Chi's Member Story & Progress

Hi Danny

In response to your questions above I don’t really know. All I know is somehow this all comes back to opportunistic pathogens that have transcended the gut wall and now inhibit nearly all organs of the body: prostate, testicles, lungs, heart, muscles, brain, you name it. They are all intoxicated with these pathogens to a greater or lesser degree. I’d highly recommend a comprehensive parasitology, if anything shows up then you know your on to something. Otherwise then feel free to come back and berate me. Don’t rule things out without testing first.

Oh and by the way, on ‘time’ being my cure. If time also includes the hundreds (if not thousands) of things I tried to get better and help myself, then OK. I sacrificed everything to get better. Didn’t see friends for about 2 years, closed myself off from the world really. It’s only the past 3-6 months, I’ve lived relatively normally - once I’d really homed in on the root causes. You don’t get better just with time, if that was the case we wouldn’t have guys going on 10-20 years. It’s what you do with the time that counts towards your recovery. You only have to look at recovery stories to prove that to yourself.

VERY little material on the internet on Citrobacter Freundlii and Klebsiella, but my nutritionist knew about it. Read below too.

[i]Many CFS sufferers, myself included, report an improvement while on antibiotics. While temporarily reducing the pathogen in question, beneficial bacteria populations are also being systematically eliminated, forever perpetuating the vicious cycle.

Diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome one year ago I am now convinced that most all of my symptoms were a result of an overgrowth of Citrobacter freundii identified by your lab (GSDL) in December 1996. Chronic sinus infections treated with six antibiotics proved ineffective and only sterilized my intestinal tract of friendly bacteria.(Bactrim, Lorabid, Zithromax twice, Biaxin, Augmentin) By the time I took the correct antibiotic Cipro, as suggested by your sensitivity chart, the bacteria was so entrenched that a ten day dose could not eradicate this pathogen.

I speak from experience when I say that this bacteria can be devastating to ones health. It feeds on sugar and is capable of leaving the intestinal tract taking up residence in the mucus membranes of the sinus and lungs. A severe respiratory infection could not be treated with yet another antibiotic in February of this year. Fortunately intravenous hydrogen peroxide arrested its progress.

Eliminating sugar from the diet similar to the anti-candida diet and taking citrus seed extract has proven to be most effective in controlling the growth of this bacteria. Any cheating whatsoever on the sugar intake proves disastrous. A recent follow-up CSA shows a reduction of the pathogen from previous levels. Adding close to 100 billion Acidophilus and Bifidus bacteria per day for the past two months has increased the levels of healthy bacteria shown on the CSA results.

The point I’m trying to relay here is the seriousness of this pathogen and what it is capable of. Which takes me back to the attached file concerning the use of Citrobacter freundii in a probiotic bacterial culture administered to young chicks to competitively inhibit Salmonella bacteria in their intestinal tracts. Why would the USDA approve one pathogen to replace another?

I am convinced that it was this bacteria that was responsible for my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The bizarre symptoms associated with this illness are a result of the toxins released after the microorganism dies.

Q: How strong was the Citrobacter Freundii on your CDSA? (Mine was just 1+.)
A: My test results showed Citrobacter freundii was at a level 4+ and like yourself, NO lactobacillus! Four months later Citrobacter freundii was still present at 1+[/i]

For your info, I had 4+ for Citrobacter freundlii. The highest level they can give.

Is that what you did?

How often do you do sprints these days?

Very pleased to hear of your success, Chi. You have your life back!

Hope you are not dissuaded by any naysayers.

Please do a recovery post when time permits.

I’ll answer the 2 questions:

Eliminating sugars is really key, however these bacteria can really feed on almost anything. Even gluten free and foods without sugar - e.g. rice crackers, some nuts. It’s really a case of observing everything that goes into your body. Sometimes the reaction can be almost instant - as in even just putting the food in your mouth without swallowing. Sometimes it’s much slower - like 2-3 hours. You have to watch for all these signals.

