Baylor's study will be published - September deadline

Why would they tell you the results before it’s published? Isn’t this against the rules?

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can you please copy/past what they said in the email ? you’ll do us a big favour my friend , thanks

I beg to differ my friend…Many are suffering, very very few have gotten better and in the rarest of cases some have recovered…Let’s just stop hiding the sun with our hands…


@silentpain89 correct.

Melcangi spoken about epigenich change is similar?

You didn’t get my point , i was pointing out that the condition is reversible since some people have improved with protocols , we need to understand the cause first and then we can elaborate a protocol for a potential cure


No one questioned dna damage, in fact we’ve been anticipating it

You’re the one talking about fragmentation and how it’s worse

I work in biotech and literally fragment dna on a daily basis, and repair it all the time. Yeah it’s different on a lab plate than in your body but it’s not like dna is unrepairable


But in this moment the crispis work only laboratory for the people it s not possible.

I wrote directly to the Baylor doctor, Mohit Khera, he said so.

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You missed my point

Deliberately it seems

They are already doing crispr on people. Yeah it’s not going to be widely available to all of us at the moment but it’s still a possibility to fix the damage that OP speaks of


Do you use crispr to fix the fragmentation?

I hope my friend I hope all my heart.

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This talk about CRISPR frustrates me even me more…There is a billion billion dollar industry called „Cancer Therapy“ and actually 2 companies managed to engineer immune cells to carry some DNA Traits that attack specific cancer cells…DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH IT COSTS FOR ONE SESSION OF THESE GENETICALLY ENGINEERED CELLS??..Well Here in Germany it costs literally 500 TSD Euros for one patient, for one little small 30 ml bag of genetically modified T-Cells…And even then more than 70% of patients die afterwards…(They are called CAR-T cells, if you want to look them up)…
Do you really in your sound mind think, that anyone would be testing CRISPR on apparently „Healthy“ individuals who have sexual issues, and „some“ depression…STOP DREAMING PLEASE…


No I don’t do things that advanced. This is all with dna samples in tubes using enzymes and thermocyclers. Like I said in vivo is a whole different story but dna is not unrepairable


You better just ignore a lot of my messages then because I’ll be asking a lot of crispr questions

So OP is basically talking out of his ass about it being worse than methylation?

I wouldn’t say that, I’m not sure what the implications of dna damage within a living individual are or what would be done to fix that. I’m more skeptical of the fact that they told him all the results before the study is published

I believe airforlife talked to him before here seems to be a stand up guy…the study is over khera or the foundation can say whatever they want…Khera responded to me almost immediately back in April and told me it was publidhing in a few weeks which it did just the penile part but I didn’t ask anymore questions…

Its long been speculated and rumored here through mods that was genes deregulated.