Chi's Member Story & Progress

cuz everyone who recovered got over it naturally and they never had PFS to begin with. /sarcasm

btw, Chi… how do u manage doing no carbs? i agree with you 150% on the no carb thing… but I can barely stay on it, it is TORTURE. do you still do no carb to this day? i’m guessing your weight lifting + lots of meat is allowing you to gain muscle so you are able to stay fit.

hey bryce,

you should try soba noodles to replace carbs, but make sure they are 100% buckwheat and nothing else … i think this would be a solid way to start reducing the amount of carbs you use, because like you say, they can be very difficult to avoid

if i understand correctly, buckwheat is actually not a grain, but it is a fruit from the same family as rhubarb … i may stand corrected on this however


Congrats on your progress man! Can’t wait to read your ‘monster post’.

Stay well,

Hey Bryce,

Yeah, I found it was torture to start. It was so difficult to avoid! However, I got tips of a personal trainer, this guy was full of them. Thing is it all sounded obvious but I just didn’t work it out for myself for some reason. You know at lunch and stuff? At work or out shopping or whatever. It’s hard to avoid sandwiches and sushi or pasta right? Well, make she you do avoid and opt for those little packets of cooked turkey or chicken or fish. READ THE LABEL though, sometimes they put with sugar and all this weird shit like stabilisers, E873, emulsifier or whatever the fuck this stuff is, don’t put it inside your body. I even opted for a whole or half chicken with skin on at times, jut eat that because it will fill you.

You do need some carbs though, but I got mine through organic jumbo rolled oats in the morning (still do). Occasionally Rye bread. Very light. I stopped toast about 9 months ago and it made a difference. Even brown wholewheat bread is bad news. Just read the shit they put in it. I would never go buy a bar of EMULSIFIER to eat. Hhm yum! What the fuck is this stuff they are putting in everything. Always read label and use common sense. Even things that looked and I thought were healthy turned out to have lots of crap, I just eliminated all of this stuff and replaced it with things I had researched fully, even sometime tracing products back to the source and researching the farm or whatever to see if it had any problems or gave me concerns.


cool man… i’ll look into that, thanks.

Good lookin out. I’ll give a try to the oats. My personal theory right now is that all these chemicals and preservatives in the food that is causing us problems is a result of impaired methylation. You see… average people can handle all these toxins, but as you said, you have to look through labels and call manufacturer’s and all that to find if it’s clean. If methylation doesn’t work… your body can’t get bad stuff OUT… everything stays in and you get into a vicious cycle.

I think your thought process is spot on… glad to see a recovery came out of it though, libido has always been the challenging part of this equation…

Lookin forward to any more info you have… happy holidays chi.

congrats chi!


I don’t be on this forum much, but i just had a visit and im chuffed to read your latest progress. It’s made my day.

What do you reckon in terms of sexual exertion and in particular, masturbation? Stop the latter entirely?

Hi Mens,

Good to hear from you and thanks for the message! I’m not quite there yet, 5% or so, but close enough! It’s a tricky one, because for the 1st year definitely masturbation made me feel worse afterwards generally, so I did it only when I really felt i had to - i.e. felt congestion in prostate or some form of urge to do it. Sex was preferable. That said, my personal view since the beginning was and still is that giving up masturbation isn’t a good idea. Just my view. Considering the body exhibits some form of intolerance to sexual exertion after becoming ill with PFS, it made sense to me to try and understand that and build my tolerance by addressing total body health while all of the time trying to get back to normality, not move further away from it. I really don’t know though, because i can appreciate the angle ‘rest the system etc. etc.’, but for me not masturbating would have been counter-productive. Often I simply have to ejaculate to fall asleep, otherwise I am too wired, and improved sleep has been a key component of where I am today. I can only talk from my experience and therefore would say stopping would have hindered more than helped !


I really have to inquire about sleep. Since I haven’t slept for more than 4 or 5 hours straight per night since all of this started, I have to wonder if you’ve managed to get back to sleeping normally? That would be an incredible feat…

Chi, don’t know if you were tracking your daily carb intake, but, if so, do you have any idea of what it was on average? Either way, could you give us a quick breakdown of what your diet looked like on a given day (what you ate for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, etc.)? Other than the rolled oats in the morning, were you consuming only beef/poultry/fish, along with vegetables, or were there other (presumably low-carb) foods you incorporated?

Wishing you the best in inching closer 100 percent health-wise. Hope you still get around to writing that mega-post of yours.

Any update on the recovery post? Your journey in this thread has been the main thing keeping me from killing myself. You were feeling as low as I am now and yet now you’re 100% again. That gives me so much hope. I beg you to please post what you did to recover.