I have been so lazy recently and definitely haven’t done sprints for a few months. Work has been very busy too. I’m managing a jog about once per week right now but little more. Those days of having to fight with everything I had have been and gone. It’s really interesting - as you near the end everything becomes more clear and obvious that the core treatment should be on these pathogens. If by that point you can be bothered to keep up with everything else then that will only serve to accelerate things faster. I did for quite a bit, but it’s gone now so no longer need to. I want to revert to a hard core regime for about 2 weeks more at some point soon, just to get things polished off.

Just wanted to throw in something interesting. About 6-9 months ago I did a 3 day water fast. Towards the end I thought it would be a good idea to take a very strong dose of milk thistle. Anyway, I went through the same thing that Awor did (i.e. that propecia crash-like response). I felt i’d set myself back about 2 years and it didn’t go away, it was a permanent set back. I was devastated. That’s when I sought help through a nutritionist i read about in a Candida book (thinking at the time it potentially could be candida - which by the way it is not, i got tested). Anyway, she said to me the reaction i experienced was the liver being cleaned out and basically poisoning my body without adequate support (Herxheimer reaction). I think we can again all agree Milk Thistle is most known for liver cleansing, right? The process essentially intoxicated and damaged the body again. Keep with me…

I’m not trying to directly oppose Awor (as i like the guy and met him in person) but the theory that Milk Thistle could have down regulated or affected the androgen receptor should be second to the theory that the liver was cleansed partially and the body was poisoned by the release of toxins. There is a mountain of research citing Milk Thistle’s cleansing abilities and a small, less than <1%, of research or anecdotal reports on Sylamarins (can’t remember the active ingredient name) impact on AR. It’s worth pointing this out, because this is where this forum is dangerous, everyone has their own opinion and will always seek to substantiate that, twist evidence and negate often overwhelming evidence to the contrary in order to back up their own theory.

So when this crash after Milk Thistle also happened to me (much smaller balls and lot’s of muscle wasting) after a few weeks panicking I got myself together and here I am 6-9 months later recovered. It’s no miracle. I’m not one for pulling out all the science articles. The answer isn’t found there - so don’t ask me to back up my theories with this stuff. I don’t need to. I think many of you who read this with an objective view point will see it’s rational and not nonsense.

Oh and for the record - don’t bloody take Milk Thistle. Far too potent for what we are trying to achieve. Strategy needs to be more gentle.


Hi Chi,

Good to hear you feel better.

Can I ask what PFS sides you had ?

I would like to add that the scientific community has not been any helpful to us. Doctors do not have any clue why we crashed and what is going on with pfs. Do not rely on them.
Its the actual victims who are going to find the cure little by little. It was droit who listened to this podcast and made the connection between pfs and cfs. We know that methylation supplements help now.

Maybe its Chi’s turn to reveal something we did not know before, like parasites in relation to liver health and the colon. I remember someone in the recoveries who mentioned that bringing the colon back to health was the reason for his recovery. This guy which i accidentally found his blog, is emphasizing in fixing the gut. … ery-story/

One thing to be sure of is that finasteride is not the main cause of our problem. It just triggered something. Why on earth the majority of people using it are not having any problems and only a small minority? It triggered a negative response from our bodies. We do not have any fin in our systems anymore. But still experiencing problems. Something has fallen out of place for sure. Maybe we could use a holistic approach and not point out only the hormonal path. Remember that the human body is smart and tries to compensate in any given abnormality. Like people on trt, their testicles stop producing testosterone as they get it from somewhere else. I believe pfs is sth like that. The disruption of test–dht triggered a response where the body was programmed in the wrong way, thus the crash and the symptoms related. Little by little it corrects itself, hopefully.

Maybe if we manage to restore intestinal/liver health is the next missing link of the puzzle… And then maybe another one and our systems work again…
So, keep an open mind, no doctor has given answers to your questions yet, and maybe this proves that pfs is not one single problem but the combination of many.

List was so long pal, but all the worst ones I had. Taking the 80/20 rule, this was probably the worst 20% of issues:

Shrunken balls
Shrunken hard penis (rubbery etc)
Muscle wasting (particularly wrists, arms and backs of shoulders)
Gyno (present, albeit mild compared to some)
Brain fog
Anhedonia (awful)
No libido or random erections
Reduced and watery ejaculate
Long refractory
Chronic insomnia and poor un-refreshing sleep
Blurry vision
Intolerance to stress.

