lot of salt. Keep breakfast non sugar, non carb. Only veg/meat
Keep it very light. I started to eat just blanched almonds for lunch, small bag full. Almond skins weren’t agreeing with me.
Same as breakfast
If you get hungry just eat nuts or seeds that agree with you, or any other snack that doesn’t make you feel worse. Salty popcorn was hit and miss with me.
Before bed do another potion as described at breakfast.
Perform a warm distilled or spring water enema
In doing the above you should start to notice your urine will be like bright luminous green sometimes and a bit musty in smell. That’s pathogens being cleaned out. Important: With any potion that you decide to take for pathogens make sure you also supplement with Vitamin C on an irregular basis throughout the day. I was doing about 2-3mg of Vitamin C a day. If you don’t you won’t have any baseline support to offset the die off. The supplementary program my nutritionist put me on had support for the liver and gut as well, so I was quite well supported in that sense. Make sure you do the same. There is another supplement i used quite a bit and that was AdrenoMax, it gave me a welcome boost.
Hope this helps