Hi mate, hang in there, it’s coming. I just need to give it some time before I do it, just to make sure this is it. Also, the recovery section states 4 months should have elapsed post recovery. This is for a good reason and I don’t want to officially make claims prematurely. I know where you are, I’ve been there, it’s horrendous; but it’s possible to recover… I am testament to that!! Let me tell you luck has nothing to do with it though. It was 2 hard years of re-building everything… From gastro-intestinal integrity to sleep! Don’t leave any stone unturned. I think that’s the tricky part of recovering from PFS, most are too focused on the specific symptoms (e.g. ED) and taking things to treat that (e.g. Cialis), without looking at the bigger picture. Anyway, easy for me to say this now, I know it’s really messed up and difficult when you have PFS. Best thing you can do for now is buy some good books, do your own reading particularly on nutrition side. Check out Weston A Price foundation. Plenty of exercise, even when you haven’t slept or feel shit. Forget about your penis for a year, focus on total body health. If its anything like what I had to deal with, it kept coming back over and over, just keep going back to the plan each time it knocks you down again! It’s not simple though I appreciate that, I will make my post as soon as I feel comfortable and ready… Meanwhile keep fighting, you do have the power to beat it!!


Re sleep question - I get about 6 hours uninterrupted good quality and refreshing sleep now, consistently. It’s less than i needed before PFS (8 hrs), but at the rate things are going i’m going to feel even better than I did before PFS. I no longer fear sleep and love getting in to bed at night now. I also love waking up between 5am and 6.45am each day (depending on what time i go to bed!). There’s so much you can get done before most people have even started their day! It’s brilliant and a revelation!

Re carb intake - I’m not so anal i’m counting calories. I basically just significantly reduced my carb in-take during 2012. Cut out all breads & pastas, only occasional small portion rice. No starchy foods like potatoes. All meals consist of good quality free range & organic pasture fed meats and fish + organic vegetables. I never got round to doing all the things i was going to try because i recovered sooner than anticipated, but i’ll talk about it all in much more detail when i’m ready to post my recovery.

Sorry if it seems like i’m holding things back, i’m just being careful. Plus, some of the things i did to recover were actually really dangerous, so let’s make sure i am indeed recovered a few months before i explain everything i did! I hope you understand


It’s hard when your only problems are sexual and you experience almost every kind of sexual problem one can have.

Chi, the important questionis not when you wake up, it is how do you wake up? If you alarm wakes you up at 5:00 AM thats one thing, if you are regularly waking up at 5:30 (even though you are getting your 6 ours of sleep) then you probably are still affected by PFS. But I would have to say that yes, longer uninterupted sleep is a sign of improvement.

Hi, please come back when you actually start to read some of the things i put in my thread :unamused: I know it’s not easy, but look at all areas of your life for things you can improve.

Hey, yes, i admit to that! I am still afflicted maybe 5% or so. However, if you’re naturally waking at this time with a boner does it really matter? :stuck_out_tongue: This morning i woke at about 5.50am actually. I have only very very small things that are not the same as they were. It’s negligible and getting maybe 1 or 2 hours sleep less than i used to is one of them. 1 year from now it will be completely normal. However, i actually like getting up this early now, gives me chance to do things! Anyway, I’m off for a bit, but i’ll be back with that recovery post in a few months.


I realy want to try what you did, i don’y care if it is dangerous. I just need to try something before i will lost last hope.
I can’t stand it anymore.

i too experience the exact same sleep schedule & have made significant improvements in the last couple months. interesting…I also will be eagerly awaiting your recovery post. Thanks!

@jonson - Hang in there bud…the future really has never looked brighter.

I can tell you directly what i have done lately to feel better:

-Eat Green, natural & Fresh… alot of people swear by the Paleo…but im ok with bread as long as its not loaded with shit (note***-most supermarkets do not sell bread thats not loaded with junk) Lately ive been eating alot of Bitter herbs/greens and seem to be responding well to that as well (theory is is that these “clean” out the liver and once the liver gets healthy again it can work to clean up all the rest of the crap in the body…including excess estrogen. I also try to limit my meat intake and eat mostly wild caught fish and antibiotic free chicken…this is kinda expensive so i try to only eat 8 oz or less a day to cut cost & i think that amount is recommended by some Paleo enthusiasts.

-Avoid processed food, & sugars that are processed (fructose corn syrup, table sugar) (basically look at the ingrediates and if there is something in it that you dont know what it is and isnt natural DONT EAT IT! also all milk products are also highly processed. I think if you could obtain raw milk direct from a farm it would be good for you but that is illegal here in the states. (But there are ways around that as well, but be careful.)

-if you look at porn…QUIT!- its toxic on the brain & if you dont think its affecting overall health and sleep habits your crazy.

-Practice discipline at Masturbation. Basically QUIT TESTING YOUR ERECTIONS!..this only gets people more discouraged/stressed/anxious & if you dont “respond” how you want. This only hurts the healing process. Only do it when your horny. PERIOD. (I realize these last two are REALLY HARD to do and it took me months to get to where i am at and you may experiencing several days/weeks of temporary worsening effects in your symptoms but its all about the end result)

  • & Finally be patient & think positive (also VERY hard to do). You need to remove things that cause negativity or uneeded stress from your life. You will likely experience a HUGE roller coaster ride in this whole process and at times you WILL feel worse…but the human body has an amazing ability to heal…it just needs a little help.

-Relax!..You WILL get better…albeit very slowly.


Hi- can you give more info on the biiter herbs/greens for liver - what specifically and where did you find this link