80% comprised other smaller distressing symptoms like:

Reduced capacity to heal
Intolerance to cold and light
Cuticle recession
Sensitive teeth
Dry skin
Blood shot eyes
among others…

Can’t remember when some of those symptoms went away, but the 20% was all in year 3.

I don’t tend to read around this forum at other people anymore (haven’t done for years) but I think that put’s me up there among those with the worst sides.

Just because it would be nice to see someone else recover following the same approach as me (which I damn right know is possible), i’d be happy to work with someone (1 person) for a period of about a month. Preferably someone who lives close to London (who is English) and considers themselves to have a truly open mind. Not looking to charge them for it, but we could speak on the phone once a week and i’ll explain to them in detail what I did, with a view to them following a similar approach. Preferably someone with a decent bit of money to buy some bits and pieces for themselves as required. As i said, not looking for anything in return. Happy to meet in person too.

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Gosh, i have a lump in my throat. It feels like I wrote that! I didn’t read it all but my god. WOW. Thank you for sending that me. It’s somehow really gratifying to see someone else went through it, they discovered the same things - serotonin receptors in the gut (98%), colon health, bile, bacteria etc. It’s all there - same things ihatepropecia and I am now saying. I believe cdnuts cured himself but went the long way around in my view - he didn’t know so much what he was aiming for, but ate so well and lived so well (extreme raw food if i recall) that he cured himself through rejuvenating his entire system.

Do Mew and Awor and all those guys really continue to ignore this stuff? Shame on them. Their pride is in the way I think.

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They just looking for solutions from medical research and doctors. Not to blame them, its a reasonable approach. But they forget what a person in deep shit is capable of doing. For me the puzzle will be build piece by piece by pfs victims and their experiences, no one else.

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Fair enough

Oh dear

Good on you for recovering and coming back to detail how, but I don’t think you were one of the worst as you put it. According to this story you got a girlfriend within a few weeks of this happening, a stage many of us can’t even walk to the shops let alone have sex. Plus, you seemed to have an almost full recovery about six months off the the drug, which again is unusual.

I think you were one of the minority on here whose symptoms fluctuated between good and bad rather than being terrible and staying that way or slowly getting better. What I mean is most guys here crash then have 0-10% libido (at best) forever, not up and down between good and bad. It could have been that even without a rigorous programme you would have improved anyway, similar to proscarred whose story is like yours and who has now got a lot better without really trying much.

How much muscle did you lose? Was it gradually noticeable or did it happen quickly and could be quantified in weight loss of over a few pounds? Did you ever suffer severe anxiety, mood swings, bad cognitive problems?


Chi thought PFS was caused by muscle spasms that could be resolved by the Power Plate. His first recovery story he attributed his success to the Power Plate. He’s always been a little eccentric. It’s great he was able to recover without relapse regardless of his approach.

Chi, I have followed your story closely for years now and while I am happy that you feel better/recovered/cured/whatever, saying things like the following are out of line:

“Do Mew and Awor and all those guys really continue to ignore this stuff? Shame on them. Their pride is in the way I think.”

They have done more for this community than most, by far. They are using science to understand our problem. That is beyond crucial, and anyone who thinks otherwise is being extraordinarily naive.

Again, I am happy for you, but comments like that do not help anyone.

With that said, I hope you continue to feel great for the rest of your life.

Hi Luckfax

I agree, I was not the worst and was lucky to have these brief recoveries - even in the early days as you note. However what I remember most of past 3 years was long swathes of time not having recoveries and desperation for 98% of the time. It was many months of the state you describe (terrible) punctuated by short episodes (longest was about 10 days). It was terrible enough for me mate, believe me.

Regarding 0-10% libido forever - i also did have 0% libido, i had that good and proper. When i first met this girl i had to dose up on zinc + arginine to have sex. I may have wrote about it in my thread. I’d often go to bed with her with pills falling out my pockets and she would ask what it was - well it was so i could have sex, which of course I had to lie about. Of course diminishing returns of the supplements and all that, but sex was only ever once followed by a weeks gap sometimes longer. This girl actually has very low libido in my view and it is something I have to come to terms with now I am back to normal. However, during PFS that was actually a blessing. So I hope that gives you some understanding of what went on in my life and how it stacks up.

