Baylor's study will be published - September deadline

That’s a nirvana fallacy to think that just because we can’t fix the issue completely, that we shouldn’t do anything. Plenty of people have ended up in this situation because of Propecia.

Damage and fragmentation of DNA, WTF? We are fucked for life :frowning:

It hasnt even come out yet, calm down

Did you even read the rest of the thread or is this a troll post

Relax bro, everything can be repaired. We just need to know how…

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Everybody is aware that gene editing technology is yet to hit the market. This isn’t news. Whatever the Baylor study shows, be it significant or not, further studies will be required to determine the precise root of our problem so the fact that gene editing technology is unavailable as of today is completely and utterly irrelevant.

I don’t mean to be rude but all you’re doing in this thread is unnecessarily whipping up fear and bringing people’s mood down. If this thread continues in its current direction I am going to close it.


Okay then how do you and her explain why so many people recovered from PFS then?


We waiting the published of study. Stop. After read we make a thinking about this.


We can’t make any final conclusion until several studies are conducted , we don’t even know if theses so called "genes damage " are the cause of our sympthoms , they’re maybe present in every finasteride user and aren’t directly related to our sympthoms ; i’m not having the theory that someone may get genes damage from one pill but people who are using the drug for 15 years don’t , the claims don’t add up ; for the moment being we need to take it with a pinch of salt , to be honest with you i think you’re hurting yourself with your pissimism before anything else , with this kind of mentality you’ll never recover

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Blows my mind how people can take hard drugs and not get a DNA damage cascade, yet some 5ari’s can do this.


I think we need to take theses genes damage claims with a pinch of salt , we need several studies before being able to determine the real cause of our problem . So some people get “genes damage” from one pill but people who have been using the drug for 20 years don’t ? it doesn’t add up , many people have seen some degree of improvements with herbs and protoclols , some have seen a temporary recovery whilst others have totally recovered years after they crashed , it shows that whatever the cause is , it’s still reversible if we can understand the whole mechanism and adopt the right approach for each individual


You continuously push fear in this entire thread for zero reason and try to mask it as being a realist while ignoring everyone that destroys your position

Think over “I’m not a coward”


wow i didnt know you were that smart that you can tell everyone exactly what’s going on from your own experience without needing a scientific study (that’s applicable to PFS men)

you’re not only the bravest person here, but also the most brilliant


You don’t know that for sure bro, you have found the answer? Out of all the people looking for it you have found it? And your answer is we are all fucked… great… why do we even nee doctors and research when we go you :smiley:

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It’s funny you said: ‘‘she knows about PFS and said IF IT IS a DNA mutation’’.
So basically she doens’t know for sure, a endocrinologist from Berlin who is familiar with PFS isn’t sure. But you bro are sure? How come? Where did you study biology? Don’t tell me you are basing this on that 1 class you took when you were 14 :smiley:


Maybe you guys should all cool off, and not worry about this until it’s published. You’re going to get yourselves angry and upset about something which may or may not be in a paper which may or may not be about to publish.

Spare yourselves the angst and do something more productive.


You saying you haven’t seen one person who has been seriously damaged and recovered is just the same as people saying PFS does not exist.

Yes you’re being too pessimistic because you are basing your conclusions on pure conjecture.

Optimism is crucial if you ever want to recover, I’m serious.


Exactly @silentpain89. Denial and hope is how many in these communities get by. I prefer reality. And then we can all decide for ourselves whether this is worth “living” with.

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There are a ton of people on this forum that exhibit completely black or white thinking. They “know” the answers ahead of publication and they “know” we’re doomed based on information given from another doctor that nobody has heard of but “knows” its a DNA mutation I can almost guarantee that when this study comes out, it isn’t going to provide you with a solution or cure.

If any of you want to improve the quality of your lives, you’re going to need to accept your current reality and figure out how to make your lives better. There are a few that say they can’t do anything for themselves, its not fair for me to speak for them, but even then putting all your hope in the outcome of one study is a recipe for a very unhappy outcome.


personally i dont even care if they insist on being over pessimistic. its not like they are helping advance in any way

im more concerned (unlike conspiracy peddlers) about other people being tipped over the edge for no reason