Baylor's study will be published - September deadline

This thread has become a train wreck again and will be closed for now to give everybody some time to cool off. We will decide later whether to reopen it at all given that there is not much to discuss about the topic at hand. Just rumours and speculation.

To be clear, though:

  • This is not a forum to have personal feuds.
  • This is not a forum to push and guilt trip others into speculative and potentially dangerous “therapies”.
  • The mission of this forum is to initiate research into this condition. It is fine if you don’t want to wait for that and prefer other avenues. But this is not the forum to actively campaign against research efforts.
  • While we welcome all support to convince others to support research and awareness efforts, it is not necessary and not constructive to derail threads and try to force others to so. Persuasion is often a delicate skill.