I really believe wholeheartedly that those that hit rock bottom and stay there permanently in the way you describe are simply doing the wrong things permanently. There are simply too many obstacles and stressors for the body to even start to heal. An example of that might be something very subtle like a multivitamin which has some compound that isn’t right for you, the time you get out of bed or consuming milk (this latter one was something I was late to realise, cow’s milk in its neat form is really bad news for humans). For most of my journey it felt like i could not shift the state back to normal - like a complete block. Particularly Y1-2. I had so much hope though due to the brief recoveries - if you’ve ever had the same, you have got to wonder about it surely. Even if it’s just once when you took citro, or iodine, or whatever?

Muscle wise actually it was a while before I noticed it. As in 9 months in or something. I think it was wrists first, followed by base of legs, hair loss as well and pubic region hair loss. Then lower arms started to go very thin and finally shoulders/upper arms in year 1/2, I could see the bones and no muscle. Only when I started looking at diet and focusing heavily on sleep through cognitive experiments that i started to observe positive changes - it was really hard work though, required a lot of commitment and sacrifice. Then very occasionally with my efforts i’d hit a recovery episode and these things quickly got better, as in days to return to almost normal. Last year was spent in and out of these phases, depending very much on my regime until it was so refined and things just got better and better, easier and easier.

Anxiety in the 1 month post crash - panic attacks etc. And several more episode like it in the 4 months post. Eventually it faded and i was left completely numb. I had to cut my Dad out of my life for almost 1 year (just completely cut him out) as he didn’t understand and his negative energy was a large obstacle. Surely mood swings is implicit - i was frustrated. Cognitive problems - yes, awful. I had to take 3 weeks off work out of the blue after crashing - was crushed completely. Clawed my way back into the office but it was very very difficult - i lost alot of friends at work because people either thought i was rude or didn’t like them any more, or I had simply lost my mojo. My career at the company took a nosedive (i was previously a high flying graduate) and i became very average, unable to perform, focus, engage in conversation, be witty and enthusiastic. Everything gone.

My career at said company - large well know household brand - was irrecoverable in my view. Even though I got back to normal - all my connections were severed and it just wasn’t the same for me, for them too. The vibe was lost if you get me, all due to my issues. Well towards the end of last year, as I knew i had almost got through PFS, i started job hunting and performed brilliantly through interviews and tests etc. Eventually i found an excellent new job and life is pretty much, well - it’s back on track.

I’d just like to finish and say, I may not have been the worst on average, but i’ve seen and been in the darkest places too mate. I had the suicidal thoughts/tenancies etc. in the first year. Waking up in the middle of the night sweating/panicking/heart racing, barely any sleep, pissing all the time. Fucking awful. Believe me when I tell you, normal healthy bacteria had an opportunity to multiply to unprecedented levels and spread around the body - testicles, prostate, lungs, brain, adrenals, everything - at some point due to propecia. That might be when you come off the drug, when you start. It doesn’t matter - there’s something about the way it reacts down there and the impact it has on the colon. I also agree that all of us had weaker than optimal guts to start with - which is why we had problems and others didn’t.


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Excellent! Oh yes, the PowerPlate - I remember well. Of course complete nonsense. I could link it, but i’m not gonna. I’m out of typing steam ! Ultimately all those theories lead me to where I am today though, so i’m fine with that, if you want to laugh etc.

I base my comments on the fact that the actions that they take are not actually doing much for this community at all if you look at the evidence. They haven’t even recovered themselves after many years. Surely that is enough evidence for you that they are barking up the wrong tree. I feel bad I have to 2 face them after meeting, but I’d feel worse if I didn’t come out and tell you all that you really must stop with that science stuff. It’s not going anywhere in your lifetimes and if you persist in those beliefs you won’t get better quickly. This is the foundation of my harsh comments

Thank you nonetheless, for creating a website where I can share this story and hopefully help someone.

Who said anything about laughing? It was to inform others that you recovered without treating your “gut.” And what’s with your new attitude? Your recovering doesn’t give you the right to be rude to those who were worse hit than you.