Baylor's study will be published - September deadline

@airforlife I’m 20 years in mate and just getting worse too. I had my money on the receptors or DNA or both. For some that recover early on its generally hormonal dysregulation that’s causing the symptoms and as they rebalance things improve. Some also get a degree of perm damage. That’s my view which isn’t based on anything other than what I see on the forum, research and pick up from others. Regardless we still have hope/faith people recover from terminal cancer on occasion which is also the result of DNA damage. I know of one case personally where the guy is alive and well two decades on. He turned down chemo and recovered naturally.


Why are we talking about one 10 year old study that never comes out instead of talking about what we can do to make 10 new studies happen now?


It all creates a toxic environment which doesn’t serve any purpose and makes the other members on here feel worse. It’s why I rarely come here anymore. I decided to take responsibility for my life and make the most of it and if I heal at some point that will be great.


I think everyone here wants to know the root cause, although there is no solution. Even if this is a DNA damage, I want to know the cause of my illness. We cannot find a solution without knowing our enemy


It’s literally under peer-review with significant findings, what are you on about?


He thinks Baylor failed so he hates it when people talk about it

But if the rumors are true it publishes anything significant he’ll be proven wrong

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Where did I say anything like that? It is pathetic, however, that all anyone has done here for the last 10 years is TRT/hCG/Clomid/herbs/misc ridiculous pills (with no result) waiting for Baylor to come out “any day now“, utterly un-assed to do even the most basic thing to promote public outreach or any number of other things that would have facilitated umpteen superior studies in the meantime.

If no one is able to recognize the errors of our past then we are condemned to an infinite number more years of no improvement and lives lost or ruined.

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Stop with your drama and lies. Many people recovered thanks to HCG, clomid, herbs, etc.

Nobody recovered (yet) from any study that came out about fina, pfs. And there’s a chance nobody ever will…

Stop praying some new study will magically come up with the solution and take real action to recover.

Seriously. I’ve done every drug under the sun and the only one that did any damage to me was an FDA-approved one.


Yeah trying to save face here, as if we can’t literally go back and read all your other posts regarding this study before you delete them

Here’s a thought bro

If you think people should be doing something else

Then do it yourself, and then show the results

That’s the only way to persuade people

Not by constantly lecturing us


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Don’t give fuck about face. Not ego invested like you apparently. Just want to see something to show for the last 15 years of which last decade or so were spent sitting on hands waiting for Baylor. No results at all yet. Something has to change. People,dying, still popping stupid crap off internet thinking theyve discovered new things even though all done before a thousand times. It’s completely insane. If you can’t see that don’t know what to tell you. We’re not going to get better and we’re all going to miss out on what we wanted in life if we don’t change community ways drastically.


“No ego invested”

Says the guy lecturing about moving forward without doing shit just to show superiority over everyone

Another paragraph of whining. I guess that’s the only thing you can do


Mate can you please cool off lecturing people clearly isn’t working maybe make your own thread with some constructive ideas.


Y’all are gonna get this thread closed too can we just chill out

I don’t mind not talking about Baylor for another year or whatever my current frequency is, sure

Yeah, don’t care about ego or whatever it is exactly that you’re projecting. Care about results only. Last 15 years have produced none.

Done that numerous times and every thread just turns into repeat of failed TRT/hCG/Clomid/Tribulus/antidepressants. Not trying to lecture just have pointed out when same thing done before and failed.

Hello sir. I don’t mean to be disrespectful and please don’t take this the wrong way, but I think people are noticing that you have a tendency to inadvertently derail threads and go on a tangent about how we should do more research and how nothing has worked so far.

This may be counterproductive to keep repeating and disrupts the flow of discussions somewhat. I personally find it hard to read through some threads that go off on tangents, although admittedly I’ve posted off topic things on occasion myself, but I try to limit that behavior as it can cause the threads momentum to fizzle, and the discussion can eventually be closed.

I really think you should start a separate thread / discussion about next steps for research so the other threads can be kept on point. Just my two cents


There’s literally been many review papers published to raise awareness, coupled with the fact that this very forum is conducting a survey to better understand the pathology.

What you’re saying doesn’t line up with reality.

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Again with your lies.

Get the message already; make your own thread and stop spamming other threads we need more research.

And I don’t think you get our situation. WE’RE ON OUR OWN. Keep on waiting for years for a new study or start taking real action to recover, it’s up to.