Baylor's study will be published - September deadline

Then why have I made good improvements recently?


If our DNA is damaged I wonder does that mean we can prove beyond any doubt that we have PFS ?


Yes the study proves PFS through whatever it finds


So much negativity in here makes me wonder what people were expecting? Did you think Baylor would come out and say ā€œTestosterone serum levels are too lowā€ or ā€œMonounsaturated fats need to be uppedā€?

This is exactly the kind of breakthrough that we are looking for and even though it seems grim, itā€™s no worse than throwing mud at the wall, spending thousands on obscure herbs and hormones with no idea what weā€™re doing. This is a target for treatment and provides an actual metric to observe in those pursuits. Coupled with that, this could be the type of research to get that medication ripped off of the market. We may have gotten the shit end of the stick, but it instills me with a lot of happiness to know that many others may avoid that same fate.

This is progress, letā€™s all just wait for the results to be published.


Too late for that

Now weā€™re going to be addressing ā€œdna fragmentation is permanentā€ until the actual study is published


If PFS can be proven beyond any doubt it will be a nightmare for Merck.


Forget about Merck bro

I donā€™t give a fuck what happens to them

Theyā€™re probably well protected by now and ready to fight any case

I just want to get better, and Baylor publishing is good news


Agree with this. Whatever happens, negative emotions, thoughts of revenge, etc will only hurt you. Not the people youā€™re angry with.

I can 100% get behind various ideas about how contemptible they are, but right now the focus must be on my own experience. I recommend others do the same.


Oh no ā€¦ Merk has to pay for it ā€¦ There is nowhere written that a drug causes the destruction of our DNA. It doesnā€™t exist anywhere on earth. They deserve to be wiped off the face of the earth. A drug that modifies DNA. And I shouldnā€™t be mad at them. Because they didnā€™t know ā€¦ I donā€™t believe it. It is not possible.


ā€œWe are probably suffering from shockingly severe DNA fragmentation, which can never be cured.ā€

Well, thanks for a sleepless night!

It does make me wonder why we as a group were more susceptible to this DNA damage than other Finasteride patients. Are our bodies genetically impaired to repair damaged DNA and cells? Do you guys have relatively slow healing wounds? I know I do.

That said, I am happy that a significant study on PFS may be released in the coming month, within my lifetime, and relatively short after my Finasteride exposure.
Letā€™s hope its contents provide many tangible results that can be worked with.
Letā€™s also hope itā€™s not as bad as OP suggests.


Finasteride definitely would not be the first drug that causes DNA damage. There are many drugs designed to destroy DNA, especially drugs invented to target cancer cells, which theoretically benefit from this ability. However these type of drugs are usually almost equally as carcinogenic as they are effective against cancer cells, so in many cases they make the situation worse or create new cancers in a patient altogether.

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This study is based upon women (for whom the drug was not developed and is rarely prescribed) using 5 mg per day for a year. PFS is not whatever the effects of long term use of finasteride (at any dose) are. Many male PFS patients develop the condition after a single, tiny dose of the drug and, apparently, the majority of men using the drug do so without any obvious untoward affects on their health. Itā€™s plausible that the predisposition to developing PFS is genetic; itā€™s something different about us, that causes such a remarkable reaction, rather than finasteride appreciably damaging any male who uses it. Therefore, I think the results of that study have little to no applicability to our situation and shouldnā€™t be the basis of any further anxiety here.

This doesnā€™t sound entirely accurate. The human genome has an estimated 20,000 - 25,000 genes in total; tens of thousands would be all or nearly all of the genome. Itā€™s long been spoken about or rumoured (based on different patients speaking with representatives from the Foundation) that the team at Baylor found hundreds and perhaps thousands of dysregulated genes, which sounds more plausible.

I really hope this information is correct. Iā€™m keeping my expectation that that will happen measured. Owing to the number of false dawns regarding this in the past, I think it prudent not to become too emotionally invested in firm expectations regarding the release date of this publication.


If itā€™s already under review AND they have a date, it means you can be pretty confident about it. Itā€™s likely been accepted already if they have a date.


Thereā€™s more than just our own personal experience. Iā€™d like to see it so the commons and the collective donā€™t succumb to the same fate. Itā€™s not about revenge for myself, itā€™s about having integrity that even if I canā€™t be healed or improved, I can hope that nobody else has to experience that.

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Itā€™s correct ban finastride on the market for alopecia.


I think it may not have been clear what I was saying.

At this point in time thereā€™s no point in being angry or upsetting yourself. Best to put all that stuff to one side for a while. Be angry later on if you like.

If this paper doesnā€™t publish next month, or if the paper doesnā€™t show what we need it to, or any other number of "if"s arenā€™t satisfied, then getting worked up at this time will only harm you.

Save your entirely reasonable anger for a time when it can be focused on something rather than imaginary situations and outcomes.


Agreed - by the sounds of it the paper will come out in the near future and does have something. Thatā€™s much more than weā€™ve had for ages.

Banning Finasteride will do nothing because there are still other drugs that cause PFS.

I am not here because of Finasteride.


Imagine once this info is confirmed how the lawsuit against Merck would have played out much differently. To my knowledge the majority of the cases are settled and thereā€™s very few fighting it left.

By the way to anyone here who is good at saving any findings of doctors in denial like that scum bag Ralph Trueb do so now before they try and retract any of there claims.


As I have said before, it isnā€™t helpful to form expectations about any study before the results come out. Iā€™m surprised this is allegedly coming out so soon, but keep in mind this message may have been lost in translation as it was before and then everybody got mad when the thing came out 3 months later.

This wouldnā€™t have changed any of the lawsuits materially. It is really hard to prove any specific individual developed PFS as a result of taking PFS without very clear biomarkers. Even if you can statistically prove Propecia causes PFS in general.

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