Beware of Doctors claiming Medical Breakthroughs - Dr. Georgiadis - Greece

Greece has the most pressure at the moment.

Greece, the country, is on the brink of bankrupcty. It has the lowest credit rating of any country in the world. If either of you two read the news you would know there has been severe rioting in Athens for many months. That level of ignorance is unforgiveable.

Greek Doctors are particularly badly effected.

this thread is getting really silly now.

Oscar and Mmartin = 100% correct. Greece is on the verge of collapse of historic proportions. If you are used to a very comfortable lifestyle certainly follows you’d do whatever you can to keep your status. Its an absolute certainty this doctor’s finances were severly affected by the economic crisis in Greece with regard to both his clientele and investment portfolio. It’s not as simple as it’s a country with socialized medicine and the gov’t pays regardless.

I thought about this the minute Georgiadis’s name popped up from Greece. In fact, i did joke that we were being lured into a scam, with solonjk taking 50% of the profits. But that’s all it was, a joke!

Are you guys serious? what are you are you saying? that he is getting trigger happy with diagnosis or that this is a big scam?

It’s a pretty safe bet considering all the facts stated above. Like everyone else, I’m sick of rehashing them. If you’re looking to spend several thousands you and all the rest of us would be far better off donating it toward an actual organized research effort performed by qualified scientists at reputable institutions. Thankfully Awor’s group has picked up the tab so far but we are just starting and its likely to be a long road. Funding can fall though, programs can be cut to save money, etc.

LMAO you are out of your skull my friend…

Most of his clients have been from out of country far before this collapse. This is proven by posts in the Greek urology blog. Now I am sure that you are going to counter that with “well then he must have knew years ago that someday the economy would collapse so that was made up all along!!!”

America is also having rough economic times my friend. Why don’t you apply this same logic to Dr Crisler as he continually takes PFS patients despite knowing that hasnt helped a single one yet!?

I am not at all saying Dr G is out savior, I am just saying you must have a tinfoil hat on to assume he milking us for out money (no pun intended).

Georgiadis is aiming to diagnose everyone and anyone with prostatitis incase he goes bankrupt.



Hold on a minute son. What makes you think I am not aware of the current situation in Greece? Because I dont believe in your psychotic conspiracy theories about a particualr Doctor? Go and sort your head out.

Moon- lol @ “PROVEN by posts in the Greek urology blog”. America is in recession. Greece is in full scale economic collapse with bank failures, riots in the streets, etc. Kinda different.

Toad- Have your labs done. Go to Kos for a month. Have the same labs done in 5-6 months. If any doc (or patient) were to claim a successful treatment for PFS the burdon of proof would be squarely on HIM. So far, we have absolutely no evidence to support these claims.

I have not seen an osteopath and a neuropath is not even a real thing. I will see a neurologist, however, to have them investigate the results of my sensory testing which has been objectively evaluated to show problems.

We do not need a motive to determine whether Georgiadis is executing a scam. He may not NEED additional patients, but this does not rule out sheer greed. Highly educated scam artists rarely need additional resources but do so for reasons other than survival. Take Merck for example. They take in nearly a billion dollars each year in profit yet they still decide to perpetrate this deceit.

There are some very classy people on this forum who have poured out thousands of dollars on Dr. C and his (false) promises, yet have not started up a (potentially libelous) thread about him. They have got up, cut their losses and moved on in their search for a viable treatment.

So far no one who has gone to Dr. G has reported failures akin to Dr. C’s.

Those pissing on Dr. G are holding this man to unrealistic standards.

To the best of my knowledge, Dr. Crisler has not offered any promises about treatments for PFS. I may stand to be corrected, but my understanding is that he, like the rest of the American PFS doctors, have offered to investigate each individual’s situation.

This thread is not libelous as it merely provides analysis of an exchange I had with Georgidias. Minimally, I would expect that he would be honest in email exchanges This is a completely realistic standard which was not upheld. If he were able to treat only 10% of PFS patients, I would be quite impressed, but practically speaking I don’t believe he will be able to treat a single one.

If you want to be practical, why don’t you give him a chance?

He has said he has cured some people to the point of them not having to take ANY type of treatment after being cured… Though, I’ve NEVER seen anyone post on ANY board saying that hes cured him…

Instead of making assumptions about only one suspicious mail, why don’t you make up a story (I think you’re good at it) to tell him you sent him a wrong image. For example : there was a mistake of the laboratory, it was not actually your image but the image of the previous guy who was totally healthy, so you are confused and you dont understand why Georgiadis say it is diseased. Or whatever story to make it look like a true story

Play the naive guy.

Go ahead, go to the end of your investigation and please report what he says.

JG - That’s silly and you miss the point entirely. A quailified professional urologist would never give a diagnosis for chronic prostatitis from a clearly clean TRUS without so much as seeing the patient in person. From half way around the world no less.

We’ve all seen alot of docs over the years trying to figure this out. Has any other legit doc operated in such a fashion?

If this doc is doing due diligence you would also assume he is performing labs on prostatic fluid to confirm whether or not this is bacterial or non bacterial prostatitis. To my knowledge, this is not happening. Thats yet another thing that casts doubt on this guy.

hence what he often says in his answers :

However, I do agree it is strange that he tells the picture of a so called healthy prostate is diseased. I do agree it is strange that he claims to be the only one to be able to cure prostatitis.

Otherwise, an ultrasound stays the same wether it is sent by email, you know. This doctor asserts he can see the prostate is heterogenous on the ultrasound Frustrated sent him, which is sign of prostatitis.

Please be nice.Thanks.
I don’t see why it is silly. Frustrated’s aim was to drive Georgiadis into a corner, and I don’t know why he does not ask him about this odd answer of Georgiadis. Maybe we could learn about that.
Prostate may be more complex to understand than what most urologist say. That is a possibility.

Do some research. It is absolutetly STANDARD in most western countries for urologists to prescribe a 28 days course of antibiotics (cipro in most cases, by far the most common) as soon as chronic prostatitis is diagnosed, WITHOUT any lab testing on prostatic fluid.
And also, Dr G does not beleive that there is such thing as abacterial prostatitis (with very good reasons, there is more and more evidence that he is right. We have posted about this in the prostatitis thread). The reason why most uros still prescribe abx regardless of the results of labs and urinalysis, because they know these infections can be exceptionnaly well hidden. Golf, solonjk, me and others have posted quotes about this in the prostatitis thread.